Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Design of low-voltage supply and reference block based on the bandgap reference
Mudroch, Michal ; Kledrowetz, Vilém (oponent) ; Prokop, Roman (vedoucí práce)
In this diploma thesis there is elaborated design of low-voltage power supply block using I3T25 technology. The theoretical part describes the basic structures used in the design, using CMOS and bipolar devices. Furthermore, the properties and the analysis used in the evaluation are described. In the design part there is an elaborated design of individual parts, including voltage references, current references, DAC converter, operational amplifier. In the last part, the power supply block is subjected to simulations for verification of temperature compensated output variables and analyzed circuit functionality.
Design of low-voltage supply and reference block based on the bandgap reference
Mudroch, Michal ; Kledrowetz, Vilém (oponent) ; Prokop, Roman (vedoucí práce)
In this diploma thesis there is elaborated design of low-voltage power supply block using I3T25 technology. The theoretical part describes the basic structures used in the design, using CMOS and bipolar devices. Furthermore, the properties and the analysis used in the evaluation are described. In the design part there is an elaborated design of individual parts, including voltage references, current references, DAC converter, operational amplifier. In the last part, the power supply block is subjected to simulations for verification of temperature compensated output variables and analyzed circuit functionality.

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