Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Home automation, input and output modules
Ponechal, Mikuláš ; Novotný, Radovan (oponent) ; Levek, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor´s thesis mediates theoretical analysis of home automation using IoT application. The aim of the thesis is to desing input and output modules to make controlling of electronic devices easier for user. The first chapter describes wireless technologies which are mostly used in IoT applications, principles of measuring current in order to determine energy consumption and ways how to dim lights. The second chapter includes design of wireless communication between the modules and a central control station and specific module designs. The third chapter deals with the construction and testing of hardware modules.
Home automation, input and output modules
Ponechal, Mikuláš ; Novotný, Radovan (oponent) ; Levek, Vladimír (vedoucí práce)
The bachelor´s thesis mediates theoretical analysis of home automation using IoT application. The aim of the thesis is to desing input and output modules to make controlling of electronic devices easier for user. The first chapter describes wireless technologies which are mostly used in IoT applications, principles of measuring current in order to determine energy consumption and ways how to dim lights. The second chapter includes design of wireless communication between the modules and a central control station and specific module designs. The third chapter deals with the construction and testing of hardware modules.

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