Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
Konstrukce multifunkčního obráběcího centra
Neumann, Ondřej ; Holub, Michal (oponent) ; Blecha, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Design of multi-functional machining center The purpose of this diploma thesis is a design of turning table for multi-functional machining center. The first part is the background research of multi-functional machining centers, rotary tables, chip management and brief overview of chosen machining center’s manufacturers. The sphere of using of the designed machine, including parameters of turning table, and its basic parameters are determined on the basis of this research. Afterwards, the variants of turning table drives are drawn up and one variant of calculation and construction is made. Design of clamping desk and chip management of the machine is also made. Above a specified framework of this thesis, simplified machine foundation design and anchoring of machine parts to this basis is performed. The work also includes a 3D model of turning table and substructure. The complete set of constructed machining center was brought into immersion virtual reality environment.
Konstrukce multifunkčního obráběcího centra
Neumann, Ondřej ; Holub, Michal (oponent) ; Blecha, Petr (vedoucí práce)
Design of multi-functional machining center The purpose of this diploma thesis is a design of turning table for multi-functional machining center. The first part is the background research of multi-functional machining centers, rotary tables, chip management and brief overview of chosen machining center’s manufacturers. The sphere of using of the designed machine, including parameters of turning table, and its basic parameters are determined on the basis of this research. Afterwards, the variants of turning table drives are drawn up and one variant of calculation and construction is made. Design of clamping desk and chip management of the machine is also made. Above a specified framework of this thesis, simplified machine foundation design and anchoring of machine parts to this basis is performed. The work also includes a 3D model of turning table and substructure. The complete set of constructed machining center was brought into immersion virtual reality environment.

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