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Modern Methods of Realistic Lighting in Real Time
Szentandrási, István ; Pečiva, Jan (oponent) ; Herout, Adam (vedoucí práce)
Physically plausible illumination in real-time is often achieved using approximations. Recent methods approximate global illumination in the screen space by exploiting the capabilities of modern graphics cards. Two of these techniques, screen-space ambient occlusion and screen-space directional occlusion, are described in this work. Screen-space directional occlusion is a generalized version of screen-space ambient occlusion. It supports one indirect bounce of diffuse light and depends on the direction of incoming light. The main goal of this project is to further experiment with these methods and improve them. For a uniform distribution of the sampling points, the Halton sequence is used. In order to reduce the noise, geometry-aware bilateral filtering is applied. Methods are further sped up by computing them in a lower resolution, and they are restored to full resolution using joint bilateral upsampling in order to create the final image. Apart from global illumination techniques some shadow mapping techniques and high dynamic range rendering is discussed, too.
Modern Methods of Realistic Lighting in Real Time
Szentandrási, István ; Pečiva, Jan (oponent) ; Herout, Adam (vedoucí práce)
Physically plausible illumination in real-time is often achieved using approximations. Recent methods approximate global illumination in the screen space by exploiting the capabilities of modern graphics cards. Two of these techniques, screen-space ambient occlusion and screen-space directional occlusion, are described in this work. Screen-space directional occlusion is a generalized version of screen-space ambient occlusion. It supports one indirect bounce of diffuse light and depends on the direction of incoming light. The main goal of this project is to further experiment with these methods and improve them. For a uniform distribution of the sampling points, the Halton sequence is used. In order to reduce the noise, geometry-aware bilateral filtering is applied. Methods are further sped up by computing them in a lower resolution, and they are restored to full resolution using joint bilateral upsampling in order to create the final image. Apart from global illumination techniques some shadow mapping techniques and high dynamic range rendering is discussed, too.

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