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Manufacturing of Solar Absorber by Unconventional Methods
Mrňa, Libor ; Lidmila, Z. ; Podaný, K. ; Forejt, M. ; Kubíček, J.
Solar absorbers of flat type have the advantage of relatively simple production, but on the other hand, they have lower thermal efficiency and require perpendicular incidence of solar radiation on their surface. This contribution presents new type of solar absorbers where the above-mentioned disadvantages are reduced while keeping relative production simplicity. The solar absorber is characterized by the creation of the appropriate spatial structure in sheet metal by forming through a technology of drawing in flexible tools. This spatial structure not only increases the heat-transfer surface but also eliminates the need for perpendicular incidence of the incoming solar radiation. The component with this structure is fixed to the rear side of the absorber by laser welding. Inlet holes for the fluid are produced by Flow drill method.

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