Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting
Skácel, Miroslav ; Hannemann, Mirko (oponent) ; Szőke, Igor (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with modern approach of keyword spotting and spoken term detection in speech data. The bases of keyword spotting are described at first. The data representation used for experiments and evaluation are introduced. Keyword spotting methods where query is provided as an audio example (Query-by-Example) are presented. The scoring metrics are described and experiments follow. The results are discussed. Further, modern approaches of keyword spotting are suggested and implemented. The system with new techniques is evaluated and the discussion of results achieved follows. The conclusions are drawn and the discussion of future directions of development is held. The Appendix contains user manual for using implemented system.
Query-by-Example Keyword Spotting
Skácel, Miroslav ; Hannemann, Mirko (oponent) ; Szőke, Igor (vedoucí práce)
The aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with modern approach of keyword spotting and spoken term detection in speech data. The bases of keyword spotting are described at first. The data representation used for experiments and evaluation are introduced. Keyword spotting methods where query is provided as an audio example (Query-by-Example) are presented. The scoring metrics are described and experiments follow. The results are discussed. Further, modern approaches of keyword spotting are suggested and implemented. The system with new techniques is evaluated and the discussion of results achieved follows. The conclusions are drawn and the discussion of future directions of development is held. The Appendix contains user manual for using implemented system.

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