Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Qualification test of heat switch for Martian conditions
Mašek, Jakub ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
Master thesis examines the description of the heat switch project in general and findings that have been attained so far. The thesis focuses on the development of test facility to perform the proposed heat switch test campaign in simulated Martian conditions. The first section foremost aim is to describe the evolution of the Heat switch test chamber intended for extreme condition simulations, i.e. low pressure and temperatures, from a preliminary design to the final test configuration. Thesis deals with reasons of the chamber configuration modifications and serves proposal solutions of unpredictable incidents to be further confirmed or disapproved. The aim of the second part of the thesis is to design the test campaign of the Miniaturized heat switch from initial test chamber validation experiments, via calibration tests to approve the drafted facility configuration performance, to the Bread Board verification tests and EQM final Qualification test. In addition the thesis focuses on measured data evaluation procedure and related effects. The calibration tests of the chamber configuration and data evaluation verification tests all performed with the Dummy specimens are almost finished. Once the results will be approved, the test chamber and test procedure schemes will be ready for BB and EQM testing.
Calibration task of experimental device for space technology testing
Lazar, Václav ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Mašek, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
The Master thesis deals with an experimental test facility calibration procedure. The thesis focuses on a complex mathematical thermal model proposal, which describes the inner facility thermal processes during the specimen conductance measurements. The first section introduces the test facility, its limits, and the measurement principle. The necessary third version facility upgrades made to secure the prescribed test conditions are covered. The calibration need and reasons also resonate through the first section. The second part aims at the calibration specimens and the Thermal Model designs proposals. The specimens requirements and their final properties are brought forward. The determined heat losses calculations are completed with the defined refining procedure suggestion. The calibration specimens measurements were performed with a new test facility version three. The measured results will serve as calibration inputs for the Thermal Model tuning, necessary for the calibration task completion. The functional model will enable to proceed with the next phase of the test facility experiments.
Calibration task of experimental device for space technology testing
Lazar, Václav ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Mašek, Jakub (vedoucí práce)
The Master thesis deals with an experimental test facility calibration procedure. The thesis focuses on a complex mathematical thermal model proposal, which describes the inner facility thermal processes during the specimen conductance measurements. The first section introduces the test facility, its limits, and the measurement principle. The necessary third version facility upgrades made to secure the prescribed test conditions are covered. The calibration need and reasons also resonate through the first section. The second part aims at the calibration specimens and the Thermal Model designs proposals. The specimens requirements and their final properties are brought forward. The determined heat losses calculations are completed with the defined refining procedure suggestion. The calibration specimens measurements were performed with a new test facility version three. The measured results will serve as calibration inputs for the Thermal Model tuning, necessary for the calibration task completion. The functional model will enable to proceed with the next phase of the test facility experiments.
Qualification test of heat switch for Martian conditions
Mašek, Jakub ; Horák, Marek (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
Master thesis examines the description of the heat switch project in general and findings that have been attained so far. The thesis focuses on the development of test facility to perform the proposed heat switch test campaign in simulated Martian conditions. The first section foremost aim is to describe the evolution of the Heat switch test chamber intended for extreme condition simulations, i.e. low pressure and temperatures, from a preliminary design to the final test configuration. Thesis deals with reasons of the chamber configuration modifications and serves proposal solutions of unpredictable incidents to be further confirmed or disapproved. The aim of the second part of the thesis is to design the test campaign of the Miniaturized heat switch from initial test chamber validation experiments, via calibration tests to approve the drafted facility configuration performance, to the Bread Board verification tests and EQM final Qualification test. In addition the thesis focuses on measured data evaluation procedure and related effects. The calibration tests of the chamber configuration and data evaluation verification tests all performed with the Dummy specimens are almost finished. Once the results will be approved, the test chamber and test procedure schemes will be ready for BB and EQM testing.

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