Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Indoor positioning system using UWB signals
Sadleková, Simona ; Kufa, Jan (oponent) ; Rozum, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with the indoor object localization by using Ultra Wide Band signals (UWB). Physical layer for determination of the distances, which are needed for localization, is built from DW 1000 integrated chips in demonstration system TREK1000. The thesis describes the library for communication with TREK1000 system in C# language, to enable intuitive aplication of this system in various projects based on .NET framework. Subsequently, the thesis deals with the trilateration implemented in C# language, which brings the new method compared to the original feature and solves the problem with finding the tag position in case the spheres are not crossed in one point, but in the area of possible appearance.
Indoor positioning system using UWB signals
Sadleková, Simona ; Kufa, Jan (oponent) ; Rozum, Stanislav (vedoucí práce)
This bachelor thesis deals with the indoor object localization by using Ultra Wide Band signals (UWB). Physical layer for determination of the distances, which are needed for localization, is built from DW 1000 integrated chips in demonstration system TREK1000. The thesis describes the library for communication with TREK1000 system in C# language, to enable intuitive aplication of this system in various projects based on .NET framework. Subsequently, the thesis deals with the trilateration implemented in C# language, which brings the new method compared to the original feature and solves the problem with finding the tag position in case the spheres are not crossed in one point, but in the area of possible appearance.

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