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Ritterkreuz: Action Game with Artificial Intelligence
Kubala, Jan ; Vlnas, Michal (oponent) ; Milet, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this thesis is to create an action game which apart from the expected mechanics also delivers historical information in an interesting way. The game contains one level, which tries to authentically depict the Jabłonków incident, which was a skirmish between a German saboteur unit and Polish garrison at the Czech-Polish border. It is a stealth tactical first person shooter, which focuses on improved player movement, artificial intelligence of the enemies and accurate depiction of the local area. Player’s movement is a custom physics based solution which provides additional functionality, like multiple levels of crouch, or dynamic scaling of obstacles. The enemy AI has a range of behaviors, which allow it to function in both calm and combat environment and just like the player, it uses weapons with ballistically simulated projectiles. To make the map as accurate as possible, real life scanned cloud point data was used, which was then processed to generate the terrain. There is also a section with documents and notes compiled from various testimonies, which should familiarize the player with the circumstances of this skirmish.

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