Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Analysis of drive corned filler including feed worm and conveyer
Mahút, Tomáš ; Dočkal, Aleš (oponent) ; Dvořáček, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This final project solves a proposal of mechanism for splitting of unfilled cans before a can filling process in the food industry. From all possible options such as the one with a simple conception, easy applicated in practice and at a low price, should be chosen. The selected option is constructed and drawn in a 3D programme called AUTODESK Inventor 10. Please, see the attached technical drawings for the chosen parts.
Analysis of drive corned filler including feed worm and conveyer
Mahút, Tomáš ; Dočkal, Aleš (oponent) ; Dvořáček, Jiří (vedoucí práce)
This final project solves a proposal of mechanism for splitting of unfilled cans before a can filling process in the food industry. From all possible options such as the one with a simple conception, easy applicated in practice and at a low price, should be chosen. The selected option is constructed and drawn in a 3D programme called AUTODESK Inventor 10. Please, see the attached technical drawings for the chosen parts.

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