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Search engine for the BUT website
Vŕbik, Pavol ; Veigend, Petr (oponent) ; Dytrych, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a new search for the BUT IS using a full-text search tool. The originally used search was causing excessive load on the database, and therefore, needed to be replaced. Based on the analysis performed, Elasticsearch was selected as a suitable tool for full-text search. For this tool, text parsers were prepared to allow linguistic analysis in Czech and English. To synchronize the data between the central database and Elasticsearch, a tool was implemented that runs at regular intervals to keep the search up-to-date. The result of the work is a new search integrated into the search engines in the public part of the BUT information system.
BUT IS Modules for PhD Study Agenda
Sehnoutek, Patrik ; Kocman, Radim (oponent) ; Dytrych, Jaroslav (vedoucí práce)
This work aims to design and implement IS BUT modules for the agenda of PhD studies. The solution is implemented in PHP using Zend and Nette frameworks. The created solution allows students and employees to fill in and confirm an individual study plan, result sheet and annual evaluation. In addition, it provides employees with modules for displaying an overview of PhD students and their achieved results, and PhD students with a module for enrollment to the next academic year. The benefit of this work is a user-friendly web interface that speeds up and facilitates the work of students and employees.

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