Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Methodics of characterisation for the cold field-emission sources intended for electron microscopy
Štrbková, Lenka ; Grmela, Lubomír (oponent) ; Knápek, Alexandr (vedoucí práce)
The master’s thesis deals with the characterization method of the electron emitter for an electron microscope – Fowler-Nordheim analysis. The method is based on the presence of quantum tunnelling, which occurs during the field emission of electrons. The work contains the theoretical background to the topic, as well as the practical part. The theoretical introduction describes the electron emission, quantum tunnelling phenomenon and the parameters of the electron emitters. In the second part, the thesis focuses on the experimental study of the field-emission cathode. The essential characteristics of the emitter are computed. These characteristics determine the overall quality of electron emission, as well as provide information about the actual condition of the emitter. The results of the F-N analysis are subsequently compared with the results of the computer simulation of the field-emission. The simulation is performed in COMSOL Multiphysics software using the finite element method (FEM) and enables to assess the relevance and accuracy of the F-N analysis.
Methodics of characterisation for the cold field-emission sources intended for electron microscopy
Štrbková, Lenka ; Grmela, Lubomír (oponent) ; Knápek, Alexandr (vedoucí práce)
The master’s thesis deals with the characterization method of the electron emitter for an electron microscope – Fowler-Nordheim analysis. The method is based on the presence of quantum tunnelling, which occurs during the field emission of electrons. The work contains the theoretical background to the topic, as well as the practical part. The theoretical introduction describes the electron emission, quantum tunnelling phenomenon and the parameters of the electron emitters. In the second part, the thesis focuses on the experimental study of the field-emission cathode. The essential characteristics of the emitter are computed. These characteristics determine the overall quality of electron emission, as well as provide information about the actual condition of the emitter. The results of the F-N analysis are subsequently compared with the results of the computer simulation of the field-emission. The simulation is performed in COMSOL Multiphysics software using the finite element method (FEM) and enables to assess the relevance and accuracy of the F-N analysis.

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