Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Application for Video Tracking
Borek, Martin ; Drahanský, Martin (oponent) ; Orság, Filip (vedoucí práce)
This thesis focuses on an implementation of an application Video Anonymizer. The application tracks objects in a video and changes their appearance. The thesis deals with processing videos when using the FFmpeg library. It covers especially issues of frames seeking. It also covers tracking multiple objects, manually correcting their trajectories and anonymizing them. The preferred way of anonymization is defocusing objects. Furthermore, the thesis describes creating a multilingual user-friendly graphical user interface with the QT framework. A usability testing was performed and revealed that the graphical user interface is easy to use even when used for the first time. Besides, it proved that a user's guide is comprehensive and easily accessible right in the application.
Application for Video Tracking
Borek, Martin ; Drahanský, Martin (oponent) ; Orság, Filip (vedoucí práce)
This thesis focuses on an implementation of an application Video Anonymizer. The application tracks objects in a video and changes their appearance. The thesis deals with processing videos when using the FFmpeg library. It covers especially issues of frames seeking. It also covers tracking multiple objects, manually correcting their trajectories and anonymizing them. The preferred way of anonymization is defocusing objects. Furthermore, the thesis describes creating a multilingual user-friendly graphical user interface with the QT framework. A usability testing was performed and revealed that the graphical user interface is easy to use even when used for the first time. Besides, it proved that a user's guide is comprehensive and easily accessible right in the application.

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