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Dynamic and role of cytosekeletal proteins in mammalian sperm cells
Paleček, J. ; Dvořáková, K. ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Kubátová, Alena ; Moore, H. D. M.
The cytoskeleton of sperm head consists of resistant structural proteins of the nucleus and of perinuclear theca, which are largely rosponsible for the shaping of the nucleus. three mahjor cyteskeletal proteins, actin, tzubnulin and spectrin, are present in the head of mammalian spermatohzoa. Maoreober, the mictotubular cytoskeleton also contains other dynamic proteins, which have a morphological function within the cell and which are responsible for cell signalling processes.
Dynamic and role of cytosekeletal proteins in mammalian sperm cells
Paleček, J. ; Dvořáková, K. ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Kubátová, Alena ; Dráber, Pavel
The cytoskeleton of sperm head consists of resistant structural proteins of the nucleus and of perinuclear theca, which are largely rosponsible for the shaping of the nucleus. three mahjor cyteskeletal proteins, actin, tzubnulin and spectrin, are present in the head of mammalian spermatohzoa. Maoreober, the mictotubular cytoskeleton also contains other dynamic proteins, which have a morphological function within the cell and which are responsible for cell signalling processes.
Study of sperm proteins in modelspecies of chondrostean and teleostean fish
Koubek, Pavel ; Elzeinová, Fatima ; Linhart, O. ; Pěknicová, Jana
Specific in the study of fish reproduction is outer fertilization. spermatozoa are usually expelled into host medium of the outer encironment. The cells have to cope with an extremely different encironment and their protection against the outer environment is much weaker than that of oocytes. The way of fertilization also differs from mammalian fertilization.
Regulation and localization of sperm akaps during capacitation, activation, induced acrosomal reaction and binding to the oocyte
Kyselová, Vendula ; Pěknicová, Jana
Recent evidence suggests that the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is localized to specific subcellulatr compatrments trought association with A Kinase Anchoring Proteins (AKAPs). The AKAPs now represent a functionally related family of regulatory proteins containing a conserved PKA binding domain and a unique targeting sequence that direct the PKA-AKAP complex to subcellular structures.
Multigenerational study - effect of the selected compounds on the mouse fertility
Boubelík, Michael ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Kyselová, Vendula ; Buckiová, D.
Several compounds known to be effective for their influence onto the environment were tested. Compounds tested in this study were: benzo/a/ pyrene, lindane (hexachlorocyclohexane isomer), 4-n-nonylphenol, bisphenol A and octachlorostyrene. The question was if these compounds might also function as endocrine disruptors.
Estimation of the post-meiotic state of spermatogenesis in man by immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies against intra-acrosomal sperm proteins
Chládek, David ; Pěknicová, Jana
Male infertility due to severe azoospermia has been associated with the absence of spermatozoa in ejaculated. We tested the ejaculates (IVF latoratory Pranatal Ltd) from 30 patients with azoospermia for the presence of cells from defferent stages of spermiogenesis. Monoclonal sntibodews against intraacrosomal human sperm proteins were used in the immunofluorescence test for detection of acrosomal proteins in the acrosomal precursors and acrosomes.

Teplá, O. ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Mrázek, M. ; Kočí, K. ; Chládek, David ; Míka, M. ; Badalová, J. ; Pecka, T. ; Fulka, F.
Iscare IVF a.s. had a long record of successful azoospermic treatment since 1997, when the first pregnancies by MESA a TESE were published in the Czech republic. A series of diferent implanted laboratory techniques supported good results from last year. The medical problem is solved during the other field of application-histlogical findings and immunofluorescent methods.

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