National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The effect of low dose of vinclozolin on reproductive tract development in CD1 outbred mice
Elzeinová, Fatima ; Pěknicová, Jana ; Nováková, Vendula ; Buckiová, Daniela ; Kubátová, Alena
The effect of a low dose of vinclozolin within the development of the reproductive tract during gestation (VIN-GD 15-22) and puberty (VIN-PND 23-44) in CD1 mice was tested. We found a decrease in the anogenital distance, prostate weight and pathology of testes in both experimental groups. Sperm counts decreased to 46% (VIN-GD) and to 81% (VIN-PND), and also the acrosomal state (evaluated by antiacrosomal antibody) decreased in both groups to 89% in comparison to the control group (100%). Sperm head abnormalities increased by approximately 18% and 13%, respectively. In this connection, the expression of some genes was changed (arosome-related gene (Acr), apoptosis related genes (p53, p21)). In conclusion, a low dose of vinclozolin affected the reproductive tract, sperm parameters and expression of selected genes in both experimental groups.
The effect of low dose of vinclozolin on reproductive tract development in CD1 outbred mice
Pěknicová, Jana ; Elzeinová, Fatima ; Nováková, Vendula ; Buckiová, Daniela ; Kubátová, Alena
The effect of a low dose of vinclozolin within the development of the reproductive tract during gestation (VIN-GD 15-22) and puberty (VIN-PND 23-44) in CD1 mice was tested. We found a decrease in the anogenital distance, prostate weight and pathology of testes in both experimental groups. Sperm counts decreased to 46% (VIN-GD) and to 81% (VIN-PND), and also the acrosomal state (evaluated by antiacrosomal antibody) decreased in both groups to 89% in comparison to the control group (100%). Sperm head abnormalities increased by approximately 18% and 13%, respectively. In this connection, the expression of some genes was changed (arosome-related gene (Acr), apoptosis related genes (p53, p21)). In conclusion, a low dose of vinclozolin affected the reproductive tract, sperm parameters and expression of selected genes in both experimental groups.
Effect of endocrine disruptors on mammalian fertility
Pěknicová, Jana ; Nováková, Vendula ; Buckiová, Daniela ; Boubelík, Michael ; Elzeinová, Fatima ; Kubátová, Alena
Endocrine system is one of the most important regulatory systems in the mammalian body. The endocrine disruptors (ED) can disrupt the function of the endocrine system but their activity is not a result of the physiological regulation. The effect of low dose of selected ED, bisphenol-A (BPA), p-nonylphenol (NP), diethylstilbestrol (DES), genistein (GEN), resveratrol (RES)), hormone (17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2)) and polybrominated compound (tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA)) within development of reproductive tract in outbred CD1 mice was tested. BPA and NP had a negative effect on reproductive organs morphology and mouse spermatozoa. The fertility of mice exposed to DES was disrupted. Contrary to that, treatment by GEN and RES had no effect on the fertility of mice but had some effect on their reproductive parameters except for sperm integrity. Synthetic hormone (EE2) and polybrominated compound (TBBPA) also affected on the organ weight, reproductive parameters and sperm quality.
Development of right-left asymmetry in the chick embryo
Buckiová, Daniela ; Kofroňová, Olga ; Jelínek, R.
Using SEM we have studied the ventral surface of the chick node. In contrast to mouse, we have found neither the pit nor the cilia.
Abnormal skeletogenesis occurs in the Splotch (Sp2H) Mutant
Lišková, J. ; Růžičková, Kateřina ; Buckiová, Daniela
Homozygous Splotch embryos (days 16.5-18.5 of gestation)displayed severe rib and neural arches abnormalities. (100% penetrance).

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