Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Study of mechanical properties and dynamics of biomembranes and single molecules with the use of laser beam - an overview
Jonáš, Alexandr ; Zemánek, Pavel
A micron-sized dielectric particle confined in a laser trap can be employed as a probe for the measurement of forces in the range from piconewtons to hundreds of piconewtons. Thus, if a biological system of interest (e.g. DNA molecule, single myosin or kinesin molecule, cell membrane) is attached to such a probe, its mechanical and dynamical properties (elasticity, viscosty, forces associated with movement) can be studied during its interaction with the environment with unprecedented resolution. This article introduces the basic principles of the laser trapping and force measurement and illustrates on several examples the great potential of the light-based force transducer for exploiting non-invasively the dynamics of basic biological systems.
Measurement of the Optical Trap Stiffness
Jákl, Petr ; Jonáš, Alexandr ; Zemánek, Pavel ; Liška, M.
An optical trap for dielectric microparticles is usually approximated by a parabolic potential well, whose profile is characterized by a single constant - trap stiffness. This stiffness can be estimated using several methods, including Fourier spectral analysis of the thermal noise of the trapped particle position, or method based on equipartition theorem. The principles of the trap calibration and experimental results are presented.
Digital Controlled Electronics for Three-dimension Hydrophone Position System
Václavík, V. ; Rozman, J. ; Číp, Ondřej ; Mikel, Břetislav
Set of geared DC motors is employed as mechanical actuator for three-dimensional positioning of the needle hydrophone probe in the ultrasound scannig tank. High-resolution position sensors inside DC motors and a digital signal processing used for digital PID servo-loop improves dynamic range and precision of the sensor position set up.

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