Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
China's rare earth monopoly: a study of the U.S. discourse
Lee, Chi Sin ; Riegl, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Romancov, Michael (oponent)
This thesis examines the way in which China's share of the rare earths global industry is constructed as a threat. The central argument of the research is that the US discourse presented a new form of danger through the lens of classical geopolitical thinking, thus, creating a new type of prospective conflict derived from resources that are perceived to be scarce and yet relatively abundant. It argues that the construction of this 'threat' that the US faces is a constant articulation of perceived vulnerabilities in shaping geopolitical identities and reinforcing ideologies through which are carried out by different actors. Rare earths are crucial for modern conditions and their applications include commercial, military and green technology but mining and production are neither economical nor environmentally friendly. The People's Republic of China is the principal exporter of these rare metals, but because of a territorial dispute in the South China Sea in 2010 it has been labelled as a monopoly power. This study seeks to examine the constructed threat that China poses to the US. China, here, is not only constructed to be a resource hungry giant but also a malicious state that would utilise its 'monopoly' status as geopolitical leverage. The thesis will employ discourse analysis and wisdoms of...
Political Engagement and Identity Awareness among Czech-Vietnamese University Students
Lee, Shang-Yen ; Young, Mitchell (vedoucí práce) ; Augusteijn, Joost (oponent)
Cílem této diplomové práce je výzkum občanské a politické angažovanosti u vysokoškolských studentů hlásícím se k vietnamské národnosti, kteří jsou považováni za druhou generaci vietnamské komunity žijící v České republice. Odborná literatura počítá s plnou integrací druhé generace vietnamské menšiny žijící v České republice. Hypotéza této práce je postavena polemice s odbornou literaturou a předpokládá, že se většina vysokoškolských studentů vietnamské národnosti z druhé generace vietnamské komunity žijících v České republice stále setkává s různými společenskými překážkami, které ovlivňují jejich ochotu se politicky nebo občansky angažovat. Zvolenou metodou je kvalitativní sociologický výzkum, konkrétně polo- strukturovaný rozhovor s patnácti studenty vietnamské národnosti, kteří studují na vysokých školách v Praze. Výsledky výzkumu nejen potvrzují hypotézu a prokazují úzkou provázanost politické angažovanosti s občanskou angažovaností a identitou menšin, ale objevují, že u cílové skupiny existuje rozdíl v přístupu k politické a občanské angažovanosti. Tato práce v závěru poukazuje na potřebu přehodnotit tradiční typologie politické angažovanosti.
China's rare earth monopoly: a study of the U.S. discourse
Lee, Chi Sin ; Riegl, Martin (vedoucí práce) ; Romancov, Michael (oponent)
This thesis examines the way in which China's share of the rare earths global industry is constructed as a threat. The central argument of the research is that the US discourse presented a new form of danger through the lens of classical geopolitical thinking, thus, creating a new type of prospective conflict derived from resources that are perceived to be scarce and yet relatively abundant. It argues that the construction of this 'threat' that the US faces is a constant articulation of perceived vulnerabilities in shaping geopolitical identities and reinforcing ideologies through which are carried out by different actors. Rare earths are crucial for modern conditions and their applications include commercial, military and green technology but mining and production are neither economical nor environmentally friendly. The People's Republic of China is the principal exporter of these rare metals, but because of a territorial dispute in the South China Sea in 2010 it has been labelled as a monopoly power. This study seeks to examine the constructed threat that China poses to the US. China, here, is not only constructed to be a resource hungry giant but also a malicious state that would utilise its 'monopoly' status as geopolitical leverage. The thesis will employ discourse analysis and wisdoms of...
Qualitative study of itinerant specialist support for the inclusion of preschoolers with disabilities in the Czech Republic
Lee, Soo Hoon ; Šiška, Jan (vedoucí práce) ; Strnadová, Iva (oponent)
Why is the brilliant concept of inclusion so complex and is failing?. What has gone wrong or rather what is not right in practice? Maybe, one of the answers could be found in the way the inclusive practitioners in practice use disability terminologies in educational settings. In this view, the study seeks to sensitize education professionals practicing inclusion in all educational settings to pay attention to the terminologies that they use in their day to day language communication with others to describe people with disabilities. In writing and speaking about, and with people with disabilities, whether they are young or old, it is most important to use appropriate terminology. Firstly, it demonstrates to all that we value people with disabilities as members of our society. Secondly, it educates those who read and hear what we say, about appropriate terminology, and therefore gives them an opportunity too, to help develop and promote, inclusive and equitable values. The main aim of this study is to identify the effects of using appropriate disability terminologies by inclusive professionals in interacting and communicating with students with special educational needs. Ultimately, education professionals are viewed as agents of change and appeared to play a vital role in enhancing inclusive practices....
Structure of an immunoactive polysaccharide isolated from Korean mulberry fruit (Morus alba L.)
Bleha, R. ; Lee, J. S. ; Capek, P. ; Pohl, Radek ; Kim, H. B. ; Choi, D. J. ; Lee, S. ; Lee, J. ; Jang, S. J. ; Synytsya, A. ; Park, Y. I.
A water-soluble polysaccharide (JS-MP-1) was isolated from the water extract of Korean white mulberry fruits (Morus alba L.) by ethanol precipitation and then purified by DEAE-cellulose ion exchange chromatography. Obtained final polysaccharide (1600 KDa) consisted of galactose, arabinose and rhamnose as major neutral sugars. JS-MP-1 also contains galacturonic and glucuronic acids (4:1). Sugar linkage, FTIR and correlation NMR analyses confirmed that it is a rhamnogalacturonan type I (RG I), which contains the alternating sequence of 1,4-alpha-D-GalAp and 1,2-alpha-L-Rhap units in the backbone. Neutral sugar side chains of JS-MP1 were identified as (1 -> 5)-alpha-L-arabinan and arabinogalactan type II (AG II) having the (1 -> 6)-beta-D-galactan core. The arabinan side chains are bound to the backbone at the O-4 position of some alpha-L-Rhap units, while the way of linkage between RG I and AG II chains is unclear. It was demonstrated that JS-MP-1 significantly stimulates murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells to release chemokines (RANTES and MIP-1 alpha) and proinflammatory cytokines like INF-alpha and IL-6, and induce the iNOS and COX-2 gene expression, which are responsible for the production of NO and prostaglandin PGE2, respectively. These results suggest that JS-MP-1 can act as a potent immunomodulator and these observations may support the applicability of this polysaccharide or the water extracts of mulberry fruit can be used as an immunotherapeutic adjuvant or health beneficial food material.

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