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Novels by Chaim Potok, Philip Roth, and I.B. Singer Responding to the State of Israel
The topic of this bachelor thesis is the analysis of novels of three Jewish American authors Chaim Potok, Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and their respective approach to the establishment and development of the State of Israel. The theoretical part of the thesis considers the historical events and summarizes basic terms necessary for further research. In the following part the novels are analyzed in terms of their devices and the various perspectives of Israel provided by the protagonists. The final part of the thesis attempts to compare the novels in terms of common and individual features and their respective impact on the reader. As each of the novels covers a different period, they are eventually used to demonstrate how the public approach to the State of Israel has changed over time.
Aspects of dying and death in selected world religions
Dying, death and burial of dead people, those are integral parts of each one´s life. However, despite this fact, the death and everything connected to it is understood by the society as something negative or taboo. Dying, which can take different time, is the last stage of one´s life. Death means the end of an organism, and it must always be stated by a doctor. Nowadays, the death moved from a home to an institution. That is the reason why it is nowadays said to much about the medicalization of death and depersonalization of dying people. Especially in recent years, the phenomenon of taboo of death, which is defined as a lack of basic knowledge in carrying out effective nursing care for the dying, is getting forward. Accordingly to fact that the death and dying is an everyday part of the nursing profession, nurses must have lots of knowledge and skill prerequisites for providing a succesful performance in their nursing career. It is necessary for a nurse, to provide a culturally competent care and if so, he or she must recognize not only the cultural profile of the patient, but also his or her own attitudes, values, heritage, cultural behavior and recognition of specifics in terms of similarites and differences between the minority and majority. In the Czech Republic there live 10,436,560 inhabitants, being part of 23 different nationalities and within this population, there is 2,168,952 people which are believers. At the time of an evolving globalization-unifying the society it is required to have the knowledge of cultural specificities and differences in connection with dying, death and transcultural nursing. My bachelor thesis named Aspects of dying and death in selected world religions, is based only on theoretical background and it tries to describe individual differences which are obvious in selected world religions, namely Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism, focusing on the final stage of a human life in the formo f dying, death and burial. This work is supposed to have an informative character. The goal, while making this paper, was to provide the reader with a basic picture of four world religions and their attitude in the case of death and dying patients from different cultures and different religious beliefs, than our general society has. A big part of my analysis is a description of a situation, where cultural destructiveness, disability or blindness may occur, thanks to the not-knowing of cultural specificities of the patient, while providing the transcultural nursing care. To obtain the information conserning the current state of knowledge that is described on the following pages of this work, it was necessary to study a large number of bibliographic documents both from Czech, as well as from foreign experts who deal with dying and death and religion itself. Other important sources for this work were professional journals, including the magazine Contact, which is published by the fakulty of Health and Social Care, with the University of South Bohemia, which describes the latest findings, regarding nursing topics so they are related to the topic of this thesis. With the help of operationalization of key words, for searching i used the PudMed professional databases Scopus and EBSCO. This thesis should be enought to explain the differences that are evident in various religions, and thus enable to navigate better in the topic of transcultural nursing at the time of death and dying. The work could also increase the interest of individuals in these phenomenom. The results obtained can be used as a background material for teaching of nursing subjects or for example, as a contribution for seminars, courses and conferences dealing with this issue.
Philosophical interpretation of works of Marc Chagall
This thesis covers the interpretation of life and work of Marc Chagall, jewish painter of 20th century. Goal of the thesis is to highlight symbolic motives of his work, and later on interpret those on selected pieces. The thesis is divided into four parts. First part is devoted to the life of the painter and his jewish origin, which had a significant influence on the character of his work. Second part covers the meaning of symbols in art and religon in general. Third tries to compare Chagall's conveyance with two jewish philosophers of the dialog: E. Lévinas and F. Rosenzweig. Fourth then interprets selected pieces with philosophical or religious extent. Whole thesis is based on the conception that art is able to convey messages and interpret the world around us.
Palestinsko-izraelský konflikt: vliv židovských náboženských stran na mírový proces
Ráž, Pavel ; Volenec, Otakar (advisor)
Práce se zabývá vývojem palestinsko-izraelského konfliktu a především mírovým procesem od počátku 90. let. Na znalosti historických souvislostí staví rozbor struktury izraelské společnosti, především zdůrazňuje její výraznou etnickou a náboženskou diverzitu. Ve své stěžějní části je práce zaměřena na hlavní náboženské politické strany. Rozebírá jejich postoje k dlouhodobému konfliktu mezi Palestinci a Izraelci a jejich postoje a vliv na mírový proces směřující k vyrovnání mezi oběma národy.
Interreligious dialogue and bioethics
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of interreligious dialogue and bioethics. The thesis analyses ethical context of specific biomedical issues, namely euthanasia, abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic stem cells research viewed through the eyes of three world monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Sacred books, published documents and further available sources are used to explain the approach of those religions to the bioethical issues (answering the questions of why and how these religions approach the issues). The aim of the theoretical piece of work is to show observed differences and similarities. At the beginning of the thesis there is a general description of the religions in the context of medical ethics. It briefly characterizes religious beliefs and shows documents which these ethical beliefs are based on. The work shows differences but also common features of monotheistic religions. After the religions are discussed in general there is a chapter focused exclusively on interreligious dialogue. The thesis stresses out the importance of an open discussion between religions which leads to unity and reconciliation. Interreligious dialogue represents openness to unknown and willingness to a discussion. It is not possible not to mention a project called Global Ethic by a Swiss professor of theology Hans Küng, who is thoroughly interested in an interreligious dialogue mentioned above. Further chapters of the diploma thesis deal with specific bioethical questions and with the approach of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to these questions. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the issue of euthanasia followed by abortions, assisted reproduction and finally by embryonic stem cells research. The knowledge gained by studying the available sources shows that out of the listed bioethical issues world religions are mostly uniform in the opinion on euthanasia. All the monotheistic religions refer to untouchability and sanctity of human life from its beginning to natural death. It is only God who is a creator and possessor of all creation. That is why euthanasia and assisted suicide is seen negatively and at a distance as an act which does not belong to the hands of man. In 2005 the representatives of the three monotheistic religions in the Czech Republic signed a document in which they express their common negative attitude to the issue of euthanasia. Contrary to the opinion expressing agreement on the end of human life, which is seen by all the religions as the moment of natural death, there is a non-uniform opinion on its beginning. The differences in opinions of Christians, Jews and Muslims on the beginning of human life shape their attitude to abortions, assisted reproductions and also to embryonic stem cells research. In Christianity human life begins at the moment of conception and therefore from ethical point of view it has the most controversial attitude to such medical techniques. The life of the mother is valued in the same way as the life of the fetus. In Judaism an embryo has got lower status than an unborn child, therefore this religion has a slightly more benevolent attitude than Christianity. However, certain boundaries which are discussed below must be followed. In Islam the point crucial for the questions of abortion, assisted reproduction and embryonic cell stems research is when a soul is breathed into a fetus. It is only after this moment when embryo gains the status of a human person and therefore becomes untouchable. Islam and Judaism have a less strict attitude to the bioethical issues (except for euthanasia) than Christianity. The diploma thesis presents a review of opinions and values of certain monotheistic religions on bioethics issues with the concentration on interreligious dialogue. It brings an overview of similarities and differences in ethical opinions.
Modern Sacral Architecture.
The thesis deals with European sacral architecture of the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Particularly, it refers to Judaic, Roman-Catholic and Islamic buildings. The second part puts into historical context the sacral constructions of individual religions including their function, characters and typology. In the third part of this thesis the representative sample of significant modern sacral constructions is selected, always under circumstances regarding their creation, the urban description and the setting in a specific location as well as the architectural layout, the interior arrangment and a possible use of special technological procedures at their construction. The mutual comparison and the evaluation of the modern European sacral architecture development are carried out in the fourth part. This section notices the function and the usage of light and presents some extraordinary buildings from this point of view. The final fifth part tries to answer the question, how a modern temple should look like.
Leisure-time and society activities of Jews living in Prague from the end of 19th century to 1939
HRONOVÁ, Kateřina
The study deals with Prague Jews and their free time in the period between the end of 19th century and the year 1939. It focuses on society and leisure-time activities organized by Jewish Religious Community in Prague and other oficial jewish establishments, which influenced particular societies. It means especially those, which focused on education, social work, culture, sport and scouting. The thesis shows what the particular kinds of groups were doing and what organized for their members and also for the public. The author also indicates which aspects could influence Jewish free time activities and what the Old Testament and Talmud say about some leisure-time activities. In the end, she summarizes the specifics how the Jews who lived in the first half of 20th century in Prague were spending free time and evaluates the situation with respect to religion and tradition.
Historical view of charity and charity activities of Jewish people in Bohemia until 1914
The thesis deals with the history of charity itself and charity of Jewish people in Bohemia from their approach until 1914. The first chapter describes the approach in a longer historical context from the very beginning through the Middle Ages to the Early modern period, and the laws and regulations which influenced their lives. The second chapter defines interrelation of the Jewish religion and the provision of charity. Activities of the clubs and individuals in terms of maintaining and building synagogues together with providing charity are presented in the third chapter. It shows the main activities and approaches of individual clubs, associations and people to social problem solving. The chapter also introduces clubs that are relatively unknown and explains their activities. The fourth chapter entirely focuses on the description and activity of the club of Chevra Kadisha. It describes the origins and contents of its activity and it also deals with the dignity of the act during funerals and activities associated with it.
Image of women in monotheistic religions
This thesis deals with woman, with her life and status, from the perspective of the tradition of the three world?s monotheistic religions ? Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The text of my work is mainly focused on the life of women within the family. I focus on typically female role ? teenage girl, wife and mother. The aim is to reflect a woman?s life from her birth to adulthood and find out which specifics bring the various religions to this life. The aim of work isn?t find differences in the female role by individual religious traditions, but rather to find what connects in this area all these religions and how it can inspire contemporary society. The work is bases mainly on primary sources defining the individual religions, such as the Bible ? Old and New Testament and Qu?ran.

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