National Repository of Grey Literature 29 records found  previous9 - 18nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Measurement of DVB-T transmission over simulated fading channel
Vašut, Jakub ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (referee) ; Štukavec, Radim (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to study basic functional elements of coder and modulator of standart DVB-T. Another goal is to study documentation of DVB-T modulator DTA-110T and ASI/SDI adapter DTA-145 by DekTec. Also is described software channel simulator DTC-305 and parameter settings of simulated fading channel. Fading channels are measured and assigned their effect on quality of received DVB-T signal.
Error Analysis in Measurements on the MPEG-2 TS Digital TV Transmision
Chrobák, Jan ; Slanina, Martin (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (advisor)
This essay shows up the monitoring and error measuring in transportation stream MPEG-2 TS during the digital TV broadcat recieving accordingly to the DVB standard. There are DVB definitions and standards for transportation stream transmition, decoding conditions and service informations chart described in the introduction of this essay. The measuring decoder R&S DVMD has been used for experimental measuring in the laboratory. This decoder enables long-time monitoring and automatized errors evaluation of particular priorities. The processed results of DVB-T multiplex 1 and 2 and DVB-S, paket CS link, TV broadcat recieving are the part of this essay as well.
Design of Multiplex Optical Fibre Link
Krejča, Libor ; Křivánek, Vítězslav (referee) ; Kyselák, Martin (advisor)
In this thesis I consider problems of optical multiplexers, optical amplifiers and designing optical networks with this components. CWDM and DWDM are the most common used multiplexers today. I describe principles of realization multiplexers from basic level to realization in WDM networks. EDFA is also common used amplifier today and I describe his internal structure and how it works. Today, we can observe many realization of optical netwoks with Raman amplifiers, especially in long haul networks. Raman amplifier is characterized in brief. In next chapter I describe the design of optical communication systems and the main designing equations are explained. Then I used the equations for example of designing optical communication system with multiplexers, EDFAs and other components, which are needed for function of the system. In last chapter I explain mathematical model of signal propagation in optical fiber called nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which includes main optical effects in fiber like chromatic dispersion or Kerr effect. The simulation model and his numeric solution was designed including PMD effect, the simulation model is programmed in MATLAB.
Dependability Assessment Based on SMC
Gajdošík, Róbert ; Lojda, Jakub (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyhodnotiť ukazalete spoľahlivosti výpočtových systémov. V pr- vom rade bola založená terminológia ktorá vysvetľuje základné pojmy ohľadom štatistiky and spoľahlivosti. Ďalej boli v tomto kroku preskúmané typy a vlastnosti chýb ktoré sa v takýchto systémoch vyskytujú, a techniky ktoré sa dajú využit na ich potlačenie alebo zmiernenie ich dopadu na fungovanie systému. V ďalšom kroku boli vysvetlené základné koncepty ohľadom modelovania a simulácie ako aj krátky nahľad do presností jednotlivých techník ktoré boli zvažované ako možnosti ktoré by boli použiteľné pri samotnom pro- cese generovania dát. Po rozhodnutí ísť cestou štatistickej simulácie boli v ďalšom kroku zavedené metódy pre generovanie dát analytickým spôsobom ktoré slúžia na overenie dát vygenerovaných štatistickými simuláciami, do úrovne kde je ešte možné sa k nim dostať re- latívne jednoduchými výpočtami. Nasleduje prehľad nástrojov na implementáciu modelov našich systémov, ich výhody a nevýhody a miera použiteľnosti. V ďalšich krokoch boli vo vybranom nástroji Uppaal SMC naimplementované niektoré vybrané systémy a situácie na základe časovych automatov, a následne boli vyhodnotené oproti iným metódam zlepšenia spoľahlivosti ako aj oproti analyticky dosiahnutým dátam. Práca končí zavermi ktoré boli vyvodené z testovacích dát.
Simultaneous transmission of photonic services in fibre optics
Látal, Michal ; Horváth, Tomáš (referee) ; Münster, Petr (advisor)
Diploma thesis focuses on simultaneous transmission of selected photonic services by one single-mode optical fiber. The thesis deals with the problem of common transmission of multiple photonic services by one optical fiber using the wavelength division multiplex technology. Furthermore, the origin and influence of nonlinear phenomena accompanying the simultaneous transmission of photonic services are described. Except common data transmission with a bitrate of 10 Gbit/s, a common high-speed data signal transmission with a bitrate of 200 Gbit/s, accurate time transmission and high-power sensor signal are considered. During the aimultaneous transmission of selected photonic services, the measurement of the transmission parameters was performed for various variants of the simultaneous transmission arrangement. In particular, the influence of nonlinear phenomena and possible mutual interference of individual transmission channels at 50 and 100 GHz between signals was analyzed.
Highly multiplexed virus detection in research of multifactorial diseases
Kunteová, Kateřina ; Cinek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Saláková, Martina (referee)
Next generation sequencing, which allows concurrent parallel sequencing of many samples and makes it possible to distinguish the infection from multiple viral types in the sample, is well suited as a detection format for such assays described below. The aim of the thesis was to develop a method that could detect all known types of human adenoviruses, human enteroviruses, and bacteriophages selected for their presence in the intestine. Using the next- generation sequencing. The first step was to design primers capable of detecting all known types of viruses, covering the area that is capable of distinguishing these viruses. This method was tested on a set of 47 human adenovirus samples and 30 human enterovirus samples of known serotype. Samples with two serotypes in different proportions were also created. After amplification of the target genome, the samples were purified and sequenced on MiSeq, Illumina. The method was further used in the typing of adenoviruses, enteroviruses and bacteriophages in pre-diabetic cohorts of DIPP, MIDIA, and a cohort of diabetics from African and Asian countries. The tested sample was RNA / DNA isolated from the stool specimen. We have demonstrated that the method is capable to detect all tested virus types, including infections with two different types, even if the...
Software defined optical network
Kloda, Tomáš ; Horváth, Tomáš (referee) ; Kočí, Lukáš (advisor)
This thesis is focused on explanation of software defined networking and communication via OpenFlow protocol with description of transmitted messages. This thesis deals with software defined optical networking, which describes combinations of OpenFlow with other technologies and methods to control the optical path. In another part, the thesis is focused on the description of the physical layer of optical backbone networks, where there is a description of multiplexers, DWDM technology and optical elements. This thesis also includes designs of software defined optical network with implementation of extended header for transmission in the optical domain. Outcome of this thesis are simulations, which include synchronization between the elements during initialization of software defined optical network with occurence of delay. At the end, the thesis is focused on simulations of the actual data transfer within the proposed software defined optical network.
Usage of polarization multiplexing in optical access networks
Jakoubek, Petr ; Čučka, Milan (referee) ; Šifta, Radim (advisor)
This thesis reviews polarization multiplexing and its similarities, advantages and disadvantages to other types of multiplexing methods. The basics of optical fibers and its effects on transmission are discussed in terms of commonly used multiplexes. Additionally, divisions of optical access networks and multiplexing methods which could be used simultaneously with polarization multiplexing along with active and passive elements used for high-speed transmission such as polarization multiplex are described. Practical measurements of temperature influence to polarization and signal crosstalk in the amount of 70 °C and -40 °C are also included. The practical and theoretical measurements on 1 Gb signal led in G.652.D fiber for different situations are examined. Measurements containing 1 Gb signal includes test on triple play services (voice, video, data). First practical measurement on 1 Gb transmission shows how white noise, representing analog television, transmitted in the first polarization beam affects the signal in the second polarization beam. Second practical measurements show how two data streams transmitted through a single fiber at the same wavelength, but different polarization beams, creates a full duplex connection between two network elements. Results confirm the possibility on the usage of polarization multiplexing in optical access networks at common temperatures.
Measurement of DVB-T transmission over simulated fading channel
Vašut, Jakub ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (referee) ; Štukavec, Radim (advisor)
The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to study basic functional elements of coder and modulator of standart DVB-T. Another goal is to study documentation of DVB-T modulator DTA-110T and ASI/SDI adapter DTA-145 by DekTec. Also is described software channel simulator DTC-305 and parameter settings of simulated fading channel. Fading channels are measured and assigned their effect on quality of received DVB-T signal.
Error Analysis in Measurements on the MPEG-2 TS Digital TV Transmision
Chrobák, Jan ; Slanina, Martin (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (advisor)
This essay shows up the monitoring and error measuring in transportation stream MPEG-2 TS during the digital TV broadcat recieving accordingly to the DVB standard. There are DVB definitions and standards for transportation stream transmition, decoding conditions and service informations chart described in the introduction of this essay. The measuring decoder R&S DVMD has been used for experimental measuring in the laboratory. This decoder enables long-time monitoring and automatized errors evaluation of particular priorities. The processed results of DVB-T multiplex 1 and 2 and DVB-S, paket CS link, TV broadcat recieving are the part of this essay as well.

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