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Diagnostics of school maturity and school readiness
SÝKOROVÁ, Štěpánka
In my bachelor´s work I have focused on problems of school readiness and maturity. My objective was to asses the optimal school maturity in pre-school class. In the theoretical part I described the pre-school session, school maturity and readiness and its characteristics. I compared the different definitions of school readiness and maturity, as indicated in the literature. On the basis of the research and consultation I approached appropriate diagnostic materials for detecting the level of school maturity. The practical part includes the results of investigation on selected sample of children with the use of diagnostic methods and casuistry of school immature children and as well children, who had delay of school attendance last year.
Detection of Lyme disease spirochetes in clinical samples by PCR-based methods and optimalization of conditions borrelia cultivation conditions from samples of patients with LB symptoms
The samples under investigation were collected in Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases of the University Hospital (Brno). Group of patients (100) was heterogeneous in terms of symptoms, age and sex. The samples were taken from patients with an LB diagnosis and from those with nonspecific symptoms. Molecular typing of LB spirochetes in clinical samples (104 blood/serum, 89 cerebro-spinal fluid and 1 synovial fluid) became necessary when the general immunological tests gave unclear results. The samples were analyzed using PCR-based and molecular biology techniques that include: nested- and spacer-PCR, specie-specific PCR, sequence, virtual hybridization, in silico RFLP analysis, similarity search. Results of conducted analysis confirmed that 51% of samples (98) were positive on B. bugrdorferi sensu lato. Using above mentioned techniques 6 spirochete species from B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex were identified; two of them weren?t detected in samples of human origin in Europe yet. Comparative analysis of two media for Borrelia cultivation from samples of human origin definitely proved the adventage of using MKP instead of traditionally used BSK-H Complete.
Pectoris angina as a symptom of acute myocardial infarction in urgent care
ŠVORC, Jaroslav
This dissertation deals with the topic of stenocardia as the symptom of an acute myocardial infarction in prehospital emergency care. The goal of my work is to map the time lag from the first symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction to giving an urgent non-hospital first aid. The introductory part summarizes basic terms of anatomy and physiology of the considered system. The theoretical part of my work includes an ischemic disease and the most frequent risk factors which patients bear. The theoretical part is mainly dedicated to an acute myocardial infarction, i.e. its origin, symptoms, diagnostics, and treatment. The final part deals with issues concerning education of a patient from a medical rescuer's point of view. My work also involves a research part including the file of patients with diagnosed acute myocardial infarction. I nave got the data using retrospective analysis of the outgoing cards of the patients of the Medical Rescue Service Team of Ústí Region, with diagnoses of an acute myocardial infarction. The data has been processed into a table from which other graphs and tables in research part result. It observes the time lag from the first symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction to calling for help and giving an urgent non-hospital first aid. I also follow the main symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction (pain, propagation of pain). The research part results into conclusion, that the majority of patients calls for Medical Rescue Service Team within 3 hours after appearing the first symptoms of stenocardia. The patients mainly call for help within 1 hour after the first problems appear in this 3 hours interval.
This baccalaureat thesis goes into the range of specific learning dysfunctions, appearing by the pre-school children with special focus on the critical points connected with reading and writing. The theoretical part of my thesis concerns the terminology of specific learning dysfunctions, describes the typical features of pre-school child's psychosomatic evolution, mentions the reasons, diagnosis and possible remedies at once. The practical part of my thesis presents the results of research, which was focused on the option of using the test "Risks of reading and writing malfunctions appearing by the early scholars". All the gained results are analysed in the final part of my thesis
Use a Fine Art in a Leisure Time of the Children
The children{\crq}s leisure time is characterized as a time when children are free to choose an activity which they will perform on. It could be a drawing, molding, some cuttings, agglutination and/or composition. Paper, plasticine, colour-box, crayons, shoddy and skewers are used within children{\crq}s activities. The children{\crq}s needs are specific, according the children{\crq}s age; consequently they put different demands on individuals.
Electronic Control Unit for Engines and its Diagnostics
This paper summarizes information to be used to gain background knowledge related to the control systems of the spark-ignition combustion engines of cars and their diagnostics. The essentials part of this paper includes the explanation of the principles of each part of the systems. Next part includes explanation of the serial and parallel diagnostics including examples of diagnostics measurements. Last part this paper is engaged in the measuring technology.
Diagnostics of Interests in the Pubescence
This work inquires into diagnostics of teenagers` interests and its using into educational process. My work is devided into three main parts, which dissertate generally about interests, about interests` in the pubescence and about possibilities of interests` diagnostics. The first part disserts on interests generally, it engages in free time activities and facilities which can offer them. The second part characterizes pubescence and teenagers` interests in this period. An attention is devoted to factors, which are partaken in forming and creating interests by an effort, which goes with this difficult period. Then also free time activities which are the way of prevention against social patological effects of teenagers. The third part represents pedagogical and psychological diagnostics, which is interested in diagnostics of free time activities and diagnostics of personality.
Comprehensive care of person with Alzheimer's disease
The thesis deals with the comprehensive care for a person with Alzheimer`s disease. As the population gets old, also the number of people with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease has been growing. Pursuant the survey, approx. 5 % population in the age of 65 years suffers from the middle up to high degree of dementia; thereof the Alzheimer{\crq}s disease represents 50{--}60 %. Its frequency roughly doubles every five years. Alzheimer{\crq}s disease is approximately the fourth most frequent cause of all the death cases. The main goals is to find out the extent of knowledge of lay public about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease in the South Bohemian region. Hereby we mean the information about the care, possibilities of healing, symptoms and prevention of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. In connection with these goals the H1 hypothesis was postulated: The lay public was informed of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease. For achieving the given goal, the method of questioning, the technology of the questionnaire was used. 280 questionnaires were distributed among the persons older than 18 years and they were returned in 86 %. In total, 241 questionnaires were filled in, thereof 230 were filled in correctly and also evaluated. As the most important questions for confirming or not confirming the hypothesis the author determined questions concerning the knowledge of the AD treatment, AD symptoms, knowledge of facilities, consulting centre as well as other activities for the people with AD, occurrence of AD and forms of treatment. It followed from the results that H1 hypothesis was not confirmed. Two partial targets were postulated for the given issue for the completeness sake. The first partial target was to describe the medically social issue of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease including its impact on all the spheres of the life of man: i.e. biological, psychological as well as social spheres. The second partial goal concerned the survey of services for persons with Alzheimer{\crq}s disease and their families in the South Bohemian Region. This thesis may be utilized in future as source of information about Alzheimer{\crq}s disease for the students of Faculty of Health and Social Studies in České Budějovice and for persons from the lay public who would like to learn more of Alzheimer{\crq}s disease.
Determination and diagnostics of beta-hemolytics streptococcus in clinical microbiology
The genus of Streptococcus includes gram-positive catalase of negative coccus, which rank into pairs and chains and their colonies are also sometimes very small in enriched soils. Most of species are selectively anaerobic. This genus includes a large number of species with different significance for people ´s disorders, and also the species significant for veterinary medicine. Beta-hemolytic or pyogenic Streptococci important in human medicine include first of all streptococci of A and B group. Streptococcus pyogenes (A group) is the cause of either localised purulent infections, or invasive and toxic diseases, and also late consequences of these infections. The carrying of beta-hemolytic streptococci of B group (Streptococcus agalactiae) is significant especially in pregnant women because it can threaten the mother and the newborn as well. They are the most important causers of newborn meningitis and sepsis. The aim of the thesis is to find out information of determination and detection methods concerning beta-hemolytic streptococci. It is necessary to devote our attention to each streptococcus and determine its type by cultivation, eventually by further supplementary methods. The main role in diagnostics is played by classical cultivation in common (blood agar) or special enriched soils. Each microbiological laboratory chooses its own laboratory procedures. The use of cultivation for capture of beta-hemolytic streptococci and determination of their types by PYR test (for the proof of A group streptococci) and latex agglutination (for confirmation of other groups) seem to be the most convenient. CAMP-test is still the most frequently used method for the proof of group B streptococci. For exclusion of later consequences the assessment of anti-streptolysin O (ASLO) or antideoxyribonuclasis B (ADNB) in serum are often used. All beta-hemolytic streptococci must be regarded as important pathogens namely in whatever locality, that is why the knowledge of basic and special laboratory methods which lead to identification of particular types of these streptococci is very important for clinical microbiology and the treatment of patients.
On the Minimization of Specific Learning Problems in Elementary School Students
This study addresses the problems of specific learning disorders in elementary school children. It attempts to elucidate individual types of disorders and their most common symptoms in children. Furthermore, the work describes well known theories of the causes of specific learning disorders, their diagnostics, and primary ways leading towards minimization and correction of disorders. The whole study is divided into four chapters. Individual chapters are based on the best known knowledge in the area of specific learning disorders. The first chapter explores the causes of disorders, i.e. the theories attempting to explain specific learning disorders from the viewpoints of genetics, brain disorders, faulty information processing, light mental dysfunctions and last but not least {--} the environmental effects. The next chapter classifies and explains individual diagnostic procedures and tests needed before establishing child{\crq}s diagnosis. The third chapter addresses individual specific learning disorders. It describes their definitions and main symptoms The last chapter is devoted to disorders minimization. There we introduce Individual Educational Plan as well as the exercises appropriate to individual disorders.

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