National Repository of Grey Literature 93 records found  beginprevious69 - 78nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Virtual Currencies
Mlýnková, Veronika ; Sikora, Marek (referee) ; Zeman, Václav (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of virtual currencies based on the blockchain technology. The foundations of the cryptocurrency workings are explained on cryptocurrency Bitcoin, which is later described in a greater detail from technological point of view. In addition to the general workings of a bitcoin network, this thesis describes creation of bitcoin addresses, the composition of transactions and the way they are sign and verified. A broader view of cryptocurrencies is offered within the fourth chapter, with the classification into generations and explanation of terms coin, token and stable coin. Chapter Ethereum explains the meaning of smart contracts and decentralized applications. Within the thesis a laboratory task was performed, which describes the procedure for programming a simplified version of blockchain in Python. To summarize the discussed topic, an educational web application was created.
Management of free capital on the crypto market
Simonyiová, Marie ; Zavadil, Marek (referee) ; Budík, Jan (advisor)
This master's thesis focuses on the subject Management of free capital inside the cryptocurrency market. First, selected cryptocurrencies are briefly described. Subsequently, their historical data are analysed. Finally, based on these findings, an appropriate strategy for the chosen company is formulated.
Algorithmization for decision support
Šišlák, Petr ; Budík, Jan (referee) ; Dostál, Petr (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the development of price indicators, which are used for effective trading on the stock exchange. Part of the work is a technical analysis of the selected currency pair at a chosen time and based on the results of create effective indicators and test them at different time intervals.
Design of a unit for utilization of waste heat from a computing system
Valachovič, Filip ; Brázdil, Marian (referee) ; Chýlek, Radomír (advisor)
Global warming and the associated high energy costs are considered as the main problems at presents. As a result, there is an interest in reusing waste energy. This bachelor thesis is devoted to the design and assessment of the potential use of waste heat generated by the systems for the mining cryptocurrencies. The first part of the work deals with the process of mining cryptocurrencies as a whole and their energy consumption. The work, among other things, deals with the possibilities of cooling and subsequent recovery of waste heat from these systems. Part of the work is a theoretical design of a unit for waste heat recovery from mining rigs, considering immersion cooling with the resulting economic balance.
Tax and Accounting Aspects of Cryptocurrency Operations
Novotný, Ladislav ; Pěta, Jan (referee) ; Svirák, Pavel (advisor)
This work deals with the characteristics of accounting and tax issues of cryptocurrency operations - cryptocurrencies. The work characterizes the properties and principles of cryptocurrency. It also describes in detail the legal, accounting and tax issues of cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency operations. It focuses on the specifics of accounting issues such as cryptocurrency reporting, valuation and accounting records, specifics of value added tax, taxation of income from cryptocurrency operations and more. Based on the findings, the work defines the issue of cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency operations, including reporting, and defines recommendations mainly in accounting and tax areas. Based on this, model examples of cryptocurrency operations are created.
Platform for Cryptocurrency Address Collection
Bambuch, Vladislav ; Pluskal, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
Cílem této práce je vytvořit platformu pro sběr a zobrazování metadat o kryptoměnových adresách z veřejného i temného webu. K dosažení tohoto cíle jsem použil technologie zpracování webu napsané v PHP. Komplikace doprovázející automatické zpracování webových stránek byly vyřešeny techonologí Apache Kafka a jejími schopnosti škálování procesů. Modularita platformy byla dosažena pomocí architektury microservices a Docker containerization. Práce umožňuje jedinečný způsob, jak hledat potenciální kriminální aktivity, které se odehrály mimo rámec blockchain, pomocí webové aplikace pro správu platformy a vyhledávání v extrahovaných datech. Vytvořená platforma zjednodušuje přidávání nových, na sobě nezávislých modulů, kde Apache Kafka zprostředkovává komunikaci mezi nimi. Výsledek této práce může být použit pro detekci a prevenci kybernetické kriminality. Uživatelé tohoto systému mohou být orgány činné v trestním řízení nebo ostatní činitelé a uživatelé, zajímající se o reputaci a kreditibilitu kryptoměnových adres.
The System for Collection and Analysis of Cryptocurrency Exchange Rates
Čaládi, Filip ; Pluskal, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
Táto bakalárska práca je zameraná na kryptomeny, kryptomenové zmenárne a spôsoby cenotvorby na nich. Cieľom tohoto projektu je zber aktuálnych a historických dát o zmenárenských kurzoch, z dostupných zdrojov, zameraných na kryptomeny a Fiat peniaze. Zozbierané dáta su uložené v štruktúrovanej databáze s ohľadom na efektivitu a správu pamate. Navrhovaný systém, ktorý je schopný popísané dáta zozbierať, poskytuje všetky dostupné informácie vo forme REST API alebo webovej aplikácie a je nasadený v docker kontajneri. Validitu takéhoto systému som odtestoval výkonnostným testovaním modulu zodpovedného za zbieranie dát a implementovaním jednotkových testov pre každú časť systému.
Cryptocurrency Node Monitoring
Zaujec, Andrej ; Grégr, Matěj (referee) ; Veselý, Vladimír (advisor)
Cielom tejto bakalarskej prace je monitorovanie uzlov v Bitcoin peer-to-peer sieti a odhadnutie velkosti siete v danom case. Monitorovanie uzlov zahrnna zbieranie metadat o danych uzloch a tiez aj vytvaranie zaznamov cinnosti o tom ako dlho boli jednotlive uzly sucastou siete. Navrhnute riesenie vyuziva Bitcoin Core klienta bez dalsich modifikacii na zistenie vsetkych informacii o sieti a uzloch. Implementovana platforma umoznuje zbieranie metadat (verzia protokolu, verzia agenta, ponukane sluzby, IP adresa, cislo portu) o najdenych uzloch. Taktiez je schopna ziskavat informacie o tom, ktore uzly sa nachadzaju v sieti v danom case. Vytvorene API ponuka zozbierane data z platformy. Kazda komponenta platformy je zapuzdrena v Docker kontajneroch co umoznuje jednoduche nasadenie celej platformy v priebehu niekolkych minut.
Secure Implementation of Blockchain Technology
Kovář, Adam ; Fujdiak, Radek (referee) ; Malina, Lukáš (advisor)
This thesis describes basis of blockchain technology implementation for SAP Cloud platform with emphasis to security and safety of critical data which are stored in blockchain. This diploma thesis implements letter of credit to see and control business process administration. It also compares all the possible technology modification. Thesis describes all elementary parts of software which are necessary to implement while storing data and secure integrity. This thesis also leverages ideal configuration of each programable block in implementation. Alternative configurations of possible solutions are described with pros and cons as well. Another part of diploma thesis is actual working implementation as a proof of concept to cover letter of credit. All parts of code are design to be stand alone to provide working concept for possible implementation and can source as a help to write productive code. User using this concept will be able to see whole process and create new statutes for whole letter of credit business process.
Pairs Trading in Cryptocurrency Markets
Fil, Miroslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hronec, Martin (referee)
Pairs trading is a trading strategy which tries to exploit mean-reversion among prices of certain securities. It is market-neutral and self-financing, and has been shown to produce high excess returns in historical backtests. We employ the most common distance and cointegration approaches on cryp- tocurrency data from an exchange called Binance spanning the year 2018. The strategy is mostly unprofitable under transaction costs, but certain combinations of hyperparameters can perform well. Overall, the distance method performs far better, being able to achieve 3% monthly profit even in our baseline real-life con- ditions while the cointegration method always achieves only a slight loss. We also found that increasing the sampling frequency of the data from daily to hourly brings mixed results. Moreover, since we have to reuse estimates of real-life considerations from equity markets, it is unclear if our results are truly representative of the cryp- tocurrency market. The strategy is found to be very sensitive to execution diffi- culties and transaction costs, making their determination crucially important. It is somewhat easy to get returns in excess of 5% monthly under ideal conditions, but whether this could be achieved in real trading conditions is still unclear. Keywords pairs trading,...

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