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Návrh inovace podnikové sítě středního rozsahu.
Goldammer, Martin
The work deals with the innovation of large-scale enterprise networks focusing on security according to current safety standards. This paper presents network analysis and subsequent proposal for the solution of the problem. There is also economic aspect of the proposed solution.
Computer networks - educational materials for elementary school pupils
SIKORA, Jindřich
In this thesis, I explain to pupils principle accessible form of computer networks, the method of their protection and monitoring. I created an interactive teaching material for primary school pupils, who is familiar with this issue so that your concept of what a computer network works, how it can be secured against intruders, and how we can monitor the operation of the network.
Design and construction of modern data Wi-Fi networks for ISPs
The topic of Wi-Fi networks (Wireless Fidelity) is widely discussed currently as there is a big boom of this technology. The Wi-Fi refers to a method of modern technology that enables wireless transmission of data between devices such as printers and mobile phones. The main objectives of the thesis are focused on the development proposal to build a modern data network for an ISP (Internet Service Provider) in the technical area. Another aim was to process and analyze the results of the newly formed economic entity and their subsequent evaluation in recent years, i.e for the years 2008 - 2011. Business plan was designed in Branišov, which is a village near Czech Budejovice in 2001. Initially, it was the agreement of two local residents who believed that the offer of an Internet connection is not ideal for this location and started to develop some "small" wireless network. At the beginning, any professional equipment was not used in this network. When connected with an increasing number of customers (about five inhabitants of Branišov), professional antennas and access points began to be used. The above mentioned five customers manage to cover all operating costs created by the network. In subsequent years, i.e. 2004 ? 2007, there was a boom of the project. The number of connected users was growing constantly, even though not conducted any marketing or promotional activities. By the end of 2006, individual users began to demand greater guarantee of a stable connection. At the same time, it also proved to be absolutely necessary to establish a specific person responsible for the network. This person was supposed to maintain the network, develop it and manage it. In 2007, the initial non-commercial network was transformed into a commercial network model and brand new commercial entity ? a limited liability company ? was created. Currently, there is a continual development of this network, which already covers a total of 30 villages around České Budějovice and Vodňany and the signal spread through 115 broadcasting Access Points.
Building and using a smaller business computer network
Černý, Jan ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The aim of this bachelor's dissertation is to characterize and specify problems of Local Area Networks. Its first part summarizes the essential theoretical basis that is necessary for comprehension and understanding of the main part of the dissertation which describes a particular case of cooperation with an unnamed transnational company. The theoretical introduction gives the description of the defining characteristics and the classification of computer networks, then it describes the reference model ISO/OSI, and the characteristics of some active pieces of equipment, such as a HUB, SWITCH or ROUTER. In the main part of the dissertation, there is a detailed description of the restructuring of IT and the network infrastructure of a Czech branch office of the transnational company. The task given by the company was to restructure their IT and network infrastructure, to conceive a plan, realize the solutions, and, in case of necessity, to do and complete the installation or configuration. The objectives were fulfilled according to the demands of the head of the Czech office, as well as according to the instructions of the IT department of the company headquarters in Switzerland. At the beginning of the main part of the dissertation there is a description of the initial stage of the IT infrastructure of the Czech branch office before the demand for its development was asked for. Then all the steps of dealing with the tasks are described in detail and the new conditions of the upgraded IT and network infrastructure are described and assessed. The final part of the dissertation is a mix of theoretical and practical block describing the Cisco operating system. There is a short theoretical characteristic and several examples of the possible configuration of swithes and routers in a simulated realization of possible solutions in local area network of a smaller company with the help of the application called Packet Tracer. The last example simulation is aimed at a virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration with the use of two switches and a virtual "trunk" ant its security.
Building and using computer network at NAREX Bystřice, s.r.o.
Babický, Lukáš ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Kristen, Miloš (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the operation of a small business network in firm Narex Bystřice, s.r.o. The main objective of the thesis is to present the current state of the network, highlight its errors and suggest corrective actions. The first part of the thesis considers the aspects that are needed for understanding the work of a computer network as a generic unit. There are discribed individual components, technologies, software topology and network security that are needed for the work of a computer network. In the practise part I describe its current state, highlight its deficiencies and suggest their corrections. Depending on the highlighted errors, individual solutions are suggested. The proposed solutions are presented to the company management. As subsequently agreed, the solutions are either implemented or cancelled.
Building and use of small business networks
Štross, Pavel ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and describe local computer network in village Přílepy u Rakovníka and to present design of modification of current network to FTTH optical access network. At first, reader is introduced into basic concepts of computer networks, afterwards comes the pratical parts which is describing the FTHH optical acces network design itself. Theory part describes basic computer network concepts such as topologies, network models and network protocols. Afterwards the text describes basic characteristics of metal and optical Ethernet networks as well as their security. Afterwards the text describes FTTx optical access networks including their architecture. Reader is also introduced into methods of usage of optical fibers and methods of their installation. In the following practical part is described current state of the network in village Přílepy u Rakovníka and the design of network modification into FTTH network. All the concepts described through chapters 1-4 are assumed to be known to the reader and are crucial for understanding of the final network design which should be implemented in the future. The final network design includes comparation of topology and architecture of the network, its active components, central server etc. The main accent is not only on the technical facts but also on the comparison of investments and financial potencial of village.
Use and design of small computer networks
Winkelbauer, Erik ; Pinkas, Otakar (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Ivo (referee)
This paper deals with small computer local area networks. It introduces basic information used to understand mentioned facts and attempts to point out uncommon possibilities of its usage. First, evolution of computer networks is described along with networking basics. Subsequently paper advices how to choose and how to wire twisted pair cable and contains method of sharing cable both for phone and Ethernet signal. Next chapter is about network discovery, performed on Windows and designated applications, specifically Overlook Fing and Nmap. Difference between managed and unmanaged switches, from technological and operational point of view, is being discussed. Goal of chapter about internet connection sharing is an address and port translation configuration on networking devices for small networks and Cisco routers, as well as configuration of application proxy server. Aim of accessing inner network resources from outer network is solved by port forwarding, tested on Apache and Filezilla applications. Virtual network is represented by virtual local area network and virtual private network in last chapter. Configuration of virtual local area network on Cisco devices and its description can be found here. Further it is possible to read basic information about virtual private networks and their configuration, represented by Windows VPN and OpenVPN.
Zabezpečení přístupu koncových stanic
Beneš, Jiří ; Pavlíček, Luboš (advisor) ; Tlustý, Zdeněk (referee)
Diplomová práce se zabývá bezpečností koncové (pracovní) stanice v počítačové síti při použití pouze softwarových technologií. V první části je nejprve analyzováno zabezpečení pracovní stanice samotné, v druhé části zabezpečení komunikace pracovní stanice s počítacovou sítí a ve třetí části zabezpečení připojování oprávněných stanic a uživatelů do počítačové sítě. Pro každou oblast jsou zmíněny hrozby a způsob obrany za použití současných softwarových technologií. Teoretické poznatky jsou poté v případových studiích aplikovány na pracovní stanice v reálném prostředí.
Realizace přechodu počítačové sítě na ZŠ Praha 9 - Kbely od projketu INDOŠ pod vlastní správu
Kocman, Martin ; Skopec, Antonín (advisor) ; Vronková, Lada (referee)
Úlohou této práce je popis přechodu počítačové sítě na Základní škole Praha 9 - Kbely od projektu Internet do škol pod vlastní správu. Tato škola získala roku 2002 v rámci daného projektu plně vybavenou počítačovou učebnu včetně nově vytvořené infrastruktury. Správa té sítě byla svěřena generálnímu dodavateli. Roku 2007 se škola rozhodla ustoupit od projektu a převzít pod vlastní správu školní síť. Veškeré činnosti s tím související byly rozděleny do několika fází, které počínaly rozhodovacími procesy o budoucích funkcionalitách sítě, pokračovaly výběrem vhodného softwarového vybavení vč. licenčních programů a končily vlastní reinstalací sítě.
Návrh počítačové sítě v nově postavené administrativní budově
Ptáčník, Tomáš ; Pavlíček, Luboš (advisor) ; Beneš, Jiří (referee)
Cílem práce je popis, zhodnocení a následné porovnání procesu postupu návrhu nové lokální počítačové sítě dle doporučení firmy Cisco Systems (uvedených v základní literatuře) s postupem řešení dané problematiky ve společnosti Nestlé Česko. Shrnutí výsledků studie průběhu projektu přesunu místní počítačové sítě do nové budovy ve společnosti Nestlé Česko je uvedeno níže. Při této studii byl hlavním konzultantem tamější pracovník zodpovědný za dozor při návrhu a následně při stavbě počítačové sítě. Práce je přínosem pro tvůrce počítačových sítí v malých až středních podnicích (do 500 uživatelů) a pro managery takových projektů. Budou zmíněny důležité aspekty, možné postupy, principy a některé problémy při návrhu a okrajově i při provozu počítačové sítě.

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