National Repository of Grey Literature 79 records found  beginprevious69 - 78next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Impact of antidrug policy on the demand side of the market in the case of marijuana
Zemanová, Miroslava ; Písař, Pavel (advisor) ; Chalupníček, Pavel (referee)
This thesis refers to the contemporary drugs policy and its impact in the area of cannabis. Even if the antidrug policy is set by the international conventions of the United nations, there are many significant differences among states especially if cannabis is concerned. These policies focus mainly on the supply side restrictions, but the aim of the thesis is to analyze the effects on the demand side of the market. First, the main principles of the antidrug policies of selected states are described. The states were picked up to compare the most different policies of the western society possible. The USA represents a prohibitionist approach on the other hand the Netherlands and the Czech republic are closer to the liberal approach. The purpose of the thesis is to find such a policy that is succesful at reducing the number of cannabis users. The comparaison is based on several indicators such as rates of use, drug potency and it also considers the costs of state drug control funding.
Do czech dealers of marihuana live at theirs moms?
Hvězda, Mikuláš ; Šťastný, Daniel (advisor) ; Bartoň, Petr (referee)
This thesis is focusing on risk premium of retail dealer of marihuana. My work is based on a questionnaire research between retail dealers. Firstly I specify a hourly wage of a dealer, which is 250 CZK/h. Afterwards I compare resulting wage with a wage in the legitimate sector and the difference between the dealer`s wage and the legitimate wage is the risk premium caused by trading on black market. The results show that the risk premium makes 52 % of the dealer`s wage. Another issue I`m focusing on are causes of risk premium and their quantification. Finally I am explaining the fall of retail prices between 2007 and 2008 when the prices fell from 250 to 200 CZK/g.
The risky behavior of adolescent development and the possibility of secondary prevention in Klatovském region
Bachelor´s work deals with the risk behaviour of adolescent development taking into account the possibility of secondary prevention of this behavior on Klatovy region. In the theoretical part of the works is first described the whole period of adolescence. Following the developmental characteristics of adolescence with additional chapters deal with risk behaviour and its prevention, in particular the prevention of secondary. Part of the Bachelor´s work is a research probe, whose main objective is to map the institutions and experts, national and non-State in Klatovy region, on which the school may contact or refer their students and their legal counsel for assistance i addressing risk behavior. Research the probe is implemented in the form of a written inquiry at the secondary schools in the Klatovy region. Presentation of the results of the subsequent discussion are listed in the practical part of work.
Pupil´s experiences with marihuana at primary school in Havličkův Brod
DUBEN, Martin
Abstract This Bachelor paper deals with the subject of experience that pupils of basic schools in Havlíčkův Brod have of using marijuana. The theoretical section describes the cannabis plant and marijuana proper; its effects; the methods of use; and the detrimental impacts the drug has on health and personality. Moreover, the section tackles the issues of drug addiction development as the process is related to taking marijuana itself, tobacco products and other drugs. The author has also addressed (1) the possibilities available to prevent the addiction at all levels; (2) the risk factors predisposing children and youth to abuse drugs and experiment with them; and last but not least (3) the anti-addiction policy and the principle acts of the relevant legislation applicable in the Czech Republic. The paper aimed to map the use and misuse of marijuana and tobacco products; to reveal the ways, forms and intensity of using marijuana in the pupils of basic schools; and to disclose the reasons behind using the drug and the scope of using tobacco in the basic school pupils. The paper examines three hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 predicts that smokers of tobacco products will have wider experience of marijuana than non-smokers. Hypothesis 2 predicts that boys will have more extensive experience of using marijuana than girls. Hypothesis 3 predicts that the town of Havlíčkův Brod will have greater incidence of marijuana abuse than the rest of the Czech Republic. The qualitative survey that the paper relies on has been conducted through an anonymous questionnaire, where the sample of respondents has been chosen according to quotas, specifically with regard to the respondents' age, sex and their being pupils of the 9th form of basic schools in Havlíčkův Brod. To obtain information having the highest achievable validity and variability, the data were gathered in the different classes without any person of authority for the respondents being present. The data thus collected were then processed by the common statistical methods to prove the hypotheses true of false. Fifty nine percent of boys and 75% of girls were found to have experience of tobacco products. Marijuana was tried by 27% of boys and 21% of girls. The method of marijuana use encountered in both boys and girls was smoking, 26% and 18% respectively, and the reason mentioned most often by both boys and girls was curiosity, 18% in both cases. Twenty five percent of boys and 20% of girls admitted experience of marijuana and tobacco products, while 2% of boys and 2% of girls have experience of marijuana but not of the tobacco products. In the incidence rate of using marijuana Havlíčkův Brod with the figure of 24% keeps 1% below the Czech Republic average (25%).
Marihuana and Its Use by Students of Secondary Schools in Moravské Budějovice
DOBEŠOVÁ, Veronika
The Bachelor´s work deals with the use of cannabis in secondary school students in Moravské Budějovice. This stuff, together with alcohol and tobacco, belongs to prevalent addictive drugs in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part presents reasons and starters leading children to the cannabis use as well as gender differences, abuse appearance, ways and frequency of the drug use and the risks connected with all of it. One sub-chapter contains information about cannabis as an entrance drug. The theoretical part ends with prevention in schools and legislation. The bachelor´s work is aimed at the extend, experience and reasons for secondary school students´ use of cannabinoids and the differences between secondary schools. To find out the situation there were three hypotheses stated. Quantitative research techniques such as asking questions and anonymous questionnaires were used. The survey was conducted among the students of three secondary schools in Moravské Budějovice. The research has proved the first hypothesis in which more experience with cannabis in students of the apprentice school compared to those of the grammar school was supposed. Also second hypothesis has been proved. It stated that the apprentice school students use cannabis more often than the grammar school students. The last hypothesis that boys use cannabis more often than girls has also been verified. The findings can be used to improve and streamline the primary prevention at secondary schools, to help further research and professional surveys, to be implemented in the school education, and finally, it is a source of information for both laymen and professionals.
Risk behaviors of adolescents, focusing on drug use
This thesis deals with the risk behaviors of adolescents in substance abuse, especially smoking, drinking and experimenting with marijuana. The theoretical part is divided into several chapters that deal with adolescence, substance abuse, the causes of this behavior and primary prevention. Analysis of data obtained in the research section provides information about the old and the use of tobacco, alcohol and marijuana, their frequency of use, and information from adolescents who received the first drug of abuse, and differences in drug use among high school students and business services, business and vocational academies schools.
Reasons for using Marihuana and frequency of its use
STACHOVÁ, Veronika
The theme of my bachelor thesis is called Reasons for Using Marihuana and the Frequency of its Use. No other drug divides the professional public as much as marihuana does. New findings of international research lead to increasingly hot discussions to what extent marihuana is harmful to health and, especially, why it is so popular with young people. It remains an alarming fact that experiments with marihuana occur at lower and lower ages. Cases of first use of cannabis before the age of thirteen are no exception nowadays. Thanks to continuing scientific research, information on cannabis drugs increases, but the sufficient amount of the newly obtained data may be doubted because all prevention efforts fail especially with marihuana. On the one hand, this drug is presented as harmless and its risks are played down, and, on the other hand, absurd deterring myths are made up. This bachelor thesis investigates the motives that lead young people to using cannabis drugs, and the extent of awareness of health risks resulting from its use. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with factors that increase the risk of experimenting and thus the resulting use of marihuana, as well as the actual motives of the use of cannabis. Last but not least, it describes individual health risks. The theoretical part also deals with the theory of marihuana as the initiation drug. The investigation aim of this thesis is to find out the motives leading to the use of cannabis, and to try to survey the knowledge of health risks of marihuana users. To achieve these aims, I used the qualitative research by means of the conversation method. There are altogether eight questions concerning these areas: the circumstances and motive of the first time use of marihuana, circumstances under which the user consumes the drug, negative experiences caused by acute intoxication, the main motive of cannabis use at present, further the knowledge of health risks connected with the use of the drug and other habit-forming substances, the theory of marihuana of the gateway drug and making marihuana legal. The research set consists of secondary school pupils. Four hypotheses were established on the basis of the research results. Hypothesis No. 1: Risks connected with the use of marihuana are underestimated by the users themselves. Hypothesis No. 2: Adolescents using marihuana do not have sufficient knowledge of health risks. Hypothesis No. 3: The negative effect of marihuana (bad trip) does not motivate most of its users to abstain from it. Hypothesis No. 4: The most frequent motive of the first time use is curiosity.
Opinions of teachers and pupils in the second level of basic schools in Týn nad Vltavou about legalization of marihuana
The bachelor thesis is called Opinions of teachers and pupils in the second level of basic schools in Týn nad Vltavou about legalization of marihuana. In the theoretical part the thesis contains the basic information about the history of marihuana, its effects, use and related risks. My bachelor thesis also describes the areas which take advantage of medical effects of the drug, as one of the main arguments of defenders of its legalization is the fact that marihuana can have positive effects on human health. For better understanding of the issue, the theoretical part also includes an explanation of the position of hemp-based drugs in international treaties, European legal code and in the Czech legislation. In the practical part I have used a questionnaire survey in basic schools in Týn nad Vltavou to find out opinions of pupils and teachers about potential legalization of marihuana. Apart from the opinion about the legalization as such, the questionnaire also contained questions whether the respondents consider the drug dangerous for human health and for the society and which specific complications associated with its use are known to them. The conclusion of my thesis is that pupils are slightly more benevolent to the legalization of marihuana. Eighty percent of the surveyed teachers were strictly against the legalization. One on my conclusions is the fact that the surveyed pupils support legalization of marihuana to a great extent but only a small percentage of them are interested in detail in that issue. Therefore I believe that it would be appropriate to increase the general level of information about the drug, not only among the pupils but also among their teachers.
The comparison of information about marihuana between pedagogical workers and students on the secondary schools.
Question of drugs is a very actual theme at present. Age of first drug usage is sinking and it is very dangerous. There are many reasons for first drug usage and for drug usage as such. We can see association with genetic disposals, with a way of education, when parents are too strict or too liberal. People learn during the whole life and if own parents use drugs and have positive attitude to them it´s possible that their child starts to take drug usage as normal and will have easier access to it. Another important influence is a peer group with that a person tries to identify, especially during adolensence. At this time a man experiences his personal crisis, when he is not a child any more but at the same time he is not an adult yet. Everyone must find his own way how to deal with it. But some young people solve this situation with a help of drugs that bring them {\clqq}escape from reality``. Often someone offers a drug to young man and he accepts it from clear nescience because he doesn´t know which consequence this drug usage will have. Therefore mainly preventive programs should bring enough information to young people to discourage them from drug consumation or at least to shift first usage to later age. If a man uses drugs he should know all risks and consequences of this risk behaviour. In my work I dealed with finding information about marihuana among pedagoues and students at secondary schools. Then I found out how many from interviewed students and pedagogues experienced marihuana usage. On the basis of questionnaire research it was found out that the number of students who experienced marihuana usage is very high. This could show evidence of insufficienci of preventiv programs at secondary schools in the district of České Budějovice. Then it was found out that pedagogues have more information about this problematics than students. That´s why pedagogues should take care of providing these information to students, they should educate themselves too and bring enough primary prevention in the field of drugs to their students.
Cannabies and results of its use
UHROVÁ, Zdeňka
The theoretical part of the thesis reveals the history of Cannabis, gives basic characteristics of Cannabis-based drugs and their sorts. Hereafter, the active substances of marihuana and manifestations of intoxication are quoted. The main emphasis is put on the description of risks related to the use of this soft drug. The medical, mental and social risks are commented. One chapter is dedicated to applicable legislation. Consecutively, various approaches of drug politics and its specifics are mentioned. The attention is also paid to the prevention and subsequently te the assistance to the drug users. The practical part of thesis is focused on the public and professional opinion referring to the possible risks of marihuana use. The attention is paid to the general attitude to this drug as well. Subsequently, the opinions of both contrary parties are compared.

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