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Postoperative treatment in case mammary reconstruction operation for female after ablation.
Abstract A woman{\crq}s breast represents one of the most important attribute of women beauty. This is why any congenitally conditioned anomaly is usually perceived very sorely. The impact an ablative operation has on a woman is thus more than obvious. Breast loss or deformation for treatment purposes affects a woman in two spheres. With the fear of further treatment procedures, health condition development and further fate most women are scared of how a loss of such a dominant femininity symbol will change their lives. The effort to have a new breast created is often as important as the exactly performed primary operation for an affected woman. It actually relates to recovery of self-reliance and self-confidence in social life of such a woman. A reconstruction operation to create a new breast belongs to very complicated and painful operations. The subsequent post operation period is difficult for the patient and the postoperative regime is strict. The nursing care is long and intensive and it is limiting and burdening for a patient. Nevertheless a woman takes courage to undergo all that and bear all the difficulties linked to the intervention patiently. However such a physical but particularly mental change it brings is worth it. The aim of the thesis was to find out how a woman approaching the operation perceives the nursing care. The next aim was to find how the nursing care affects a patient after such an operation. Six women hospitalized at two different surgery wards were invited to participate in the research. Four patients, one of which was taken to the surgical ward and the three others to the casualty and plastic surgery ward, agreed with the interview. A research question focused on the nursing care perceived from the viewpoint of a patient revealed that patients mainly concentrated on the surgery intervention itself and its success, while the nursing care acts were perceived as a burden and they even became bothering during the time. Another research question was focused on finding how nursing care might affect the course of hospitalization. With regard to the conditions the patients were taken to the nursing personnel was perceived very positively by the patients. Their approach and behaviour helped the patient stand the distress of the postoperative regime and they finally felt satisfied with the hospitalization course. Upon the discovered facts this thesis should clarify the issues of hospitalization to nurses, so as they are able to get a better insight into the patients{\crq} feelings and their perception of nursing care. To be able to focus their care more efficiently and provide it with the knowledge that helps them care about a patient in the demanding conditions from the somatic point of view but also be supportive in the mental sphere. To focus more intensely on communication in the early postoperative period and on helpful approach, which is very important for a patient, as a nurse has possibility to influence a patient positively to a large extent. With regard to the facts discovered we may form a hypothesis that improper environment has negative influence on a patient{\crq}s psyche. The other hypothesis may be a statement that suitable communication may influence patient{\crq}s welfare during hospitalization positively.
The observation of non pharmacological possibilities of the therapy by decreasing the risk faktors of atherosclerosis from the patients view.
Atherosclerosis and its risk factors represent one of the most significant health problems of the western civilization; they are one of the most frequent causes of death and they limit significantly the quality and length of life. Atherosclerosis also causes invalidity. More than fifty thousand people die of heart and blood vessel related diseases in the Czech Republic every year. Non-pharmacological therapy, based on changing life habits, is an integral part of treating atherosclerosis. These measures include the reduction of body weight, suitable physical activities, changes of eating habits, preventing stressful situations, and absolute termination of smoking. The objective of the paper was to find out about the awareness and subsequent observance of non-pharmacological treatment measures in patients who have been diagnosed with at least one risk factor. Nurses play a very important role in non-pharmacological treatment. Their task is to inform patients about the non-pharmacological treatment, to provide assistance in acquiring required habits, to change behaviour of patients, and to help patients cope with the care of themselves. Therefore, it was necessary to find out about nurses? education, experience, potential, time and enthusiasm for educational activities at various departments. The data for this paper was collected using a quantitative research strategy by means of questionnaire method. A questionnaire for patients contained 31 questions and a questionnaire for nurses contained 23 questions. The results were processed in a graphic form. The research was carried out at the medical inpatient department and the specialized outpatient departments of cardiology, diabetology, internal, and industrial doctor at Mulač Hospital in Pilsen. Three hypotheses were formulated: 1 Patients know the principles of non-pharmacological treatment of atherosclerosis risk factors. 2 Patients observe the principles of non-pharmacological treatment of atherosclerosis risk factors. 3 There are differences in providing education at the inpatient and outpatient departments to patients with a confirmed atherosclerosis risk factor. The research resulted in the finding that patients with a confirmed atherosclerosis risk factor know the principles of non-pharmacological treatment but they do not observe these principles. The first hypothesis has been confirmed, the second one was disconfirmed. It has also been found out the there are differences in methods and means available to nurses to provide education as impatient and outpatient facilities. The third hypothesis has been confirmed. The results of our research obtained through the work on this paper will be used as background material for nurses? educational activities and thus they may contribute to increasing the preventive measures for patients with a confirmed atherosclerosis risk factor.
Mobing and bossing the workplace
Mobbing and bossing represent vexation at a workplace, which unfortunately affects also health care and health care teams. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out knowledge of the terms mobbing and bossing, as well as occurrence of vexation at neurosurgical departments (Intensive Care Unit, SIP and two standard departments) in the Nemocnice na Homolce hospital in Prague. In order to fulfill these aims and hypotheses, the method of quantitative data collection by means of questionnaires was chosen. The questionnaires were filled out by physicians, medical nurses and medical attendants, both by women and men. The aims of the work were fulfilled. It followed from the results of the survey, that almost one third of respondents was not familiar with the terms mobbing and bossing, or they could not define them accurately. It was found out after mapping the occurrence of vexation at workplaces that a majority of informants did not know, where they should turn in case of occurrence of mobbing and bossing. The first hypothesis on more extensive occurrence of vexation towards women than men was confirmed. The second hypothesis regarding the knowledge of how to fight mobbing and bossing was not confirmed, as the respondents were not familiar with possibilities of how to cope effectively with vexation at a workplace. After the review of all filled-out questionnaires it followed that in case of occurrence of mobbing and bossing the leaving from work is preferred more than active defense against colleagues, or superiors. We believe that a workshop on the topic of mobbing and bossing would be welcomed by a majority of respondents. They would clarify for themselves the difference between vexation and powers of superiors, but also possibilities of active defense.
Nurse {--} patient relation in emergency room sector
"Nurse {--} patient relation in emergency room sector{\crq}q was the topic of my thesis. The bachelor thesis was divided in two parts. The theoretical part dealt with questions of those factors which influence the nurse - patient interrelation. The thesis tried to describe the most important factors which effect the establishing of the patient {--} nurse interrelation; it tried to describe nurses{\crq} points of view as well as patients{\crq} points of view because their views can be fundamentally different and in a way they can zoom in some out-patients{\crq} aspects. The length of waiting time for treatments, overall impressions related to their visits in emergency rooms, patients{\crq} characters and the level of emergency room nurses{\crq} stress play significant roles. Two targets were set in the practical part of my thesis. The first target was to map factors which take share in forming a positive client {--} nurse relation in emergency room care. The second target of my thesis was to map factors which take share in forming a positive nurse {--} client relation in emergency room care. Furthermore, five hypotheses were set. The first hypothesis was: ``Waiting time before treatment influences nurse - client relation.{\crq}q The second hypothesis was: ``Women are more willing to cooperate than men.{\crq}q The third hypothesis was: ``The shorter the client{\crq}s waiting time for treatment, the more willing s/he is to cooperate.{\crq}q The fourth hypothesis was: ``Emergency room nurse{\crq}s high stress influences her relation to clients.{\crq}q The fifth hypothesis was: ``A large number of clients waiting for treatment are a strong stress factor for nurses. The qualitative method with the anonymous questionnaire technique was used for the real status discovery. Two kinds of questionnaires were used. The patients{\crq} questionnaire contained 24 questions. The questions were closed ones and half-open ones - for amending of brief answers. The introductory questions were identifying ones. The other questions were focused on positives and negatives which are closely connected with visits in emergency rooms. Nurses{\crq} questionnaire contained 29 questions, which were closed ones and half-open ones - for amending of brief answers and one question was open one - for expressing of their own opinion. The introductory questions in the questionnaires were identifying ones. The other questions were focused on positives and negatives which are connected with providing care to patients who come into emergency rooms for treatments. Treated patients, emergency room nurses and ordination nurses in Písek, Strakonice and Brno were my research population. 200 questionnaires were distributed; 100 questionnaires were distributed to emergency room nurses and 100 questionnaires were distributed to patients who were treated in emergency rooms. Findings were illustrated in diagrams, which reflect the answers of nurses and patients. The discussion was confronted with technical bibliography. In the conclusion there are stated the summarised results of the thesis, corroborated or refuted hypotheses as well as possible suggestions how to influence positively the forming of interrelations between nurses and patients in emergency rooms.
The falls and the injuries under supervision so prevention contra quality
The problem of in-patients{\crq} falls and injuries, with the view to prevention and care quality at hospitalization units of Nemocnice Písek, a.s., is the theme of my bachelor thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the problem of falls in its entirety. It describes causes of falls, effects of falls as well as prevention possibilities against falls. Three targets of the thesis were set down. Firstly, to find out the frequency of falls in hospitalization units of Nemocnice Písek, a.s. Secondly, to find out risk factors connected with falls of in-patients at hospitalization units of Nemocnice Písek, a.s. Thirdly, to find out if nurses know the fall prevention precautionary mechanisms. Six hypotheses were set down in the practical part of the thesis. The first hypothesis is: ``There are more falls in the internal unit of Písek Hospital than in the surgical unit of Písek Hospital.{\crq}q The second hypothesis is: ``The most frequent risk factor causing falls and injuries in Písek Hospital is the quick patients{\crq} getting up.{\crq}q The third hypothesis stems from the following premise: ``Nurses know the clients related fall prevention precautionary mechanisms{\crq}q. The fourth hypothesis predicates: ``The risk of fall and injury of senior patients is higher than the risk of fall and injury of junior patients{\crq}q. The fifth hypothesis says: ``Nurses in Písek Hospital follow rules which are related to falls and injuries.{\crq}q The last hypothesis predicates: ``The care quality audit which is focused on falls and injuries is carried out in Písek Hospital{\crq}q. A quantitative method, in the form of a general nurses{\crq} anonymous questionnaire, was used within the first part of my research work. For monitoring the falls of patients, which is a quality indicator of Nemocnice Písek, a.s., the qualitative method of data analysis was used within the second part of my research work. The documentation belonging to Nemocnice Písek, a.s. was the basic data source. The research results were processed into 29 graphs and two charts. Technical literature is confronted in the Discussion section of the thesis and author{\crq}s opinions are pronounced there. Confirmed and unconfirmed hypothesises, thesis summary and author{\crq}s suggestions regarding the client{\crq}s fall risk and care quality improvement are pointed out in the Conclusion of the thesis.
The patient after the suicidal attempt in the psychiatric department
Suicide, one of malfunctions of self-preservation, is the act of intentionally terminating one own´s life. Suicidal behaviour may be an extreme solution to a situation when a person has feelings of desperation and hopelessness. The persons with suicidal thoughts do not know any other ways out of unbearable emotional or physical suffering than to end their lives. Persons who have thoughts about suicide are often considered to be weak, inadequate dangerous, mentally ill. The best defense against this stigmatization is the full awareness both of the medical staff and the public of the character, the course and consequencies of such a behaviour. The role of a nurse is very important. When she has enough knowledge and is able to show empathy, then she can help effectively. The objective of my thesis was to find out how life of a person changes after a suicidal attempt, how he or she percieves and views that act afterwards. I also examine how the attitude to life has changed not only in persons who attempted suicide but also how their kins approach the problem. The aim was accomplished. Quantitative research was used and data obtained were evaluated. I analysed ten case studies and complex casuistics. Data were gained by the method of a structured interview. Respondents were adult patients in the psychiatric unit in the hospital České Budějovice, Inc.who were hospitalized due to their suicidal behaviour. My thesis may be mainly used to enhance awareness on the issue. The data will be handed over to other members of the medical staff and presented at medical workshops.
Communication skills of a nurse from the patient´s point of view
The research paper attempted to answer the question whether patients are satisfied with the nurses{\crq} communication skills. The target group of the paper were patients which, during the duration of the study, were hospitalized in department of internal medicine in hospitals in České Budějovice a.s. and Havlíčkův Brod and were at least 18 years or older. 110 informants participated in the questionnaire type survey. Hypotheses assumed satisfaction of patients with verbal communication, dissatisfaction with non-verbal communication and relationship between decreasing satisfaction of patients and their age. Only the firstly named hypothesis was confirmed during the study.
A difficult patient in the care of a nurse
The topic of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis is the ``Difficult Patient in a Nurse{\crq}s Work.{\crqq} The thesis is divided into 10 chapters. The theoretical findings are listed in the chapter ``Current Situation.{\crqq} The theoretical part addresses more general topics such as the specific features of work of nurses in selected wards, the roles of nurses and their professional characteristics. However, particular attention is paid to the specific situations based on which the patient may be deemed ``difficult.{\crqq} These chapters describe the personality of the person affecting his role as a patient, the patient{\crq}s reaction to disease, aggressiveness, causes of aggressive behaviour and other aspects. The conclusion is devoted to the psychic burden on nurses and burnout syndrome. The objective of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis is to determine what criteria nurses have when selecting and stipulating the order of difficult patient. Two hypotheses were chosen: patients are deemed ``difficult by nurses in different ways, according to the specific features of the ward. The demands placed on treatment care affect the identification of a patient as difficult. A survey was performed at selected wards: ARO, JIP, ONP, CHO (anaesthesiology-resuscitation ward, intensive care unit, subsequent treatment ward, surgical ward) at the České Budějivice Hospital a.s. 140 questionnaires were handed out, of which 97 were returned. The return rate was 69%. The questionnaire contained 22 questions, which were to provide answers to the assumed hypotheses. The objective of the work was fulfilled and it was found that the most common criteria affecting the evaluation and order of a ``difficult{\crqq} patient are non-cooperation, unease, and alcohol or drug intoxication. Nurses determine the order of a ``difficult{\crqq} patient almost identically. The most difficult patients according to nurses are those that are aggressive, then those that are uneasy or confused. The first hypothesis was not confirmed, because when identifying a ``difficult{\crqq} patient, nurses almost always agreed, regardless of the specific features of the ward. The second hypothesis was confirmed, because the survey proved that care for a ``difficult{\crqq} patients places demands on staffing of the shift and the nurses{\crq} education. According to the respondents{\crq} demands, a recommendation for the future would be the possibility of attending more seminars and courses aimed at the given topic.
Informedness of nurses about possible methods of communication with the hearing handicapped patients
This thesis deals with the awareness of nurses how to communicate with patients who suffer from hearing impairments. In the theoretical part we give the classification of patients with hearing defects and impairments. We mention the principles of communication with them and we tackle the questions of interpreters. At the conclusion of this part we show data that might be of interest not only for medical staff and patients but also for the public. The conclusions of our thesis may be used as an educational aid at training courses for nurses and the public as well. Results of our research could be use for working up the courses of sign language in hospitals.
Nursing inspections and their importance from view nurse and patient
My thesis, Nursing Rounds and Their Importance from Nurses and Patients Points of View, is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part consists of three main chapters. The first chapter describes nursing as a field of science; the second deals with the nursing process in connection to nursing rounds; and the third presents nursing rounds. Nursing rounds are very important to provide patients with high quality care. They enable patients to get more information about their illnesses, following examinations, nursing processes, rehabilitation, etc. There is a continuous contact between nurses and their patients that is why nursing rounds are important for both, patients and nurses. The practical part deals with nursing rounds. The aim of this work was to find out if nursing rounds are practised at standard wards in Písek Hospital, Inc.; investigate about their importance for nurses and clients; and see patients{\crq} opinions on these rounds. There were three hypotheses: Hypothesis no. 1: Nursing rounds are not usually practised at wards; Hypothesis no. 2: Nurses do not consider these rounds to be important; Hypothesis no. 3: Patients/ clients are not sufficiently informed about nursing rounds. The file for my questionnaire research was created by nurses and patients of standard wards (surgery, internal medicine, orthopaedic, gynaecology- obstetric, urologic, and neurological ward) in Písek Hospital, Inc. There were two different questionnaires; one of them contained 19 questions for nurses, and the other one 15 questions for patients. According to the results, hypotheses 1 (nursing rounds are not usually practised at standard wards in Písek Hospital, Inc.) and 3 (most of the patients do not know the term nursing round and have never heard about it) proved valid. Hypothesis 2 (nurses and patients do not consider these rounds to be important) did not prove valid.

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