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Possibility for client{\crq}s development of personality in stationary {\clqq}Úsměv`` for persons with mental and combined handicaps
The care of individuals with mental and combined handicaps is so hard, that it is often necessary to place the individuals into the day centres. The client daily attend all therapies with simultaneous educating by social experiences, by the offer of interest and club{\crq}s activities. The aim of this work was to find out, what activities help to the clients of the stationary Úsměv for persons with mental and combined handicaps in Třebíč in the development of personality, motoric abilities, integrating into the society, activities that lead to the keeping and developing of intellectual powers and skills and so on. After I have acquainted with the problems I have decided to use the qualitative research. As the essential methods I have selected unconcerned observation, non-standard interview and the content data analysis of the medical and psychological documents. The main aim was to obtain the essential information on researched individuals in relation to their developments that depend on the stationary activities. The interviews were conducted with the researched individuals, employees, parents of the individuals and they are evaluated for each group. The target file was formed of 5 individuals from the stationary Úsměv for persons with mental and combined handicaps older than 15 years in Třebíč with DMO. On the basis of the pieces of knowledge I have created the hypothesis: {\clqq}Everyday, systematic and regular visits of the stationary client and usage of all activities it has offered can help to develop the personality, integrate the client into the society, obtain self-sufficiency, development of rough and fine motoric in the area of clients with mental and combined handicap and primarily with DMO.`` The results of my research confirmed that there doesn{\crq}t exist one concrete activity that would help in the client{\crq}s personality development but the complex of all activities provided by the stationary can help them and the regular contact with people out of the home environment can help with their integration into the society. Necessity of the long-term planning of the personality development of each client came out of the research and keeping of the detailed documentation about the development of their abilities and skills.
Smoking prevalence in students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, the University of South Bohemia.
Smoking is becoming a huge problem not only in the Czech Republic but in all developed countries of the world. It is thus worldwide pandemics, which is necessary to take precautions against. Although the smoking prevalence in middle aged men and women is decreasing, it is increasing in both sexes of younger age groups. Especially, the big problem is occasional as well as regular smoking since the age of ten already. This exactly increases the importance of smoking prevalence. Significant role is played by the healthy life style education which should be provided by a family as well as the school educational system. In smokers there is a higher risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases; smokers have also higher inclination toward the onset of cancer than non-smokers. The most serious is bronchogenic carcinoma. The thesis was processed by a quantitative way using questionnaires. The research groups were the students of full-time study in the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, the University of South Bohemia. The main objective was to map the occurrence of smoking in students in selected study programmes of the faculty. I stated three hypotheses for the research. Hypothesis 1, students of the faculty are addicted to nicotine and are not satisfied with their addiction, was proved. Hypothesis 2, smokers prevail non-smokers in the group of investigated students, was not proved. Hypothesis 3, students do not lack information on smoking harmfulness, was proved. The research showed that 41.1% women and 40% men suffer from middle addiction to nicotine. The thesis should serve as an information source for the students and lecturers of the faculty and further it might initiate the establishment of the faculty anti-smoking clinic.
The psychological, healthy, social and law aspekt of child abuse and neglekt
The theoretical part describes types of CAN syndrome, i.e. torture, abuse and neglect of children and their medical, psychological and social consequences. There are also addressed issues of risk factors for the children´s torture, abuse and neglect. In another part of the theoretical work there are given possibilities of a prevention, treatment and assistance to victims of this pathological phenomenon. A large part of the theoretical work is devoted to a legal aspect of the torture, abuse and neglect and finally it describes their possible victimization and prevention. An aim of this thesis is based on a comparison of results from a questionnaire survey conducted at two groups of respondents. These two groups consist of respondents from the village of Vílanec and respondents from the town of Jihlava. The first goal was to find out an awareness of respondents from both groups of the issues on the abuse and neglect including possibilities of their prevention. The second goal was to compare the information obtained between both target groups. Both these goals have been met. The research of this bachelor work was made in the form of a quantitative research, a technique of a questionnaire survey. On the basis of the aims the hypothesis H1 was determined: ?The increased awareness of the issues of children´s abuse and neglect will be proved by respondents from the town of Jihlava against the awareness of respondents from the village of Vílanec.? This hypothesis was not confirmed.
Derangements of taking food by pubescents
This thesis consists of both theoretical and practical parts. The aim of the theoretical part is to present the basic concepts of this field of research, then discuss the types of nourishment intake defects, their causes and treatment, and also to define the term "pubescent". The entire theoretical part is based on the examined professional literature. The practical part focuses on research which ascertains pubescents´ awareness of the topic and the possible influence and occurrence of the nourishment intake defects in pubescents. Following the practical part, there is a summary and evaluation of the results based on the questionnaire method.
Treatment of Childhood Obesity in Oliva Children's Hospital
Nováková, Kateřina ; Střítecký, Rudolf (advisor) ; Kandilaki, Daniela (referee)
This diploma thesis analyses children's obesity treatment as it is applied in the Oliva children medical institution (ODL), Říčany. Managerial-economical methods were used to evaluate the benefits of the children's obesity therapy. The study hypotheses were that a) the ODL obesity treatment works well and b) the financial results are stable. Based on analysis of incomplete data from 2009, this study found that mean percentage loss of initial weight reached 5.8% (6.1% for boys, 5.6% for girls), a satisfactory result. In order to maximise individual weight loss, the length of one stay should exceed a month (30 days). The second part of the hypothesis, the financial analysis of the weight loss program, was not supported by the data. If economical stability (break even point) is to be achieved, the sanatorium must operate 350 days per year having 163 occupied beds. However, there were only 108 beds available in 2009 and the number of the beds continues to decrease. There are other, external factors that suggest long-term economic difficulties, such as changes in the national health-care system, pending property relations, and difficulties with both salaries and staff. In conclusion, recommendations are offered that can improve the program, given the constraints imposed on it by factors within and without the ODL.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of sequential therapy of depression
Šóš, Peter ; Lešetický, Ondřej (advisor) ; Novák, Tomáš (referee)
Applying pharmacoeconomic methods were compared two selected treatments of depressive disorder. Markov model was created to evaluate cost-effectiveness of the two strategies. Knowledge from the clinical practice and the clinical research findings of the author are linked with pharmacoeconomic techniques into a multidisciplinary complex. The proposed sequential therapy uses a prediction of antidepressant response by utilizing of recent quantitative electroencephalography methods. Sequential therapy is more cost-effective compared with the conventional therapeutic strategy according to clinical guidelines. The results and limitations of the study are discussed at the conclusion from clinical and economic perspective.
Relaxation and Meditation with Music
The thesis introduces an importance of a mental hygiene and its chosen methods - relaxation and meditation with music. The theoretical part is focused on a description of the basic relaxation and meditation techniques and curative effects of music. It deals with a music therapy, its meaning, types, methods and history in terms of the importance of music healing relaxation effects on the mental, physical as well as spiritual health. The practical part includes a usage of these methods in practice with five different age therapeutic groups; it observes and evaluates changes of the psychological and physical conditions after performed therapies. In order to create a receptive program for an individual and group education a questionnaire survey was conducted on an effect of the performed therapy. The survey showed that the relaxation and meditation with music is an effective psychotherapeutic mean to induce a mental balance of a man.
Son-Rise as a New Alternative Method of Approach to Children with Autism
GÓRNÁ, Petra
The thesis deals with Son-Rise program and with a family who applies this method to raise a son with autism. This work presents consistent information about the above mentioned issue. Theoretical part is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses on history and present view of autism. A triad of elementary characteristic areas in which the disease appears is described here. In the first part attention is given to therapies that are used in the Czech Republic. The other part is a complex description of Son-Rise method used in working with autistic children. It describes history, origin, principles and objectives of Son-Rise method and deals with therapeutic team, support system of help and education in Son-Rise program and outlines the situation in the Czech Republic. The practical part involves the objective, methodology, sample and research results. The whole thesis is completed by the discussion and conclusion. The objective of the work is to introduce Son-Rise method in the family who raises a son with autism to general public. Qualitative research is applied in the thesis. The method of questioning, the technique of a semi-controlled interview with parents of the child and my own observation experience are used there. The thesis may become suitable material for both parents of autistic children and experts dealing with the issue of autism. The work should also generate interest among students, potential therapists.
Nurses Suffering from Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a non-infectious inflammation with the genetic disposition. It is a chronic inflammatory disease connected with the accelerated reproduction of skin cells whose cause has not been recognized yet. According to various sources it afflicts 2-3% of the Central European population in different forms including the most serious cases which can affect with the intensive inflammation the entire skin surface. There are several types of psoriasis and they differ with the intensity and the symptoms. The disease shows a red marked area covered with silver white scales of dead cells. Psoriasis does not belong to cases which endanger our life but it enormously influences the physical, psychic and social aspects of the life. The content of the Bachelor work is focused on the issue of psoriasis at general nurses who work in this medical profession. The work is divided into two parts ? theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains available information on psoriasis from history, disease characteristics, nurse´s role during the nursing process and selected types of treatment. Further, it involves summary of nurses diagnoses of people suffering from psoriasis and the issues of life quality which is undoubtedly affected a lot. In the research ? empiric part of the work the inquiry was carried out with the qualitative method. Data were collected by using the technique of an anonymous, individual, in-depth and non-standardized interview with respondents ? general nurses suffering with psoriasis. The aim of the work was to find out how psoriasis influences the nurses´ professional life. The research questions dealt with the general information about the nurse as a patient, with work limitations, stigmatisation from patients and the staff and with the influence of the medical environment on worsening psoriasis symptoms. The research showed that psoriasis does not influence quality nursing care and that this disease influences the private life more than the professional one. The results of the research compile an information leaflet from which patients can find out, that they do not have to be afraid of nurses suffering from psoriasis and that their disease does not affect their nursing care. Another contribution of the work lies in a printed article which enables the general public to get the information.
Organic arsenic compounds - toxicology, protection and therapy
MIKITIN, Richard
Organic arsenic compounds ? toxicology, protection, therapy The subject of this thesis is to bring the survey of selected organic arsenic compounds from the natural as well as anthropogenic sources. In the initial part, these compounds are described, the author deals with their origin, transport in environment and their impact on the organism. It brings the survey of the present most important problems associated with the organic compounds of arsenic, it deals with the issue of the contamination of potable water in the world and with the issue of the combat chemical substances with arsenic contents, their quality, history of usage, storage and liquidation. The target of the thesis was to describe the toxic characteristics of these substances, to define the fundamental problems, starting point of solutions in the field of protection against them and assuring adequate therapy. The author proceeded by the method of collecting information from the professional literature and other information sources. It was found out that the most serious problems are contamination of potable water and mainly the historic methods of liquidation of chemical weapons with the contents of arsenic compounds, as burying into the earth, submersion into water sources or burning in open fire. The risk remains also the storage, manipulation and destruction of the present stock of chemical weapons. Nevertheless, during collecting the information about here described organic compounds of arsenic it was not proved that water contamination and accumulation of these compounds in the live organisms is the most important risk of impact of these compounds. Organic compounds of arsenic, being accumulated in organisms of sea biotops, are arsenosugars (algae) and especially arsenobetain, which are almost non-toxic. The hypothesis was not proved and it shall be rejected. In future, it is necessary to take measures consisting in monitoring the known storage places of combat chemical substances, consequent checking of usage of arsenic pesticides and other industrial substances.

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