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Student's fluid intake in the Bohemia university in České Budějovice.
In my bachelor thesis I deal with drinking regime of students from South Bohemia University. My thesis is divided to two parts. In theoretical part I process literature searches from available sources related with a given topic. I describe keeping with water in human body, after that I write about single drinks in more details. In practical part I deal with my research. In the practical part I pursue my research. The goal is to find out how university students take care of their fluid intake, whether they care for healthy fluid intake and to focus on the aspect of how often they drink alcohol, coffee and other improper fluids. For my research I have chosen three research assumptions. In the first one I assume that the respondents who receive less fluids than the adviced daily amount (2 to 3 litres) suffer more often from the symptoms of dehydration. The second assumption concerns alcohol, I assume that male students consume alcohol more often than female students. In the third assumption I have focused on the intake of coffee, whether female students consume more coffee than male students. I choose method of questioning with my own questionnaire. Answers are processed in a graph. I applied this method on students from seven different faculties from South Bohemia University in Czech Budweis. The age of students is between 19 and 23 years.
Keeping of drinking habits in hospices in case of walking patients
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of the drinking-regime keeping in case of patients in hospices and in case of seniors living on their own. The phrase 'drinking regime' means correct fluid supplement which is necessary for a human body. It is the main way to recover the daily fluid loss. The intake of fluids is essential at any age, though even more essential it is at the old age, when the human body encounters considerable natural decrease in amount of fluids and what is more, when a man also loses the feeling of thirst. To stay healthy and in a good shape, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the intake and expenditure of fluids during a day. From this point of view, it is important to have a regular fluid intake during a day - especially to drink sth. before one starts to feel thirsty.
The risk perception of drinking regime structure at basic school childern.
Perception of risk of drinking regime structure at basic school children. Subject of my bachelor theses deals with liquid receipt at basic school children. This work is not focussed only on quantity but especially on quality of received drinks. To follow quality of drinks, which we drink can be advantageous for individual. The first goal of my theses is to map, if children at primary school keep principles of drinking regime in sequence of General education programs for basic education and implementation of subject healthy education. According to this modification of school curriculum children schuold get information regording the problems of correct nourishment and drinking regime. The problem is if children at the age 6-15 are able to aplicate effectively this obtained onformation in the scope of their living style.The second goal of work is clearing up if children of primary school choose drinks according to their consisting. Theses are divided into two parts. Theoretical part deals with analysis of available sources about drinks and their suitability for children population. There are summarized basic rules and advises for receiving of liguids at the start of theses. Further there are charakterised particular types of drinks and their possible advantages and disadvantages for children age. Then there is description of stuffs which are compherhensive in drinks as mineral stuffs, caffeine, dyes, sweeteners and their impact to health. At the end of theoretical part there is a note about content of water in particular kinds of food-stuff, which can be significant source of liquids for some individuals. Practical part deals with analysis particular questions from questionnaire which are graphics processed as charts andhables and evaluation hypotheses by statistics functions. Research was realised os quantity research with usage guestionnaire method and it was realized in December 2013 at older school age children accindentaly chosen primary school in microregion Telečsko. The questionnaire was anonymous and consisted of 25 questions. Questionare contained demographic questions i. e. age and sex. Then questions focused on guantity, time and frequency of liquids receiving during the day and especially on consisting of drinking regime and preference for choise of liquids. In total amount there was distributed 190 questionnares. We received back 145 ones correctly and fully fulfilled. This is 76 % returnability. Two hypothesis werw formulated for purposes of this reserche H1: Primyry school children do not keep principles of drinking regime. H2: Keeping drinkink regime principles is not different at girls and boys. These hypothesis were statisticaly evaluated and confirmed or disprove on besic of results. The output of results is that children of primary school inspite of information availability about drinkink regime do not keep these principals. So we accept H1 hypothesis. There was not found out statisticaly significanr difference in keeping of principal of dinkink regime at particular are agreed from 93,6 %. We accept H2 hypothesis. Aim of my work was finding out if children choose drinks according to their consisting. The most preferend are carbonated drinks with natural sweeteners and dyes. The most important reason for choosing of drink is its taste, health and price. Children practicaly are not interested in consisting of drinks. The most offen they stated the answer: rather no and no, whoch create 71 % in total. Results of this work can be used to focusing of children education in the area of learning the principals of right drinking regime. The problem not keeping the rules of drinking regime could be solved by focusing of education of the youngesst children who just learn the drinking regime hebits i.e. at the start of they live. First of all the information schould be given their parents who influence their children the most.
Eating habits of children of II. level of primary schools in Benešov region
The aim of this thesis is to identity dietary habits of children of second level of primary schools in Benešov region. Firstly theoretical findings from the area of nutrition and dietary habits. The theoretical part is devoted to these findings of the thesis. The next step was the selection of suitable primary schools of Down and village environment, where the surfy could be couducted. Altes meeting the responsible autority, of the schools, letters for parents were given to children, which was Informix then about the thesis topic and was requesting agrément or disagreement of the participation on the surfy. In the case of positive response the children were given a template for filling in the diet and food consumed with user instructions. After the return of these, it was neceséry to process them because of mistakes that appeared and made the data unsuitable for analysis. The diets were evalnated with the aid of the nutrition program found on During the evelnation, I have focused especially on the daily energy income and income of individual macronutrients. The results were used in the practical part of my thesis. We will find for example the outcome of individual macronutrients, energy income and the most consumed type of vegetables.
Probe into the eating habits of Roma socially excluded in the location in České Budějovice
URBANOVÁ, Magdalena
The theoretical part describes the general basis for the diet, then eating habits of Roma living in socially excluded localities and changes in their eating habits over time. The practical part follows the eating habits of Roma living in the socially excluded area in the Czech Budejovice, specifically in the street V. Volf. The data were collected through semi structured interviews (qualitative data collection). A total of 10 interviews were conducted with respondents living in the socially excluded area in the Czech Budejovice Máj on a housing estate in the street Volf V, which is defined in the analysis of socially excluded Roma localities and communities in the Czech Republic and absorptive capacity of organizations working in this field (2006). The interviews are recorded using case studies and subsequently evaluated.
Comparison of the Drinking Regime and Alcohol Consumption of High School Students
My work deals with the problem of alcohol consumption of high school and apprentice students. The goal of my work was to find out what drinks youths prefer and how much of it they drink daily. The next goal was to find out the alcohol consumption of high school and apprentice students. In this research I evaluated how often youths drink alcohol, at what age they first drank it and what their opinion is about its effect on human health. In the theoretical part of this work I dealt with a better drinking regime, different kinds of beverages and I evaluated different alcoholic and non- alcoholic beverages according to their effects on human health. I have described different examples of diseases that are caused by overconsumption of alcohol and those that people with alcohol addiction suffer from. For extra interest I have described the origin of different beverages. In the research part I dealt with the drinking regime of high school and apprentice students. I found out what sweet and sugar free beverages students and apprentices drink and how much they drink daily. It also deals with differences in alcohol consumption between students and apprentices, if boys drink more alcohol than girls and if smokers drink more alcohol than non- smokers. To obtain the results I used questionnaires and gave them to students at high schools and apprentices at vocational schools in České Budějovice. The results were processed in MS Excel. The research confirmed all expected hypothesis. The first confirmed hypothesis was that apprentices drink alcohol more often than high school students. The next confirmed hypothesis was that the above mentioned group does not follow a correct drinking regime. The third confirmed hypothesis was that boys drink alcohol more often than girls. The hypothesis that expected that students and apprentices who smoke drink alcohol more often was also confirmed. The last confirmed hypothesis was, that youths prefers beverages with a content of sugar more than water and sugar free tea.
Nursing care of urinary stones patiens and evaluation of their diet habits
Bachelor thesis Nursing care of patients with urolithiasis and assessment of their dietary habits drala with the issue of comprehensive urolithiasis and its prevention. Nurses working in urology departments are commonly encounte-red in providing nursing care with patients who have persistent colic pain due to movement concrement in the urinary tracts. For the most part in the formation concrement involved inadequate fluid intake and poor dietary habits, such as high intake of animal protein and salt. The task of nurses is sufficient to inform the patient of the change in dietary and drinking regime, not to have to relive severe pain. We can divide work into two parts. The first part of work focuses on the theoretical acquaintance with the problems of urolithiasis. In this section attention is paid to the history, causes of urolithiasis,its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. The nursing care of patients with urolithiasis is also described there. The second part is research. The research was realized in urolo-gical departments in selected hospitals of South Bohemia - in České Budějovice, Písek and in Tábor on the bed ward and outpatient departments of these departments. Research was conducted using questionnaires to patients and nurses. The aim of this work was to evaluate the dietary habits of patients with uroli-thiasis. At the same time we wanted to determine the educational extent of nurses in the prevention of urolithiasis. On the basis of the main objectives have been identified hypotheses. H 1: The Patients with urolithiasis keep diet regime. H2: The Patients with urolithiasis keep drinking regime. H3: Patients are enough informed about the diet. H4: Patients are enough informed about drinking regime. H5: Disease more frequently affects younger patiens than older patients. The aim of the work has been achieved and hypothese H1, H3, H4 and H5 were based on the research confirmed. Hypotheses H2 hasn´t been confirmed. The results and findings of the research will be offered to nurses working in urology wards and outpatient clinics where the research was conducted. They can help in the education of patients with urolithiasis and focus on areas that are most important for the patient-litiatic. It would be appropriate to attend at this issue one of its workshops in urological departments and not only there, to provide effectively education of patients by educator-nurse.
The influence of regimen in general nurses in three-shift operation on their bio-psycho-social needs
The right regimen is one of the factors influencing the ability to handle the requirements of medical profession. It is important for the nurses to realize how important the right diet and keeping to it not only at home but also at work is, especially in the three-shift operation. The survey was quantitative. Anonymous questionnaires for randomly chosen nurses were applied for data collection. The research survey was carried out at asylum and at the Hospital in Havlíčkův Brod. 120 questionnaires were distributed in total, of which 114 (100%) were used for the research survey. Three goals were set for this paper. To find out whether nurses working in three-shift operation eat regularly, whether nurses keep a drinking regime and whether they suffer due to their regimen from indigestion. The set goals were fulfilled in the paper. Three hypotheses were set, each of which related to one goal. The first hypothesis presumed nurses ate regularly. This hypothesis was not confirmed. The second hypothesis presumed nurses maintain drinking regime at work, which was confirmed. The third hypothesis presumed nurses do not suffer from indigestion due to their regimen. The survey has shown nurses believe the medical profession has an impact on their regimen, especially in irregular eating habits, lack of sleep, and besides they consider their work as the cause of stress. On the other hand the nurses maintaining of drinking regime and lack of indigestion problems was a surprising realization. Regular eating habits certainly are an indicator of regimen. However many nurses do not have regular eating habits. The results of the paper shall help to better understand the importance of the right regimen. Nurses should be acquainted with this issue.
Regime of drinking by nurses
In my Bachelor Thesis, I dealt with the questions of observing the drinking regime in nurses. The survey group consisted of nurses employed in wards of the Tábor and Pelhřimov hospitals. Observing the fluid intake is essential for the correct function of all processes in the organism. Drinking regime is one of the factors that influence the quality of nurses{\crq} work. It is therefore indispensable that nurses are sufficiently informed about the proper rules of fluid intake and that they observe them. Sufficient knowledge may also improve the care of the clients{\crq} fluid intake.
Nutrition Guidance for Colostomy Patients in South Bohemian Hospitals of Písek, České Budějovice and Tábor Before They Are Discharged Home.
There are about 10 -11 thousand colostomy patients in the Czech Republic nowadays. As the number of these patients goes up a system of complex nurse treatment should be prepared. Applying a colostomy bag means a deep inroad into patients´ personal, working and social lives. A stoma nurse help the patients to overcome new problems and difficulties. She also guides them in the care of stoma itself as well as of the diet. A specific nutrition is necessary to be followed as it can improve patients´ lives a lot. The aim of this work is to find out how much colostomy patients and nurses know about nutrition and drinking regime before patients are discharged home and if nurses in South Bohemian hospitals inform the patients. There were two hypotheses stated at the beginning. H1: Colostomy patients have enough information about nutrition and drinking regime before they are discharged. H2: Nurses inform patients about nutrition and drinking regime. To collect all necessary data, the method of questioning was used. Forty patients and sixty nurses in surgical wards were asked to fill in the questionnaires. The rate of return in all hospitals mentioned above was 100%. The patient questionnaires consisted of twenty questions and the nurse questionnaires of eighteen. Both hypotheses were proved, colostomy patients are informed about nutrition principles and nurses give them further information. The findings of the work will be offered to surgical ward sisters of the hospitals where the survey was done. They could be used for presenting at professional seminars for stoma and other surgical nurses who work with colostomy patients.

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