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Selected alternative medical approaches opinions of University of South Bohemia's students
The term alternative medicine alone is very problematic to define, since it is not easy to tell, which methods should be included within its boundaries and which should not. This issue has its fans as well as sworn criticizers. We are coming across it more and more often in our daily lifes and it is only up to people, whether they will prefer this kind of medicine, or the conventional one. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to describe some chosen methods of alternative medicine, as well as the alternative medicine alone. Other aim was to verify hypothesis that is connected to greater criticism of students of healthcare programs towards mentioned type of medicine. Yet another assumption was the familiarity of the students of the University of South Bohemia with at least one of its methods. Questionnaire took place in the period between the end of March and slightly below the half of April. Dataset contained information from 190 respondents. The group under investigation was composed of students of Faculty of Health and Social sciences, Education and Faculty of Economics. Other respondents were united under the name Others. The evaluation of the questionnaire has shown, that students of health programs are not as critical towards the alternative medicine as I supposed. Moreover, the hypothesis claiming that students are familiar with at least one of the methods of alternative medicine was confirmed.

Izolace a charakterizace nového antimikrobiálního peptidu (defenzinu) exprimovaného v klíštěti obecném \kur{Ixodes ricinus}
Ticks are important blood feeding arthropod vectors of different pathogens. Control of tick-borne pathogens is complicated due to a lack of vaccines. Development of the novel methods of tick control and search of the new vaccine candidates are required for suppression of tick populations and for control of tick-borne infectious diseases. Among possible candidates, defensins are espicially interesting. In this study, a novel anionic Ixodes ricinus defensin named AnIrDef is described, and its antimicrobial activity in vitro is confirmed. Due to the similarity with defensins from other ticks, it is assumed that I. ricinus AnIrDef is involved in the defence against microbes from bloodmeals.

Abstract The bachelor{\crq}s thesis is focused on the evaluation of the functionality of the family which is determined here through the Family APGAR questionnaire elaborated by Gabriel Smilkstein in 1978. The goal of the thesis was to find out in what way the Family APGAR questionnaire may be utilized for evaluation of the functionality of the family living in the town up to 50 000 inhabitants. Through the research, the hypothesis determined at the beginning should have been confirmed or refuted that the Family APGAR questionnaire is suitable to evaluate the functionality of the family living in the town up to 50 000 inhabitants. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the concept of family is defined. The family development is also described here. A part of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis deals with the functions of the family, i.e. the biologically-reproductive function, economic and securing function, emotional, socializing and educational function. Moreover the relationships in the family are treated, the meaning of the family for the child and on the contrary the contribution of the child for the family. The thesis tries also to describe the relationship between the parent and the adolescent child. A strand of the theoretical part is also the characterization of a functional family, also the features of a dysfunctional family are included. Last but not least the characterization of the present family community is mentioned. The practical part the of the bachelor{\crq}s thesis is focused on the verification of Smilkstein Family APGAR questionnaire. The name APGAR consists of the initial letters of English words Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection and Resolve. The necessary data were gained through the quantitative research performed among children. The research was performed by the method of questioning where the technique of the standardized interview was applied. The addressed respondents were in the age category 12 to 18. The hypothesis was refuted. Family APGAR questionnaire is not a suitable instrument for determining the family functionality.

Entry into confident spaces and objects in the intervention of Fire Rescue Units of the Czech Republic
The submitted diploma thesis undertakes problems of the entrance of Fire Rescue Service forces to the closed areas and objects. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis focuses on problems of Integrated Rescue System, shows its units cooperated during the actions with the necessity of the entrance to the closed areas and specifies legislation focused to this type of incidents. It names the ways of entrance to the closed areas according to possible fire-fighting accesses, admission port to the objects and their technical provision in case of defalt in rescue of people. The main part of the diploma thesis in theoretical part is shot to the specification of fire-fighting technics, technical and material means, used for emergency entrance to the closed areas at Fire Rescue Service Moravian-Silesian Region, Regional Fire Rescue Service Karviná. At the conclusion of the theoretical part there are the most important aspects of tactics of Fire Rescue Service forces in actions described, where they are obliged to open closed obstructions for the entrance and to enter the closed areas regarding to solve technical help, fires or rescue of people. Because Police of the Czech Republic is the component of the Integrated Rescue System it takes part in most cases of Fire Rescue Service´s actions. That is the reason why I introduced the tactics in the actions of Fire Rescue Service force relating to the Fire Protection, very interesting methods of entrance to the closed areas used by special Police force. In the practical part of the diploma thesis there are methods and ways of emergency entrance to the closed areas using modern methods and technical support. To explain described methods of entrance and making obstructions up, I used the experiences obtained during my professional Fire Rescue Service. After the analysis of the separate methods there is an evaluation of their implementation and risks or complications during the actions. All methods and ways of emergency entrance are illustrated by photos. Then there is a summary of events from 2007 to 2012 when I was included to Regional Fire Rescue Service in Karviná. This summary shows frequency of actions in entrance to the closed areas in Moravian-Silesian Region in 2012. Next there is an analysis of means of Regional Fire Rescue Service in Karviná, used for opening and entrance to the closed areas. The effect of the analysis is to detect facilities for effective implementation of actions. On the basis of results the optimalisation was suggested to guarantee preparedness for these actions. In conclusion a ?door and window opener? is designed, including the verification of functionality. The technical documentation and direction for use are in enclosures. In conclusion of the practical part of the diploma thesis there is a discussion and evaluation of all aims of the work as practical processes of emergency entrance of Fire Rescue Service (FRS) forces to closed areas, evaluation of different types of rescuing people, FRS data processing and designing of the ?door and window opener?. At the end of the discussion the exploratory question was confirmed which evaluated facilities of FRS for emergency entrance to the closed areas, their insufficiency or necesity of inovation and, of course, if the door and window opener suggested in this work will improve the entrance to the closed areas and the action standard.

The Analysis of the Factors Having Effect on the Price of Used Cars in Slovakia
Beleš, Tomáš ; Mičúch, Marek (advisor) ; Chytilová, Helena (referee)
The following thesis concerns the research of basic factors affecting the price of used cars in Slovakia. The hedonic price regression and a data set of over 2600 units has been used. The data set was acquired from the webpages of the largest second-hand-car seller in Slovakia named AAA Auto. Estimated parameters have been a help in decomposing the price of a second-hand car into its determinants. Besides the negative affect of the age and the odometer state a significant price bonus concerning home-produced cars (Skoda) has been confirmed. The price discrimination concerning the odometer state from the drivers' point of view has also been confirmed.

Stimulation of the zones used during reflex locomotion by TENS
Vodňanská, Markéta ; Malá, Jitka (advisor) ; Pánek, David (referee)
Thesis title: Stimulation of the zones used during reflex lokomotion by the TENS Name: Markéta Vodňanská The aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether is activated the appropriate locomotor pattern during Vojta reflex locomotion - reflexive crawling, when TENS is used for a stimulation of trigger zones, as it is during manual stimulation of trigger zones for reflexive crawling. Method: The essence of this study is the stimulation of trigger zones used in the reflex locomotion manually and by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) at a frequency of 30 Hz and 182 Hz. Six probands participated in this experiment. During the manual and TENS stimulation was scanned electrical activity in selected muscles by surface electromyography. First, it was evaluated the order of activation of selected muscles, using "standard timing" analysis by MyoResearch XP Master program. Second, it was evaluated the crawling reflex locomotion pattern visually. Results: It was confirmed, that the crawling reflex locomotion pattern, which is provoked by manual stimulation of trigger zones, is provoked by TENS stimulation as well, using the same trigger zones. It follows that the vector of direction and pressure during manual stimulation of trigger zones is not necessary for recall of the...

The problems of bullying from the points of view of the prevence - methodists in České Budějovice
The theme for the whole work was chicane. The exact name of the work is: Problems of chicane from the point of view of school methodists in České Budějovice. The aim of this work was to find out knowledge of school methodists in problems of chicane, then practicalness of the solution, observance of the minimal preventive programme and effectiveness of the primary prevention. The current state was extracted from scientific literature. Chicane, its developmental stages, forms, victim, aggressor, progresses of the solution, primary prevention, function of the school methodist, minimal preventive programme - this all is described there. There was a qualitative research used in this work, where the means of collecting data was a semistandardized interview. This interview was made of 39 questions connected with chicane, appearence of chicane at the primary schools, minimal preventive programme and primary prevention. Observed sample was made of 5 school methodists taken from primary schools in České Budějovice. The research showed that the respondents had no adequate information connected with problems of chicane. They do not know exact definitions of chicane or its developmental stages and main policy of solving chicane. The positive thing about this is that the respondents confirmed presence of chicane at their school. This means that they do not leave this problem behind. Respondents know what the minimal preventive programme means and they follow it. According to their oppinions the primary prevention is poor. The results showed that there is a need of the further education of the school methodists in problems of chicane. There is a need of more effective primary prevention. This work can be used in practice for getting or completion of scientific knowledge connected with problems of chicane. With help of described practice of solving chicane this abstract can be also used as briefing.

The Difference in the Relation of the Nursing Mentor to the Students of Bachelor and Master Education Program.
The master thesis named {\clqq}Differences in the relationships between nurse mentors and Bachelor´s and Master´s degree students`` is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the practical part it was discovered with the aid of the qualitative research, that the nurse mentors does not see differences in the relationships between Bachelor´s and Master´s degree students. The hypothesis stating that the students of Master´s degree programmes enjoy better relationships with mentors than the students of Bachelor´s degree programmes has been disconfirmed. The interviews with the mentors showed that one of the factors affecting the relationships of the nurse mentors to the Master´s and Bachelor´s degree students is the lack of time they have for the students. The results of the questionnaires confirmed the hypothesis stating that the most frequent factor which affects the relationships of students to the mentor is the mentor{\crq}s attention given to them.

Obstacle courses
Korf, Marek ; Vomáčko, Ladislav (advisor) ; Frainšic, Michal (referee)
1 Name: Obstacle courses Aim: Getting to the area of obstacle areas. Division of obstacle sites and integrated pathways of individual congregations. Test Performance of selected areas steeplechase. Disclosure of potential use for educational purposes and school. Orientation used in building materials and staging of theoretical manuals. Method: Collection and work with written information relating to the obstacle areas. Structured interviews with structured content. Furthermore, the method will be disinterested and participant observation at selected campuses hurdle corps Army, Police and Fire Rescue. Results: Basic features of the steeple was held areas. The use of written materials fulfilled the expectations of sources and information. In the introduction to the PA areas were carried out four interviews were subsequently conducted their analysis. The interviews in Chapter 5 6th 7th and 9 showed that the difference between the PA is primarily in their demands. Field observations showed that the use of obstacle paths are theoretically determined. A meeting with the PA areas were all watching really helps. When participating observation can confirm the specific demands of the PA. Usage is governed by the direction of specialization of individual departments. Keywords: Obstacles, control, materials,...

The efficiency of primary prevention of drug addictions from the view of drug addicts as well as the drug experts in the Region of South Bohemia
The name of my dissertation is ``The efficiency of primary prevention of drug addictions from the view of drug addicts as well as the drug experts in the Region of South Bohemia.{\crqq} The dissertation aims to provide an insight into the issue of perceiving the efficiency of drug addictions{\crq} primary prevention by individual target groups of the research. A method of qualitative research was chosen to reach the objective. Two research questions were specified as follows: 1.How is the efficiency of drug addictions{\crq} primary prevention perceived by individual target groups? 2. Is the primary prevention of drug addictions applied systematically, timely and to a sufficient extent? To obtain the data, a non-standardised questionnaire with rather open questions was used. The research sample contained at the end 40 addicts, possibly abstaining and 31 experts working in the field of drug problems. Using graphic charts as well as commentary description, the findings part shows the elicited situation regarding the issue. Most of the experts consider primary prevention rather effective. If expressed in percentage, 30% efficiency of drug addictions{\crq} primary prevention was the most frequent choice of answers. On the other hand, the addicts evaluated the prevention as rather inefficient; however, in the percentage expression they shared the number with the experts - 30% efficiency was the most frequent choice. What the experts considered the weakest point of the current situation was the lack of funds into the primary prevention and a strong anti-drug lobby as well as the absence or inappropriate evaluation of the efficiency of primary prevention. The addicts saw the weakest points of the primary prevention in the lack of information on the consequences, as the information on effects prevailed over the after-effects. The dissertation confirmed some of the presumptive facts (insufficient/inappropriate evaluation of the efficiency of primary prevention) and indicated the propriety of similar research with a more extended view. Such research should be systematic and long-term with a broad platform of cooperating experts and media.