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Risk management of nursing care
The aim of our work was to map the process of identification, evaluation, and implementation of activities directed at prevention or management of nursing safety risks in organizations providing urgent ward care in the Czech Republic from the point of view of top management of nursing. Our work traced a quantitative research. For collecting data we used a non-standard questionnaire made up only for the purposes of this work. The questionnaire was distributed by the top representative of nursing management (ward sister/deputy in charge of nursing care) of the above specified health centres. The research was carried out in the period February - April 2008 and for assessment of the results obtained we used 110 questionnaires. For the purposes of our work we determined six hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 saying that hospitals create conditions for the development of safe organizational culture proved true. For the future it is essential to discuss this topic more profoundly, as well as to get rid of the fear of punishment for acknowledging a mistake and accept the fact that we all make mistakes, therefore we must minimalize their frequency and consequences and above all learn from them. Hypothesis 2 stating that hospitals watch risk factors for occurence of emergencies proved true, too. As a negative finding we can consider proving hypothesis 3 saying that hospitals do not reveal particulat risks of nursing care until the elimination of their consequences. Uncovering insufficient use of proactive strategy led us to a more detailed description of a FMEA method. Hypothesis 4 saying that hospitals have created a procedure for occurence of emergency and hypothesis 5 - nursing personnel is obligated to observe and report at minimum three kinds of emergencies related to nursing care proved true, too. The last hypothesis 6 presenting the fact that hospitals do not make their patients/clients involved in prevention of mistakes of medical workers was also confirmed by the results, but it was pleasant to find out that 43,3% of respondents stated that this possibility is being used at their place. We suggest to include the prevention of mistakes in the nursing process whether by means of particular nursing diagnoses or global education of patients/clients. As a suggestion of a feasible content of education we translated and adapted a document SPEAK UP into Czech named 7P.
Observing the Charter of rights of children patients in hospital
My thesis deals with protection of children´s rights in the hospital in Pelhrimov. It raises the issue of hospitalized children, their physical, emotional and social needs. The objective was to find out if the child-patient´s demands are met in the therapeutic process on the part of the small patients themselves as well as their parents. The theoretical part of my thesis gives basic information on the children´s ward in the hospital in Pelhrimov, discusses the aspects of the Charter and mentions the history of children´s rights. In the practical part of the thesis the following targets were set: to examine if persons accompanying children in hospital are given enough information on the Charter of Children´s Rights; if the Charter is posted up for public inspection at all the children wards in the hospital in Pelhrimov; if the rights are fulfilled.Five hypotheses were suggested: 1/ The persons accompanying child patients to hospital are made familiar with the Charter of Children´s Rights at admission to hospital. 2/ An entry is put into the medical record to document that the child´s accompanying person was acquainted with the Charter. 3/ The Charter is posted up for public inspection conspicuously. 4/ In the opinion of persons accompanying the child in hospital the Charter is being fulfilled in its full extent. 5/ In the opinion of nurses the Charter is being fulfilled in its full extent. The research was conducted by the quantitative method of a questionnaire.The hypotheses were confirmed. The objectives were achieved. The management of the hospital in Pelhrimov will be provided with these results to benefit from them at the accredit proceedings.
The role of educative nurse in the infectious diseases ward
One of very important competences of nurses is educational activity. This research is focused on the educational activity pursued by nurses in isolation wards {--} how the nurses perform the educational activity, in what manners the activity is conducted and what problems inhibit nurses from performing the activity. It also examines clients{\crq} awareness and their opinions on the information provided by nurses. The objective of the thesis was to ascertain implementation of the educational process in isolation wards {--} to ascertain clients{\crq} awareness of the care of their health in isolation wards and to ascertain preparedness of nurses to perform the educational activity. In order to fulfill this objective and to confirm hypotheses, a quantitative research using the method of examination through questionnaires was applied. Two questionnaires were drawn up: one for the recipients of the educational activity {--} patients/clients and the other one for the providers of the educational activity {--} nurses. The examination through questionnaires was undertaken by 177 informants of which 96 were patients/clients and 81 nurses. The data were processed by way of the descriptive statistics using diagrams. The research was conducted in five hospitals. Three hypotheses were raised. Nurses working in isolation wards perform the educational activity. Clients of isolation wards are informed about the care for their health. A general nurse of an isolation ward possesses skills to perform the educational role. All the three hypotheses have been confirmed on the basis of the implementation and the analysis of the research. It follows from the data analysis that the educational activity pursued by nurses is important. A positive finding is that the nurses working in isolation wards implement the educational process, feel the need of further training in the area of education and communication, and are interested in application of their competences also in particular areas of the work with HIV-positive clients and with the clients suffering from chronic infectious hepatitis. It is obvious from the research that the objectives that had been set have been attained. It is necessary to address the topic henceforth since some problems have appeared in the educational process, hindering nurses from performing the educational activity. These are insufficient spatial, time and material conditions that can be solved through the proposed organizational and personnel measures.
Problematic of fluctuation of nurses
Abstract High turnover of nurses is a hot topic in the Czech Republic. There is a shortage of general nurses in health care facilities. This research is engaged on the reason why nurses are discontented and give up their jobs in health care services. The aim of this paper is to find out the reason for the high turnover of nurses. I used a quantitative research by means of a questionnaire survey to fulfil this aim. The questionnaire contained 35 questions, 26 of which were closed and 9 of which were semi-open. 134 respondents participated in this questionnaire survey. The data were processed by descriptive statistics by means of charts. It follows from the data analysis that nurses turnover is influenced by continuous operation. Wide offer of jobs on the job market, too, affects the high turnover of nurses. Moreover, managers of health care facilities do not take appropriate measures to prevent the staff fluctuation. It results from the research that it is necessary to keep paying attention to this matter. We have mapped out several spheres in our research which are, according to our opinions, narrowly associated with this theme. Our research is based on the theoretic part of this paper. The present paper contributes to mapping out the situation in health care facilities from the point of view of general nurses, leading to increased turnover and lack of staff. The research also shows that there will be sufficient number of nurses if hospital managements are more interested in what their nurses are concerned about and why they cannot exercise their profession and help them out to the highest possible extent. This paper can serve as a matter of consideration for nurses themselves, ward sisters, staff nurses, managements of health care facilities, as well as students of nursing.
Mental hygiene of nurses at leading positions
The thesis concerning mental hygiene of divisional nursing officers is focused on nurse as entire being, how she takes care of her mind and body and which are the consequences on her behaviour and acting. If she keeps the rules of mental hygiene, she preserves herself against psychical and physical tiredness. Theoretical part of my thesis is devoted to mental hygiene, motivation, communication and history. In practical part three aims were determined: to find out whether nurses in leading posts know the rules of mental hygiene, whether they consider it important for their job and whether they act up with these rules.On the base of these aims three hypotheses were created. Quantitative research method was chosen, the form of questionning and technique of data collecting is a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to 60 nurses in leading posts and 52 properly fulfilled questionnaires came back. The determined aims were fulfilled during the research. Hypothesis H1:Nurses in leading posts know what mental hygiene is and H3: Nurses in leading posts don´t act up with the rules of mental hygiene were confirmed. Hypothesis H2: Nurses in leading posts don´t consider mental hygiene important for their job, wasn´t confirmed. It means that nurses consider it important and that is right. Mental hygiene is very important for job of nurses and its omission can impact general mental and physical health.
Problematics of General Nurses in Health Service
BABKA, Jakub
Currently, nursing is mostly taken as a profession for women with the title generel nurse. According to the Law of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic Nr. 96/2004 Sb. Is the man who successfully completed degree course nurse, would be called a general attendant. Therefore was for processing selected work entitled Problems of general nursing in health care. In the theoretical part of it is elaborated in detail their involvement in the care of patients from past to present. Next, there are mentioned competence of general attendant in the theoretical part, nursing as an independent science and syndrome of burnout. The aim of the work was to determine patients satisfaction with general attendant, to determine which departments give priority general nurses and identify problems of general attendants. Based on it, they were established four hypotheses and one research question. H I: General attendants better handle physically demanding work than the nurses. H II: Patients give priority general attendants to general nurses in wards for male patients. H III: General attendants in urgent wards more often then in the standard wards work. H IV: Patients perceive positively general attendants in the hospital. Research question: What problems have general attendants? Investigation was carried out by means of questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were addressed to patients, in the wards where general attendants work, in hospital in Písek, Prachatice, České Budějovice and Český Krumlov. Interview were made with 11 general attendants working in different wards of chosen hospitals. The questionnaire showed results that the general attendants better handle physically demanding work in a hospital and he is perceived positively. It follows that the hypothesis number 1 and 4 were confirmed. Interviews with general attendants pointed out that the general nurse works on the department of emergency care more frequently that on the standard wards. This confirms our hypothesis H3. It is obvious that the biggest problem is the designation of men in the field of general nurse as a general nurse. This designation is considered degrading. Other problems include dissatisfaction with the financial rewards and administration. We can draw following conlusions and hypotheses: 1) The biggest perceived problem is a general indication of the nursing profession, 2) general attendants are dissatisfied with their financial rewards; 3) General administrative work abstains general attendants of exercise of their profession. Work should help in resolution and answer of problem of general attendants, open wider and fruitful discussion. If it is possible.
Nurse status today and in the future
Nowadays the status of a medical nurse represents a fairly actual topic. It is a profession where many changes had to be undertaken during a few years beginning with scholars education up to a graduation of a nurse and their responsibilities. A nurse not only plays the role of a caretaker and a helper but is also an individually thinking professional who has received a proper education and has his or her competence bound by the jurisdiction. The theoretical part focuses on the status of a nurse from the sociological viewpoint, on its development from a historical perspective, on changes taking place in the present and stretching to the future and on the trends we might expect in this profession. The practical part contains information obtained by the research which focused on the perception of the status of a nurse by patients, nurses and physicians. The aim of this graduation research was to question nurses in the Czech Republic about their contentment with their current status and explore their future visions, furthermore to obtain opinions on the topic from both patients and physicians. The H1 hypothesis was: nurses are not content with their current social status, was proved correct. The H2 hypothesis was: the ideas of a nurse about his or her future status in the society are positive was proved correct. The H3 hypothesis was: the assessment of the status of a nurse by a patient is negative, wasn´t correct. The H4 hypothesis: physicians do not follow the current status of a nurse, correct. The H5 hypothesis was: physicians do not display any interest in following the status of a nurse in the future was correct.
The effect of nursing magazines on the development of nursing
This thesis ascertains the influence of nursing magazines on the development of nursing. The first aim of the thesis was to perform historical analysis of nursing magazines from their emergence to the present. I would like to state on the basis of the historical analysis processed that nursing magazines do influence the development of nursing in large measure. I analyzed six nursing magazines in total {--} Diplomovaná sestra (Graduated nurse), Zdravotnická pracovnice (Health care worker), Sestra (Nurse), Ošetřovatelství (Nursing), Diagnózy v ošetřovatelství (Diagnoses in nursing), Florence. The aim was met in my opinion, which I comment further in the theoretical part. The practical part includes research results, 17 diagrams, discussion and annex. The research is quantitative, performed with the help of the technique of a questionnaire consisting of 16 questions. I can state on the base of the results that nursing magazines have influence on introduction of new nursing procedures and aids by nurses-managers into health care practice in the ward, obtained from nursing magazines.
Professional image of a nurse
The word image is of Latin origin and means `` appearance, reflection, impression or overall impact on the people around or complex of attitudes, ideas, and opinions of a particular person. Diploma thesis with the topic of Professional image of a nurse is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part deals with the history and famous people in nursing, with the concept of a nurse and her image, with the competence of a nurse, a nurse and a team attitude, and a lifelong education of nurses. It also mentions dangers in the profession of a nurse and the methods of relaxing. The practical part deals with the evaluation of professional image of a nurse from the point of view of managers. Therefore a qualitative research by a method of enquiring was chosen, and the method of structured dialogue with open questions was used. A managerial audit was carried out to verify results obtained from the dialogues. The research set for the first part of the research carried out by the method of a dialogue was formed by three sisters and six head nurses. The research set for the second part of the research representing the managerial audit was formed by ninety nurses in nine wards of the hospital in Písek. The results are laid out in tables and charts. The aim of the thesis was to map professional image of nurses in the following areas: technical knowledge, practical skills, communication, mental stability, visual aspect of a nurse and team work. On the basis of the aims research questions were determined. Research questions were answered, aims were fulfilled. On the basis of the research results the following conclusion was drawn: Nurses behave professionally. The work can serve as a study material for lectures or as a source of information for the Hospital of Písek, PLC to improve professional behaviour of nurses and to increase the quality of nursing care provided.
The integration of students from Faculty of Health and Social Studies to the nursing team from the student´s point of view
The education of nurses takes place in double environment; each of them is equally important (university and clinical practice). One of most important elements, influencing the contribution and quality of the hands-on training, is surely the rate of the integration of students to the nursing staff. The process of the integration is very complex, depending on various factors that may affect it negatively as well as positively. The principal aim of the bachelor work was to determine the rate of the integration of the students of our faculty to a nursing team during the course of training from the point of view of a student from field of study Nurse. I suppose that the objects of the work were fulfilled and the hypotheses, by virtue of the evaluation of results, confirmed.

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