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Supervision in psychiatric nursing
Basic theoretical background The theoretical part of the thesis explores the issue of supervision and focuses on psychiatric nursing. It is divided into several parts. The first part is focused on supervision, briefly characterizes supervision as such, then it describes its divisions, functions and methods. It also explores the participants of supervision, the agreement on supervision, transcultural supervision and Balint groups. The following part describes historical development of psychiatric nursing, briefly presents the personality of Joyce E. Travelbee. In the conclusion of the theoretical part of the thesis the problems of education and competence of nurses in psychiatric care are introduced, marginally mentioning the Turku declaration. The aim of the work The main aim of the thesis is to investigate the awareness of nurses working in psychiatric care of the clinical supervision options. The task of the second objective is to find out the opinion on supervision of nurses working in psychiatric care. The third objective is focused on means to assist nurses working in psychiatric care in their personal development and growth within their practices. The purpose of the fourth objective is to find experience with supervision of nurses working in psychiatric care. The methods used Qualitative investigation was chosen for the empirical part of the thesis. The method used for data collection was in the form of semi-structured interview. The interviews with the respondents were taken down using a voice recorder and transcribed, qualitative data was then analyzed by pencil and paper encoding technique and semantically organized into 27. groups of categorization. The selection of a research sample was intentional, consisting of twelve nurses working in psychiatric care in the Czech Republic. Results The research focused on nurses who do not have personal experience with supervision revealed that they have certain awareness of the supervisory process, however not quite sufficient to be able to describe the nature and function of supervision in its entirety. Their knowledge is rather theoretical. They understood supervision as help to solve disharmonious relationships in the workplace, as well as it could improve communication skills of the nurses, it would also assist in dealing with crisis intervention and prevent burnout syndrome. The results regarding nurses who do not participate in the supervisory process clearly indicated that they have insufficient support and the opportunity for both their professional and personal growth in their workplace, while this important could be solved by supervision. The research, which covered only nurses who have had personal experience with supervision and regularly participate in it, showed that their knowledge and skills related to the supervision process are quite sufficient to be able to understand and use supervision practically in the whole range. These nurses sees supervision as a benefit that would allow them not only to understood themselves, but also to learn how to manage challenging situations that are a part of their profession. Supervision gives them confidence, provides support and teaches them to deal with people who are part of their work process. Supervision has become a tool for preventing burnout and showed them how to use their own potential effectively. Conclusion This thesis is focused on the use of supervision in psychiatric nursing. Working with mentally challenged patients is very demanding, therefore supervision plays its justified role there. If you do not know yourself and you are not able to solve your own problems, you can never effectively and comprehensively address the problems of others, who are often desperately waiting for your help. The results will be presented at professional seminars designed not only to nurses working in psychiatric care.

The trends in the development of drug experiments of the youth in the South Bohemia region and the perspectives on the prevention implemented by the Police of the Czech Republic
The topic of the bachelor thesis is "Trends in the Development of Drug Experiment sof Youth in the Region of South Bohemia and Views of the Prevention Programmes Run by the Police of the Czech Republic". The theoretical part describes the most important terms relating to this issue, history, and characteristics of various druha, and attention is also paid to the issue of drug experiments , thein cause and prevalence in the population of youth. The theoretical part also describes preventive activities, thein differentiation, policy and strategy in this spere, activities of schoul prevention officers and the related creation of a minimum preventive programme. The objektive of the first section of the practical part is to compare the data obtained from the questionnaire survey with the results of the national survey, while the sekond section analyse the programmes prepared, offered and run by the Police of the Czech Republic within the scope of its preventive activities in the region.

Analysis of the Internet population
Puldová, Olga ; Hlavsa, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kudlík, Michal (referee)
This bachelor's thesis addresses internet population in Czech republic. The literary research is divided into four sections. The first section explains the concept of internet and discusses its origin and development. A general internet user and users of internet in European Union are characterized in the second section. The third section is focused on internet population of Czech Republic. The last section of research is dedicated to research companies engaged in analyzation of internet population in Czech Republic. The practical section of this thesis maps internet population in Czech Republic in the years 2010 to 2015 and predicts its progress in 2016. It analysis internet users in selected sociodemographic views: representation of men and women, age structure and education level. Data are described using exploratory data analysis and they are processed using time series in statistic software SAS.

Legal and economic aspects of the state-owned enterprise in the Czech Republic
Toufar, Michal ; Jansa, Viktor (advisor)
In the dissertation the author deals with the legislation of the state-owned enterprise in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on the legislation, economic aspects and historical context of the state-owned enterprise concept. The aim is to thoroughly evaluate the legal and economic aspects of the particular state-owned company. After the basic terms are defined, the dissertation concentrates on the state-owned enterprise Lesy České republiky, s.p. (Forests of the Czech Republic, state-owned enterprise). In its practical part the thesis provides the comparison of Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR (Bavarian State Forests) and Lesy České republiky, s.p. The conclusion deals with the evaluation of the pros and cons of the state-owned enterprise according to effective legislation.

Specific Activities of Police Forces within the Czech Republic
Martinec, Tomáš ; Hájková, Ivana (advisor)
The aim of this graduation thesis is the comprehensive view on the police diving profession focused on the performance of this specialised activity as the service for other departmental units, bodies of the Integrated Rescue System and last but not least also for the public and citizens. The author of this thesis presents activities of one organisational part of the Police of the Czech Republic, special police unit, which is involved among others in this activity and which analyses this professional activity within the Czech Republic.

Legal and economic aspects of the state-owned enterprise in the Czech Republic
Toufar, Michal ; Jansa, Viktor (advisor)
In the dissertation the author deals with the legislation of the state-owned enterprise in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on the legislation, economic aspects and historical context of the state-owned enterprise concept. The aim is to thoroughly evaluate the legal and economic aspects of the particular state-owned company. After the basic terms are defined, the dissertation concentrates on the state-owned enterprise Lesy České republiky, s.p. (Forests of the Czech Republic, state-owned enterprise). In its practical part the thesis provides the comparison of Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR (Bavarian State Forests) and Lesy České republiky, s.p. The conclusion deals with the evaluation of the pros and cons of the state-owned enterprise according to effective legislation.

Programming financing of the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic
Ševčíková, Lucie ; Hřebík, František (advisor)
The subject of this thesis is through the policies and principles of financial relations within an economic system to assess developments and to understand the interactions and characteristics of program funding within the Ministry of Defence.

Evaluation of FGMRI provenance plot with European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on the locality Jíloviště, Baně (Central Bohemia)
Kuklová, Alena ; Podrázský, Vilém (advisor)
Buk lesní (Fagus sylvatica L.) je nejvýznamnější listnatou dřevinou České republiky. V minulých letech se jeho zastoupení velmi snížilo v důsledku nešetrné těžby, přírodních disturbancí a následně hlavně změnou lesního hospodaření, kdy se upřednostňovaly především jehličnaté dřeviny smrk ztepilý (Picea abies) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris). Provenienční výzkum se, díky jejich preferování při pěstování, nejprve věnoval hlavně jehličnatým dřevinám, až v pozdější době se zaměřuje i na dřeviny listnaté. V současné době se naše lesní hospodářství k buku znovu vrací a jeho zastoupení se v našich lesích pomalu opět zvyšuje. Úkolem diplomové práce je provedení terénního šetření na provenienční výzkumné ploše VÚLHM Strnady č. 82 Jíloviště, Baně ve věku 34 let (zjištění počtu rostoucích jedinců, tloušťkového a výškového růstu, tvárnosti kmene, větvení, úhlu větví, tloušťky větví), zjištěná a naměřená data statisticky zpracovat a vyhodnotit rozdíly mezi testovanými proveniencemi buku lesního. V první části práce je zpracována literární rešerše, zaměřena na provenienční výzkum buku lesního, v další části jsou statisticky zpracovány kvantitativní a kvalitativní znaky zjišťované na výzkumné ploše. V poslední části jsou vyhodnocená data porovnávána s daty z minulých let.

Economic competitiveness of Germany
Novák, Ondřej ; Toth, Daniel (advisor) ; Zdeněk, Zdeněk (referee)
This diploma thesis focused on the issue of competitiveness in current globalized world. It is focused on national and regional competitiveness in one of the most developed countries in the world, which is the Federal Republic of Germany. In the first part of this thesis are defined basic concepts of globalization, competitiveness in the corporate, regional and national levels, as well as possibilities for their evaluation. In the next section is explored national economic competitiveness of Germany. Starting with economic characteristics of the Federal Republic of Germany, along with economic characteristics other selected countries, Norway and the Czech Republic. With which is Germany currently compared in the evaluation of competitiveness. Countries are compared in all of the 12 pillars of competitiveness evaluation, which is conducted by the World Economic Forum. Based on these results, are the relative and absolute changes in evaluation of the competitiveness of Germany between 2010-2011 and 2014-2015, further identified. In the final part of this diploma thesis are presented characteristics of the 16 federal states of Germany. Subsequently, by solving the problem of multi-criteria decision-determined, are all of the federal states of Germany lined up by level of their competitiveness. The final output is the territorial division of the Federal Republic of Germany based on various levels of regional competitiveness.

Transboundary eel (Anguilla anguilla) management plans
Lehoučková, Sabina ; Kalous, Lukáš (advisor) ; Nechanská, Denisa (referee)
In the bachelor thesis are collected and compared data obtained from available materials that deal with the issue of declining state of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in European waters. Population decline was recorded already in the 80s of last century and throughout the range, which includes most inland and coastal waters of Europe and North Africa. The first chapter describes the species of Anguilla anguilla, developmental stages and migration cycle, who during his life this species pass. In the following part of the work is information on the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1100/2007 of 18 September 2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel. This regulation requires the individual Member States of the European Union to draw up plans Management of European eel on their territory if the area falls between habitats eel. The next section discusses the management plans for the Czech Republic, England and Wales, the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain. The management plans are then selected individual chapters devoted to the definition of the basin, which measures for the recovery of the eel population concerning the procedure for determining the target escapement levels of 40 % of adults with eel in marine waters and further concrete measures implemented by means of the watercourses which should be the target level achieved. The final part is devoted to the discussion, which are summarized and compared the measures used by Member States in the individual management plans. Furthermore, this part contains data on the eel population after the introduction of primary measures for its renewal.