National Repository of Grey Literature 1,074 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.32 seconds. 

Teaching Regional Geography of South America at Universities {--} methodology of multimedia teaching with the example of Peru
This diploma thesis deals with methodical preparation of a university textbook of the regional geography of South America and is designed for students of geography teaching at the Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. The main part of the thesis is presented by a proposal of a comprehensive outline of the multimedia textbook of the regional geography of South America. An integral and essential part of the thesis is a sample of a regionally geographical characteristic of Peru in a multimedia form (DVD media). This diploma thesis contains besides didactical (practical) parts also indispensable theoretical chapters {--} introduction, extensive analysis of various literature and other materials, methodology, conclusion, list of literature and used data sources.

Windows Presentation Foundation & Data Binding
JANDA, Vilém
The aim of this work is a course in the form of e-learning study materials for the interpretation of technology Data Binding in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). In the first, mostly theoretical part will be done a description and interpretation of the elements of technology, focusing on WPF Data Binding. In the second part, is available methodology and training course with their own interpretive audio-visual files for self-study. The lectures are supplemented by solved examples, and examples for practice.

Analyse of the state of ecological agriculture in the Czech Republic and in the region of South Bohemia
KRPALOVÁ, Michaela
The bachelor thesis analyses the state of ecological agriculture in the Czech Republic. In part it is a case study which consists of evaluating a questionnaire survey completed by farmers of the South Bohemia region. Further, it consists of processed ecological production data of in the region observed. The thesis also includes a mapped output displaying the placement of ecological farms in the region of South Bohemia. The initial part consists of goals, literature research and processing methodology. It then sums up the basic characteristics of ecological agriculture in the Czech Republic, from the point of view of factors such as history, development, legislation etc. The actual contribution of this bachelor thesis is to be found in the chapters dedicated to the analysis of ecological agriculture in the region of South Bohemia. The aim of its final part is to propose the agricultural optimization in the Czech Republic, as well as in the region of South Bohemia.

Effect of pelvic floor muscles in the deep stabilization system
The bachelor thesis deals with back pain issues from the viewpoint of function. Backbone is an articulated axial organ and its stability, in addition to passive structures, is secured with long multi-articular muscles but their stabilization function is not sufficient. The stability is further improved with other muscular groups called a deep stabilization system (DSS). DSS in the trunk is made up on the dorsal side with short musculi multifidi, cranially with the diaphragm, ventrally with musculus transversus abdominis and caudally with the pelvic floor. The objective of the theoretical part has been to map the existing methods which affect the deep stabilization system with involvement of pelvic floor. The theoretical part contains an anatomic description of individual components of DSS, available methods of examination and particularly methodical procedures focusing on affecting of the system, mainly by involvement of pelvic floor. The objective of the practical part was to find out whether the pelvic floor has any influence on activation of the deep stabilization system and also what is the effect of gender on the involvement of pelvic floor in the course of performed physiotherapeutic procedures. The thesis has used the method of qualitative research. The research was conducted on 4 probands from my environs, who suffered from occasional pain in the backbone area and who were in the entry examination diagnosed with a disorder of frontal stability of the backbone. The monitoring lasted for ca. 2 months. The deep stabilization system was involved in all the probands. The first impulse for it, however, was the activation of pelvic floor. The therapy was concluded with a final examination which has shown that it was important to involve pelvic floor in order to activate the deep stabilization system (DSS). This has also contributed to the fulfillment of the objective in the research part. The results have been processed in the form of case studies. The bachelor thesis can be used in clinical practice of physiotherapists and some parts of it can be used as an educational material for patients.

Methods of description of living collections of woody plants in monuments of garden architecture for the purposes of Central Register of Collections
Kirschner, Jan ; Kohlová, Jana ; Souček, Josef
The certified guidelines (under the title Methods of description of living collections of woody plants in monuments of garden architecture for the purposes of Central Register of Collections) provide a unified and comprehensive framework for a description of woody plant collections (arboretums) that form a part of a recognized monument of garden architecture, and therefore simultaneously represent dendrological, collection and architectural values. The guidelines include methods for descriptions of whole monuments, their specific parts and individual woody plant specimens. The method integrates living collections and other types of collections.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: Metodika popisu pro zapis do CES - Download fulltextPDF

Popis modelu TDD, verze 3.5
Konár, Ondřej ; Brabec, Marek ; Kasanický, Ivan ; Malý, Marek ; Pelikán, Emil
Zpráva obsahuje popis tvorby a použití modelu TDD pro odhad spotřeby zemního plynu zákazníků s měřením typu C. Součástí zprávy je metodika použití modelu TDD operátorem trhu, dále metodika použití TDD provozovatelem distribuční soustavy (PDS), popis aktualizace modelu TDD a popis předávaných souborů s parametry. Model je otestován na reálných datech ze zákaznického kmene distribuèní spoleènosti RWE GasNet a na datech z mimořádných průběhových měření. Dokument zahrnuje stav ke dni 15.10.2014.

Guideline for leaf area index estimation in non-mixed forest tree stands
Pokorný, Radek
This guideline introduces theory and methodological approaches for LAI estimation in forest stands, especially those which are user-friendly in the field as well as sufficiently accurate. These approaches include indirect methods, which use instruments with optical sensors. This guideline fills the gaps in the information given in the instruction manuals to these instruments. It gives a detailed description of how to assess whether the current conditions for LAI measurement are suitable, how to establish a grid of measurement points in a stand and what corrections to apply, etc. in order to obtain the desired value of LAI effectively and accurately.
Fulltext: content.csg - Download fulltextPDF
Plný tet: Stanovení indexu listové plochy v nesmíšených porostech lesních dřevin_metodika_Pokorný R. - Download fulltextPDF

Methodology of regional homeland study education: a case study Český Krumlov and its surroundings
This thesis deals with methodological problems of education of regional homeland study on a case study on municipality and the surroundings of Český Krumlov. In the first part of the thesis is detailed description of the studied area (the area of the municipality of Český Krumlov) {--} delimitation and location of the area, its physical and social geographical features, historical development and places of interest in Český Krumlov and in its surroundings. The other part of the thesis issues from the special information introduced in its first part and presents adaptation of the topic for children that attends primary school (from the first to the fifth class). This adaptation respects The Framework Education Programme for Basic Education, its thematic area The Place Where We Live from the educational area Humans and Their World. Educational texts (for third, fourth and fifth class) and worksheets completes the notes for teachers. This thesis includes common chapters such as the introduction, the analysis of used literature, and the methodology of this thesis, conclusion and list of used literature.

Evaluation of fermentation activity of chosen pure dairy cultures in milk and cultured milk products
This work deals with dynamics of milk souring after injection with chosen dairy culture in dependence on varying conditions of cultivation and different quality of the cultural medium. The aim of this work is:  Evaluation of the influence milk heat treatment has on the rate of milk souring by chosen clear dairy cultures.  Evaluation of the influence temperature of the milk has on the rate of milk souring by chosen clear dairy cultures.  Evaluation of the influence the quality of the milk has on the rate of milk souring by chosen clear dairy cultures. In the first part of my work there will be described milk as a primary commodity, its technological and microbiology characteristics, division of dairy cultures used in general practice and their application. In the next part of the work there will be described methodology, the way the laboratory research has been made and what commodities have been used. In this part there is also mentioned how the researches was evaluated and in what way the obtained results were processed. The ending part contains description and summary of results of the research and there is hold a discussion and a comparison of the results with other authors.

The Objectives and Effectiveness of Primary Tobacco Addiction Prevention within Elementary Schools in České Budějovice.
This bachelor´s thesis ?The Objectives and Effectiveness of Primary Tobacco Addiction Prevention within Elementary Schools in České Budějovice? deals with the evaluation of specific primary tobacco addiction prevention in elementary schools in České Budějovice and an analysis of policies used by school prevention methodologist in order to assess the effectiveness of exercised prevention. The primary prevention of social pathological phenomena is conducted according ?Minimal Prevention Scheme?, which each school is obliged to prepare and evaluate in ?The Final Report of Minimal Prevention Scheme Fulfilment?. I employed qualitative research, interviews, structured interviews with open questions, and content analysis of the data of Minimal Prevention Schemes. The research group consists of school prevention methodologist from ten elementary schools (both junior and senior) in České Budějovice. I have suggested five hypotheses based on the research and specialised literature. Hypothesis 1: Effective forms of primary prevention are not being sufficiently deployed in the České Budějovice elementary schools. Hypothesis 2: Primary tobacco addiction prevention is not continual or systematically planned. Hypothesis 3: Parents fail to cooperate with the tobacco preventiv program. Hypothesis 4: Evaluation of primary tobacco addiction prevention is not being carried out in the České Budějovice elementary schools. Hypothesis 5: Primary tobacco addiction prevention in České Budějovice elementary schools is not effective due to the heavy workload of school prevention methodologist and the lack of time to plan primary prevention. In order to improve the effectivaness of primary tobacco addiction prevention I recommend participation in one of the national anti-smoking programmes, improvement of cooperation with parents and a the implementation of school prevention methodologist as an independent position.