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Možnosti využití obnovitelných zdrojů energie v agrárním sektoru
Varha, Natalia
The bachelor thesis elaborates an overview of the use and application of renewable energy sources in the agrarian sector, focusing on the Czech Republic. It also deals with designed model example of a photovoltaic power plant for the farm and it´s economic evaluation.
Renewable energy sources in the Cusco region, Peru
Idini, Bruno
This thesis breaks down some of the major forms of renewable energy that are found in the region of Cusco. Several energy sources are assessed while presenting their relevance and suitability for the territory’s unique landscape and environment. After having analysed different forms of renewable energies, hydropower is the one believed to be the better option for the region, in order to progress within a clean energy framework. Aiming to ease the process of identifying and evaluating prospect locations, for the installation of hydro powered systems, a Hydropower Preliminary Assessment Table is presented. The Table is designed to act as a guidance paper, which can support decision making. The different sections that are found on the Table are extensively discussed, in addition to its results and limitations.
Study of small hydropower station
Juroška, Miroslav ; Špano, Miroslav (referee) ; Dráb, Aleš (advisor)
The Bachelor’s thesis deals with a design of small hydropower station in river kilometre 8,540 of the Opava River. The purpose of the building is to generate electrical energy by using hydroenergetic potential. The preliminary design includes report, hydropower and hydrotechnical calculations, fotodocumentation and drawings.
Methane emissions from temperate freshwater reservoirs
Bašta, Jan ; Frouzová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Rulík, Martin (referee)
Methane (CH4) emissions from temperate freshwater reservoirs have only been evaluated for the last several decades. Freshwater ecosystems (including water reservoirs) release crucial quantities of this important greenhouse gas. Ebullition that releases methane into the atmosphere from bubbles originating from sediment is important source of methane. Regardless of the importance of these emissions, a very limited number of scientific research papers monitoring this flux into the atmosphere are available. Estimated values of methane emissions from freshwater temperate reservoirs vary considerably. There are many different methods for monitoring methane emissions. It seems that the freshwater reservoir stimulates methane formation in increasing scales. The size of the sum of methane emitted from freshwater reservoirs is also difficult to say.
Control of decentralized energy sources and storage systems
Maksimovich, Valeriia ; Wannous, Kinan Hasan Wafaa (referee) ; Šedrlová, Magdalena (advisor)
Žijeme ve století, ve kterém jen těžko dovedeme představit život bez elektrické energie. Vznikajicí malé elektrárny, které vyrábějí elektřinu z obnovitelných zdrojů energie vyvolali potřebu v přisnějším řizení, inteligentním měření a změny Evropského trhu s elektřinou. Hlavní otázka spočívá v tom, jak zajistit spolehlivé, bezpečné a udržitelné dodávky energie a současně minimalizovat náklady a znečištění životního prostředí. Jedním ze způsobů je integrace decentralizovaných zdrojů energie do sítě. Tato práce se zabývá konceptem decentralizované výroby energie, paralelním provozem s distribuční sítí, akumulací a pokročilými způsoby řízení zdrojů. Práce také poskytuje přehled účastníků trhu s energií, jako jsou napřiklad obchodníci s elektrickou energií, agregátoři a lokakní distribuční soustavy.
Evaluation of possibilities of renewable energy sources application in selected objects of the CHMI
Kudela, Tomáš ; Sládek, Ivan (advisor) ; Kůla, Bořivoj (referee)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the use of renewable sources of energy in practice, namely in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) objects, such as professional meteorological stations or observatories. The first part of bachelor thesis deals with the description of the alternative energy sources, the principles of acquisition and processing for the needs of the energy industry. The second part relates to devices already installed in CHMI objects and zooms technological solutions and experiences with the operation of these facilities. The third part presents a proposal for the use of specific devices for selected CHMI objects. Key words: renewable sources of energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, heat pumps, biomass, meteorological stations
Evaluation of possibilities of renewable energy sources application in selected objects of the CHMI
Kudela, Tomáš ; Sládek, Ivan (advisor) ; Minařík, Lukáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the use of renewable sources of energy in practice, namely in the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) objects, such as professional meteorological stations or observatories. The first part of bachelor thesis deals with the description of the alternative energy sources, the principles of acquisition and processing for the needs of the energy industry. The second part relates to devices already installed in CHMI objects and zooms technological solutions and experiences with the operation of these facilities. The third part presents a proposal for the use of specific devices for selected CHMI objects. Key words: renewable sources of energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, heat pumps, biomass, meteorological stations
Comparative Analysis of Renewable Energy Sources in the Selected European Countries
Konečný, David ; Borecká, Marcela (referee) ; Ellederová, Eva (advisor)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je poskytnout informace o obnovitelných zdrojích energie v Německu a v České republice, a to zejména z pohledu historického vývoje, energetické politiky, využití a možností dalšího rozvoje těchto technologií. Po shrnutí klíčových událostí a smluv s přímým vlivem na obnovitelné zdroje, práce analyzuje danou problematiku v Německu včetně energetické transformace této země, nazvané Energiewende. Stejná metodologie je použita při analýze obnovitelných zdrojů energie v České republice včetně srovnání finanční podpory obnovitelných zdrojů v obou zemích. Práce je zakončena kapitolou o vlivu, dopadech a možných důsledcích německé energetické přeměny na energetický sektor České republiky.
Transboundary eel (Anguilla anguilla) management plans
Lehoučková, Sabina ; Kalous, Lukáš (advisor) ; Nechanská, Denisa (referee)
In the bachelor thesis are collected and compared data obtained from available materials that deal with the issue of declining state of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in European waters. Population decline was recorded already in the 80s of last century and throughout the range, which includes most inland and coastal waters of Europe and North Africa. The first chapter describes the species of Anguilla anguilla, developmental stages and migration cycle, who during his life this species pass. In the following part of the work is information on the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1100/2007 of 18 September 2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel. This regulation requires the individual Member States of the European Union to draw up plans Management of European eel on their territory if the area falls between habitats eel. The next section discusses the management plans for the Czech Republic, England and Wales, the Netherlands, Denmark and Spain. The management plans are then selected individual chapters devoted to the definition of the basin, which measures for the recovery of the eel population concerning the procedure for determining the target escapement levels of 40 % of adults with eel in marine waters and further concrete measures implemented by means of the watercourses which should be the target level achieved. The final part is devoted to the discussion, which are summarized and compared the measures used by Member States in the individual management plans. Furthermore, this part contains data on the eel population after the introduction of primary measures for its renewal.
The pumped-storage hydro power plant Dlouhé Stráně
Jurová, Kristýna ; Roub, Radek (advisor) ; Bureš, Luděk (referee)
The Bc. thesis deals with the topic of The Dlouhe Strane Pumped-Storage Hydro Power Station ( termín viz:, that is being referred as the most the most powerful pumped-storage in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part of the thesis contains not only basic information about hydro energy, but also the basic classification of water turbines, a description of their work functions and usage. Further, the thesis describes the construction of the three most used water turbines. The work also mentions the basic classification of hydro power plants. The core of this work contains the issue itself of The Dlouhe Strane Pumped-Storage Hydro Power Station. The thesis mentions the difficulties with the construction process in its beginning and also other difficulties, as the construction works of the Station went along.

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