National Repository of Grey Literature 22 records found  previous3 - 12next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Dynamics of acrosome reaction during intra-specific sperm competition in rodents.
Veselá, Kateřina ; Hortová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Pěknicová, Jana (referee)
Dynamics of acrosome reaction during intra-specific sperm competition in rodents Sperm acrosome integrity is disturbed in promiscuous species field mice (Apodemus) and more than half of the spermatozoa undergoing spontaneous acrosome reaction (AR) before binding to the zona pellucida. In Muridae it is documented a generally high rate of spontaneous AR, and the percentage increases in promiscuous species up to 60 % in 60 min capacitation in vitro. The acrosome integrity positively corellates with presence of CD46 protein which absence in wood mouse is fenotypicaly same as in CD46 knock-out mouse leading to accelerated spontaneous AR. It is necessary to clarify whether for mouse sperm it is essential the primary binding of intact sperm to zona pellucida of the egg or whether it is preferred secondary sperm binding after spontaneous AR. In this context, the question is whether there is a relocalization of the key fusion protein IZUMO in sperm during spontaneous AR. IZUMO relocalization was monitored by immunofluorescence at specific times of capacitation in vitro during spontaneous and induced AR. IZUMO relocalization as closely connected to actin cytoskeleton, and β1 integrins. Dynamics and localization of β1 integrin during spontaneous and induced AR was also detected by immunofluorescence. Our results...
Sperm acrosomal reactien in selected species of mammals
Frolíková, Michaela ; Stopka, Pavel (advisor) ; Jonáková, Věra (referee) ; Petr, Jaroslav (referee)
Mammalian sperm must undergo the process of capacitation - series of physiological and biochemical modifications prior fertilization. In last stage of capacitation sperm undergoes acrosome reaction (AR). During AR the cell membrane of the sperm fuses with the outer acrosomal membrane and the contents of acrosomal vesicle are released into extracellular space. Sperm which did not undergo AR or sperm missing acrosome at all are unable to fertilize. AR results into dramatical changes in the sperm head. Most of the proteins present in plasmatic and outer acrosomal membrane are reorganized or lost. There are also significant changes in cytoskeletal and intraacrosomal proteins are released to extracellular space uncovering new surface domains. Some sperms undergo AR even without presence of inductor of AR during capacitation in vitro. This event is called spontaneous (accelerated) AR. The latest research indicates that spontaneous AR is natural part of the process of fertilization. Field mice (Apodemus) show high level of promiscuity leading to significant risk of sperm competition. Unique reproduction strategy where the sperms form so-called sperm trains was evolved in field mice. Spontaneous AR is probably enabling the dissociation of sperms from the sperm train. The spontaneous AR rate is dependent on...
Species-specific structural differences of mammalian sperm and function of their key proteins during fertilization.
Dobrodinská, Anna ; Frolíková, Michaela (advisor) ; Kuntová, Barbora (referee)
The fertilization is a process during which a male and a female gamete merge so that a new organism may come into being. The sperm-egg fusion is preceded by several essential processes, such as the capacitation, acrosome reaction, the sperm binding to the zona pellucida and oolemma, and membrane fusion of the gametes. Numerous proteins, which are located in both sperm and eggs, are major actors in controlling the listed, essential processes. During the process of fertilization these proteins fulfil one or more functions. In mammalian sperm, significant species-specific differences may be found both in their morphology and at the protein level. A complex understanding of species-specific distinctions in sperm structure and functions of key sperm proteins would contribute to a better insight into the process of fertilization, thereby enabling us to better diagnose and subsequently treat the causes of infertility in humans. This bachelor's thesis summarizes the current knowledge of sperm structure and its key proteins that has been acquired through the studies of the following model mammal species: bull, boar, mouse, and human. Further, this thesis brings an interspecific comparison between the studied species. Keywords: sperm, fertilization, acrosome reaction, capacitation, sperm proteins, bull,...
Expression and localization of alpha V and alpha 3 integrins in male germ cells of selected mammalian species
Bajerová, Kateřina ; Frolíková, Michaela (advisor) ; Krejčová, Tereza (referee)
Integrins are transmembrane glycoproteins mediating cell-cell adhesion and ensuring communication between extracellular matrix and cell cytoskeleton. The presence of integrin subunits has already been described on somatic cells, as well as on oocytes and sperm cells. In oocyte plasma membrane, integrins together with tetraspanins are involved in the formation of vast molecular webs. Analogical structures have been recently discovered in sperm plasma membrane as well. While the role of integrins on oocyte has been researched quite extensively, there is much less known about its presence and function on sperm. This Master's thesis focuses on expression and localization of integrins alpha V and alpha 3 on acrosome-intact sperm and its comparison between mouse, pig and human sperm cells. Furthermore, this thesis also describes relocation of the alpha V integrin after the acrosome reaction, which is an essential step of sperm maturation. Using confocal microscopy, the alpha V integrin localization was detected in acrosomal cap area of acrosome-intact sperm of all selected species. After acrosome reaction, the alpha V integrin relocated and was depicted in postacrosomal region and equatorial segment of acrosome-reacted sperm. Immunodetection revealed a decreasing expression of the alpha V integrin in...
The acrosome reaction in mammalian sperm
Picková, Jana ; Frolíková, Michaela (advisor) ; Kuntová, Barbora (referee)
The acrosome reaction (AR) of the sperm is a prerequisite for egg fertilization, which takes place in the female reproductive tract. The AR allows sperm to penetrate extracellular egg coats and fuse with the egg. At first, the sperm must undergo the process called capacitation, then AR is initiated and acrosomal content is released. While it is not clear, what initiates the AR, it is probably the egg's extracellular coats - the zona pellucida and cumulus cells, secreting progesterone and some other substances, which can initiate the AR. Lately, it was demonstrated, that in the mouse the most sperms undergo the AR in the upper isthmus of the oviduct. Only a few sperms reach the ampulla, but all of them can fertilize eggs. During the AR, the acrosomal content is released into the extracellular space. It was discovered, that the release of acrosomal proteins is not synchronous, soluble components are released faster from the acrosome than are acrosomal matrix proteins. Before the acrosomal release, G-coupled receptors and tyrosine kinase receptors activate phospholipases. Protein kinases are also activated, which results in the opening of Ca2+ channels in the acrosome and sperm plasma membrane and the release of Ca2+ . The increase of Ca2+ leads to actin depolymerization, membrane fusion, and finally,...
Sperm acrosomal reactien in selected species of mammals
Frolíková, Michaela
Mammalian sperm must undergo the process of capacitation - series of physiological and biochemical modifications prior fertilization. In last stage of capacitation sperm undergoes acrosome reaction (AR). During AR the cell membrane of the sperm fuses with the outer acrosomal membrane and the contents of acrosomal vesicle are released into extracellular space. Sperm which did not undergo AR or sperm missing acrosome at all are unable to fertilize. AR results into dramatical changes in the sperm head. Most of the proteins present in plasmatic and outer acrosomal membrane are reorganized or lost. There are also significant changes in cytoskeletal and intraacrosomal proteins are released to extracellular space uncovering new surface domains. Some sperms undergo AR even without presence of inductor of AR during capacitation in vitro. This event is called spontaneous (accelerated) AR. The latest research indicates that spontaneous AR is natural part of the process of fertilization. Field mice (Apodemus) show high level of promiscuity leading to significant risk of sperm competition. Unique reproduction strategy where the sperms form so-called sperm trains was evolved in field mice. Spontaneous AR is probably enabling the dissociation of sperms from the sperm train. The spontaneous AR rate is dependent on...
Chemical signals and reproductive processes of the house mouse (Mus musculus)
Černá, Martina
The aim of my thesis was to identify proteins involved in chemical communication and especially those that are involved in sexual signalling. Volatile chemical signals are transported with lipocalins in their beta-barrel structure to present their ligands to receptors or out of the body. Thus, I focused on the identification of these proteins in saliva and vaginal secretion of the house mouse using proteomic and transcriptomic approaches. Due to a cyclic manner of reproduction and its hormonal control, I have also focused on the role of estradiol on sperm phenotype in the laboratory mouse. We have identified an elevated sexual dimorphism in several lipocalins (i.e. 10 out of 20) in the saliva proteome where they may play a role in sexual signalling (i.e. similar to their described roles in the mouse urine). Interestingly, vaginal secretion also contains lipocalins and they rise from proestrus to estrus and remain steady during metestrus. Such variation provides evidence that they serve sexual signalling, however, due to their elevated levels during metestrus it is most likely that their ligands function as signals and not the proteins themselves. On the level of sperm phenotype, we have provided evidence, that experimental concentrations of estradiol have differential effects on sperm. This is due...
Sperm cell penetration and membrane fusion with oocyte during fertilization in mammals
Klimková, Veronika ; Krylov, Vladimír (advisor) ; Frolíková, Michaela (referee)
Fertilization is a process involving multiple steps, which are in continuity and complement each other. Spermatozoa become competent to fertilize after capacitation, hyperactivation and acrosome reaction. Oocytes are surrounded by a layer of cumulus cells and give a signals for spermatozoa to activation and orientation. This study focuses on the latest knowledges about a roles of cumulus cells, production of chemoattractants and the possibility that cumulus cells induce the acrosome reaction after binding a novel sperm protein NYD-SP8 to the cumulus. It seems that progesterone induce the acrosome reaction and also is the best chemoattractant secreted by cumulus cells. Next I am focus on gamete fusion including the role of surface proteins such as Juno and IZUMO1. Key words: membrane fusion, cumulus cells, acrosome reaction, chemotaxis sperm, oocyte, fertilization
Cytoskeleton-membrane protein interaction network in sperm
Adamová, Zuzana ; Komrsková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Tolde, Ondřej (referee)
In order to fertilize the egg, sperm cell undergoes several subsequent maturation processes. The final one called acrosome reaction is an exocytosis of acrosome vesicle, which is filled with lytic enzymes. Acrosome reaction is crucial for penetration of the sperm cell through the egg surroundings, especially zona pellucida, as well as for reorganization of a membrane protein composition on its surface. This rearrangement leads to the exposure of proteins essential for fertilization, mainly for gamete recognition, binding and fusion in specific compartments of the sperm head. One of such protein is CD46, which is located in the acrosomal membrane of an intact sperm and after acosomal exocytosis it relocates to the equatorial segment of a sperm head, which is known to be the initial site of interaction of sperm with the egg plasma membrane. The relocation of CD46 is disrupted by inhibition of actin, which reorganization within sperm head is known to play a role in onset of acrosome reaction, however, the precise mechanism of CD46 interaction with actin in sperm is unknown. In this thesis, ezrin - a crosslinker of membrane proteins and actin - has been studied in context of CD46 and its relocation across the sperm head. Analysis of the immunofluorescent detection of ezrin revealed its mutual...
Sperm acrosomal reactien in selected species of mammals
Frolíková, Michaela
Mammalian sperm must undergo the process of capacitation - series of physiological and biochemical modifications prior fertilization. In last stage of capacitation sperm undergoes acrosome reaction (AR). During AR the cell membrane of the sperm fuses with the outer acrosomal membrane and the contents of acrosomal vesicle are released into extracellular space. Sperm which did not undergo AR or sperm missing acrosome at all are unable to fertilize. AR results into dramatical changes in the sperm head. Most of the proteins present in plasmatic and outer acrosomal membrane are reorganized or lost. There are also significant changes in cytoskeletal and intraacrosomal proteins are released to extracellular space uncovering new surface domains. Some sperms undergo AR even without presence of inductor of AR during capacitation in vitro. This event is called spontaneous (accelerated) AR. The latest research indicates that spontaneous AR is natural part of the process of fertilization. Field mice (Apodemus) show high level of promiscuity leading to significant risk of sperm competition. Unique reproduction strategy where the sperms form so-called sperm trains was evolved in field mice. Spontaneous AR is probably enabling the dissociation of sperms from the sperm train. The spontaneous AR rate is dependent on...

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