National Repository of Grey Literature 23,685 records found  beginprevious23676 - 23685  jump to record: Search took 0.66 seconds. 

Imbalance in financing of bed care in the Czech Republic and its impacts
Štancová, Dana ; Durdisová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Kubelková, Karina (referee)
This master thesis deals with the question of medical treatment financing focusing mainly on analysis of health insurance companies reimbursement rates and their comparison with costs of aftercare beds. Secondary goal of the thesis is comparison of acute care beds costs and aftercare beds costs. The opening chapter discusses relationships between economics and health service and describes structure of health care funding compared to insurace companies financing strategies. Payment mechanism mostly used in the aftercare field is the pay-per-day system, this mechanism is therefore later explained in detail including particular effects on after care beds financing. The second part of the thesis compares insurance reimbursement rates with real costs of one particular facility. The analysis proves that health insurance companies reimbursement rates are wrongly set and reimbursement legislation is being violated.

Monitoring Conditions for Physical Activity Utilization on the Medical Program at the Detoxification Ward
Knapová, Veronika ; Kaplan, Aleš (advisor) ; Sýkora, Miloslav (referee)
Title: The Monitoring OfCondition For Motion Activites Utilization In The Terms OfThe Medical Program At The Detoxification Ward The aim of a work: The aim of this diploma work is the monitoring of rnotion activities utilization at the rnedical procedure and the determination of physical ability level of patients curing at the detoxification ward in the General Teaching Hospital in Apolinářská street. The methodology of a work: By the aim of this diploma work we have chosen the following work's methods: the controlled interview, the questionnaire and the kinetic tests. Because of the motion activities monitoring we have used the following instuments of the pedagogical research: the controlled interview and the non-standardized questionnaire containing seven closed and three non-closed questions. We have taken advantage of the personal statement of the motion activities implementor. The kinetic test we have applied for the determination of physical ability level ofpatients in the four test days. The results of a work: The motion exercises make a part of the daily program at the detoxification. The physical exercises have positive effect on the physical condition of patients addicted to alcohol and also on their mental condition. Therefor the motion programs could have a positive effect in the terms...

Specific Features of Secondary Care for Persons after Stroke
Nesvadba, Aleš ; Kohlíková, Eva (advisor) ; Cabalová, Alena (referee)
Subject Specific of secondary care with people after stroke Objective: attention to the occurrence of stroke and its aftermath emphasize the importance of a comprehensive follow-up care for patients after stroke current state of development of aftercare develop existing information and submit information about aftercare for people after stroke Method: The work is divided into several parts. In the clinical part is described in detail the etiology, course and therapy of stroke. The next section analyzes the current state of the subsequent care of affected patients, the origin and content of some civil associations dealing with this issue. Then there is a program developed provided reconditioning stays clients after a stroke. Results: Work objectives have been met. Authors have an adequate amount of information available on follow-up care for people after stroke as well as disease itself. We pointed to the disease and importance of a comprehensive after-care of persons affected by this disease. In the subsequent care, we introduce some civil associations dealing with these issues, the focusing on the association with which actively for many years worked. We also experience prepared held reconditioning stays and created a master plan reconditioning stays held in 2006. Over the years, our primary...

The Issue of Alcohol Dependence in Adolescents
Researches focused on the issues of alcohol addiction performed in the Czech Republic show that the number of alcohol addicts is higher every year and alcoholism has become a serious public health problem. There are more and more addicts every year, which is except others backed by the words that MUDr. Petr Popov, senior consultant of the Addiction Treatment Department of the General Faculty Hospital in Prague, said to the Právo daily on 10 March 2010: ?We used to have about 300 thousand alcohol addicts. Now there are between 600 and 700 thousand. There are twice as many men as women, but women have been gaining on men?. As an article in the Mladá Fronta Dnes of 21 February 2012 says, the number of young alcohol consumers is increasing, while about a fifth of 16 year olds admit drinking five or more glasses at least three times a month. This results from 2011 research quoted in the above article. My thesis dealing with the issues of alcohol addiction in teenagers wants to map the situation among teenagers of České Budějovice region and their knowledge of the impacts of excessive alcohol consumption on their personal and family lives, social lives and relations. The theoretical part deals with the problems of the process and occurrence of alcohol addiction in general and with the social and health consequences of excessive alcohol consumption, with the factors influencing teenagers to consumption of alcohol and other drugs and prevention in the field of addiction focused on teenagers. In the research part I particularly focus on socioeconomic background of young respondents, personal experience with alcohol and marginally on the other addictive substances. I also focus on mapping the knowledge of the consequences of alcohol consumption, influence of environment and of free time activities. I applied quantitative research, in the form of a questionnaire. My research shows that most of teenagers are aware of the consequences of alcohol consumption or abuse, but they do not limit alcohol consumption in their lives and they actually increase its consumption as they are growing older. More systematic application of training seminars focused on more consistent care about personal and social development and better orientation of free time activities can definitely contribute to prevention of alcohol abuse, of addiction development among teenagers, to further improvement of their knowledge and skills used for alcohol consumption reduction and consequent addiction. Better legislation measures in the field of punishing young users of alcohol and drugs would undoubtedly contribute as well.

Education of patiens after kidney transplantation
The title of this bachelor thesis is: Education of Patients After Renal Transplant. A transplant usually means the transfer of an organ or tissue to another place or another individual. Kidneys are among the most frequently transplanted organs here and in the whole world. Eight centers perform kidney transplants in the Czech Republic. Most of them are carried out at IKEM in Prague. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part includes basic information on anatomy, it describes acute and chronic kidney failure and subsequent therapy possibilities, renal transplant and education. quantitative research. The practical part includes quantitative research. The research was performed by a half-structured interview with 8 patients after the first renal transplantation and with 4 nurses working in the Nephrology Unit of IKEM in Prague. Case reports were prepared from these interviews. We set two goals at the beginning: to find out how the nurse educates patients after renal transplant on regimen measures and to find out how patients comply with the regimen measures. We posed to ourselves these three research questions: What methods does a nurse use when educating patients after renal transplants? What is the educational background of nurses designated for educating patients after a renal transplant? What are the transplanted patient´s life restrictions after a transplant? What life restrictions impair the patient the most after integration into normal life following a transplant? The research questions were answered during the interviews. The interviews showed that all patients are educated during their hospitalization several times. Patients know the regimen measures to be adhered to. The education is carried out by a coordinator who does not have special training and does not have any knowledge about how to conduct the education. Therefore, the output of the thesis has been a training plan which will be available for the hospital management to prepare its own training plans.

The emergence and development of karate in the CR
Kratochvíl, Aleš ; Venzara, Jan (advisor) ; Pavelka, Radim (referee)
Title: The emergence and development of karate in the CR Objectives: The main objective of this work is to map the evolution and history of karate and its current use. Since the establishment in Japan to spread around the world. Focus on the development and history in the country. Make an overview of the most essential karate clubs in the country. Divide and clearly present karate styles and their origins and development of key leaders. Methods: In this work I used the method of historical research, collection of secondary data. It was the archival data, official documents and virtual data. Make clear developments and key dates and figures Results: From the results we found, what are the main styles of karate in the world and here in the Czech Republic. How many federations and associations operating in the Czech Republic and how it is to this day active clubs in our country. Places action karate instructors from Japan today. Keywords: karate, Shotokan-ryu, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, Wado-ryu, Kjokushinkai

Biological activity of plant metabolites III. Influence of alkaloids from Chelidonium majus L. on acetylcholinesterase
Kubincová, Dagmar ; Opletal, Lubomír (advisor) ; Kuča, Kamil (referee)
SOUHRN Spolu s ostatními diplomantkami (Šárkou Brožovou, Janou Nagyovou a Evou Vítkovou) jsem provedla extrakci 41,8 kg suché nati s kořeny. Primární extrakt jsme vyčistily filtrací a následným oddestilováním rozpouštědla na vakuové odparce. Dále jsme připravily sekvenčním postupem výtřepky s jednotlivými typy alkaloidů: šlo o dva diethyletherové výtřepky (získané po předchozí alkalizaci primárního extraktu uhličitanem sodným a hydroxidem draselným), které byly následně okyseleny kyselinou chlorovodíkovou, vzniklé kvartérní jodidy po přidání jodidu draselného vytřepány chloroformem a po následné alkalizaci extraktu amoniakem získány další kvartérní jodidy vytřepáním do směsi chloroform + ethanol 8,5:1,5. Já jsem se zabývala výtřepkem B, který obsahoval silně basické alkaloidy. Provedla jsem separaci výtřepku B pomocí sloupcové chromatografie. Zpracovávala jsem frakci 27- 46, jejíž odparek jsem po vysušení rozdělila na dvě části. První část (0,02 g) byla podrobena barevným reakcím s činidly, které prokázaly, že izolovaný alkaloid CH-M/B-1 je berberin.Dále jsem změřila teplotu tání Z druhé části odparku jsem získala 0,346 g žlutého prášku, který byl v závěru práce podroben testu vlivu látky na aktivitu AChE. Z naměřené hodnoty IC50= 0,221 (0,146- 0,228) μM je patrné, že látka CH-M/B-1 je vysoce aktivní v...

The visitation cards of the Cistercian monasteries in Bohemia in the 14th century
Lomičková, Radka ; Charvátová, Kateřina (referee) ; Nejedlý, Martin (advisor)
Once a year the abbot of the 'mother' monastery visited aU foundations, which he had established. The more the abbot visited friars, the more they were happy. This is the main regulation which is written in the basic document of the Cistercian friary called Carta caritatis. The visitation of 'father' abbot was ordered at the beginning of the 12th century. As was mentioned above, the abbot had to visit all foundations which he had established. His task was to find out whether the discipline and the regulations of the friary were followed or not. He had to examine how monks follow the Saint Benedict/ s holy orders and he had to punish aH sins. All monasteries had to strictly follow the same way of behaviour and the same rules. The General Chapter (the gathering of the abbots, which was held every year) created directive regulations, which contained legislative, c1erical and disciplin ary issues of the Cistercian friary. The visitation guarded the following of these regulations and issues. Two institutions - the General Chapter and the visitation were the main garants of the existence of the friary. Every day the monks confessed from their rnistakes and sins during the gathering in the Chapter hall and they also warned the other monks against them. This gathering is called capitulum culparum. The 'father'...

Specifics of nursing care of devotees of Hinduism at the nursing unit
The aim of this work was to investigate specific aspects of care at a nursing unit when treating Hindu worshippers. To achieve this objective four research questions were selected. This thesis was divided into theoretical and practical part. In the first half of the theoretical part the basic elements of Hinduism, its history, directions and expansion to the Czech Republic, but also the customs, rituals and lifestyle of its worshippers were described. The second half of the theoretical part was focused on multicultural and transcultural approaches that are very important in nursing care for patients/clients of different beliefs. In the empirical part of the work the very investigation using qualitative research method was performed. This took the form of semi-standardized interview. The interview contained 40 questions which were further extended with additional questions to get the most detailed information. In the last part of the empirical part we summarized the results in a discussion. With our research survey we answered all the research questions. It was found that the respondents are not satisfied with the Czech health care system, especially with the availability of health care. The respondents said that they did not like long order times for medical procedures and tests. They were bothered with full waiting rooms at the doctors. From the results related to the second question it was found that, despite some negative experience, the respondents are rather positive about the hospitalization in the Czech Republic. Mainly, the respondents did not like the hospital environment. The answer to the third research question was given to us by another group of questions focused on nursing care. The experience with nursing care was both positive and negative. Although respondents often expected different behavior from nurses than was really encountered, the results of our survey showed that the respondents are satisfied with nursing care. None of these outcomes relates to their religious beliefs. The last group of questions gave us the answers to the fourth research question. We investigated the specifics in the treatment of Hindu worshippers in the field of nutrition, hygiene, religious belief and prayers during hospitalization, leisure time spending during hospitalization, dying and death. In the field of nutrition we noticed certain specifics. Hindus are vegetarians and lacto vegetarians who regulate their diet according to strict religious rules. Hospital food does not respond to their rules, therefore they let their food be brought from their friends. Further specifics resulted from the issues relating to religion and prayers. Hindu worshippers perform their prayers each day even during hospitalization. Hindu prayers may be performed by whispering or mutedly, lying in bed, therefore they do not require any special prayer room. Their prayers are quiet and do not disturb anyone. That closely relates to the answers to questions about the specifics of leisure time spending during hospitalization which the Hindu worshippers mostly spend by activities associated with belief. In their free time they mostly listen to spiritual music, read sacred texts and perform prayers. In the field of dying and death we have not discovered any specifics. Only in the understanding of death. For the Hindu worshippers, death is seen as a new beginning, so they are looking forward to it and getting ready for it for all their life. Hindus believe that, after death, they are born again in a new body. With our survey we were able to answer all the research questions and thus achieve the aim of the thesis, which was to find out what the specifics in the treatment of Hindu worshippers at a nursing unit are. Based on the results of the research, information material for nurses was developed, in which the specifics of treatment of Hindu worshippers are described.

The Issues of Literature for Girls in Literary Studies at Upper Elementary School
This thesis deals with literature for girls in literary education at the second level of primary school. The theoretical part concerns on girls' reading, the development, literary education and present-day reading of pubescent pupils. Based on theoretical findings from the Czech and world literature for girls and subsequent analysis of selected reading books destined for the second level of primary school in the practical part, representative selection of girls' reading and options which can be worked with those texts in lessons of literary education at the options which can be worked with those texts in lessons of literary education at the second level of primary school are suggested.