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Art and music in the liturgy according to Joseph Ratzinger
Brábková, Luisa ; Novotný, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Brož, Prokop (referee)
The thesis represents the view of Joseph Ratzinger on the importance, function and place of music in the liturgy in accordance with the conclusions of 2nd Vatican Council - in relations of music and liturgy, with consideration of primary and secondary functions of sacred music. The primary function of liturgical music by J. Ratzinger consists in the support of the Word, secondary function means issue between the church and culture. Ratzinger also offers solutions of other problems - inculturation in liturgical music while maintaining a Christian identity and the development of Christian universalism, conditions provided by church for liturgical composers. The presented texts shoe Ratzinger's priorities for liturgical music, especially musical forms and style. These are the properties which can be viewed from many angles and can have a lot of different results.
Hymnal Mešní zpěvy. The analysis and the usage in the musical pedagogy
Vychytilová, Kristýna ; Stříteská, Leona (advisor) ; Bělohlávková, Petra (referee)
The thesis The hymnal Mešní zpěvy. The analysis and the usage in the musical pedagogy suggests a way of usage of Mešní zpěvy in music courses at secondary school. Liturgical music is the important source of knowledge of our musical culture, and of the culture in general too. Mešní zpěvy adds to that knowledge noticeably. The hymns listed there come from elder hymnals, but each has the origins of both music and lyrics traced and attached. This writing provides an analysis of selected hymns and offers how to use them when teaching music. The purpose of the thesis is to show that Mešní zpěvy are suitable in everyday teaching of music. The choice of hymns has been made considering the other subjects too, particularly Czech language and history. The aim is to widen pupils' horizons of historical and cultural heritage. The hymn selection and its involvement in the teaching process has been tried at secondary school.
Czech liturgical formation for children's and women's choirs
Saláková, Leona ; Pecháček, Stanislav (advisor) ; Nedělka, Michal (referee) ; Banáry, Boris (referee)
Ve své disertační práci jsem se zaměřila na českou liturgickou hudbu pro dětské a ženské sbory. V dnešním značně sekularizovaném světě se může zdát, že tato velká oblast hudební kultury stojí na okraji společenského zájmu, a není tedy důvod sejí ve školách a světských sborech zabývat. Jsem ale přesvědčena, že hudba duchovní, potažmo i liturgická do škol i sborů patří. Škola i pěvecký sbor poskytují mladému člověku nejen sumu poznatků a estetických zážitků, ale významným způsobem také ovlivňují jeho výchovu a podílejí se na formování jeho základních morálních hodnot. Kvalitní hudba sama o sobě člověka kultivuje, odvrací ho od konzumního materialismu, rozvíjí cit pro krásno, prohlubuje estetické prožitky a spojuje interprety i posluchače. Toto výchovné působení je podle mého názoru zvlášť silné právě u hudby duchovní. Pro věřícího posluchače nebo interpreta je duchovní hudba spjata s konkrétními náboženskými prožitky, které se těžko zprostředkovávají. Ateistický posluchač sice nemusí pochopit a prožít obsah liturgických textů do takové hloubky, přinejmenším ho ale mohou vést k zamyšlení nad jeho žebříčkem hodnot. Základní znalosti z oblasti duchovní hudby i křesťanských tradic navíc patří k všeobecnému vzdělání, proto je zcela na místě seznamovat s nimi žáky již na základní škole.
Liturgical music in the deanery of Frýdek
The work deals with the phenomenon of liturgical music in the deanery of Frýdek. The theoretical part describes on what occasions the music in the liturgy is used, what functions arise therefrom and who can take part in the liturgy as far as the music is concerned. The practical part describes how each function of the musical part of the liturgy is applied in each parish of the deanary of Frýdek. The facts were obtained from interviews with local musicians and managers of individual parishes. Overall, there is a wide range of musicians who participate on the liturgy in the Deanery of Frýdek. In the deanery, we can meet all components of liturgical music. However, one person often performs more roles. There is also a frequent cooperation among parishes or within the parish itself. A specific feature of this region is the bilingualism of some parishes .
Liturgic Music in the Pisek and Tabor Regions
The aim of my thesis is to map out the state of liturgical music in particular parishes of the Písek and Tábor vicarages. My Bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part explains a conception of liturgical music. This part also presents documents concerning liturgical music published by the representatives of the Church. At the end of the theoretical part I present a structure of the mass with an explanation of its particular passages. The practical part is focused on interpretation of liturgical music in particular parishes of the Písek and Tábor vicarages.
Music at funerals with a focus on catholic funerals in the Vicariate of Vlašim
This work speaks about the Vicariate of Vlašim, liturgical music and music used during the catholic funerals in the Vicariate of Vlašim. Work is mainly focused on organists from the vicariate. It writes about personal data of organists like their age, sex and music education and about songs that they usually play during funerals.
Theology of music
This thesis deals with relationship of music and theology. It stems from history of development of the philosophic judgement on the notion of ?musica? in antiquity as well as from the contemporary conceptions and definitions of music. Subsequently it proceeds to the presentation of selected writings of both historical and contemporary theologists? dealing with the subject of the art of music. Based on their analysis this thesis comes to the conclusion that a relationship between theology and music indeed exists and their dialog mutually enriches both of these disciplines. Music transcends the limited capabilities of speech and with its own instruments it speaks about the infinite God. This central thought at which the thesis arrives, is concretely documented in musical activities and pieces of work by selected composers of classical music.
Theology of Songs in the Selected Catholic and Protestant Songbooks
In this theses are compared the theological statements of religious songs which are included in the Evangelical Songbook and the United Hymnary (United Songbook of Czech and Moravian dioceses). First is given a short characterictic of both songbooks and then is compared the meaning and use of spiritual songs in congregational liturgy of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren and the Roman Catholic Church. Then the dogmatic confessions related to the particular clauses of the Catholic belief in each chapter according to the structure of Apostles' Creed are compared and documented by quotations from the songs of both songbooks. These statements are analysed in light of the historical conditionality, doctrine of both churches and above all in light of the oecumenical context. At the close of the theses are compared identical and diverse versions of the united songs included in both songbooks.

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