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Specifics of nursing care in patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a new and an attractive method in cardiology and as well as in cardiac surgery. It is constantly evolving method which has been developed as an alternative to standard open surgery, especially in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis with unacceptably high perioperative risk or patients who are not suitable for conventional open heart surgery because of age and comorbidities.A teamwork is very importantfor this new method and approach. The choice for TAVI is discussed by the institutional multidisciplinary heart team, typically consisting of interventional cardiologists, imaging-specialists, cardiac surgeons and anaesthesiologists. The first implant in a human being was performed by Cribierin 2002. In Czech Republic this method was first used in 2008. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was accepted as a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery. This method does not require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, and cardiac arrest. Other several benefits includinglower risks of bleeding and stroke events, better wound healing, less pain, as well as more rapid early recovery due to preservation of continuity of the sternumthat result in shorter durations of stay in the hospital, earlier rehabilitation and faster returns to normal life. In the presented work was used a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods of investigation. The data was obtained by using the quantitative research. The main technique was using the questionnaires designed for nurses working at the Department of Cardiac Surgery, Hospital Czech Budejovice, a. s. These results were backed up by the implementation of qualitative research, which investigated the patients and physicians view on monitored issues. Questioning method using a semi structured interview technique was used for qualitative research. The results of the survey were processed using descriptive statistics charts in LibreOffice Calc and using diagrams created in LibreOffice Writer. Qualitative results of the research were transcribed from audio recordings and coded, and the base code was created nine categories of interviews with clients/patients and three categories of interviews with doctors. The aim of this work was to explore the specific problem of nursing care about the clients / patients after transapical aortic valve implantation. On the base of our obtained data it is evident, that the client/patient after TAVI may be positioned sideways, the use of surgical drains are less frequently, so the care about the surgical wounds is simpler, patients report less pain in the surgical wound and postoperative rehabilitation and recovery is shorter. H1 - The nurses take care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation in the same way as about the clients/patients after open aortic valve replacement, without realizing the differences between the patients treated with different approaches, was not confirmed. The nurses'sees/reported major differences in invasiveness and extent of providing care, rehabilitation, convalescent, in the duration of the hospitalization and better cosmetic effect. The results of the research can serve as a basis for creating the standards of nursing care or educational material for clients/patients. It is also possible to present the results of this work at a specialized seminar for non medical healthcare workers and results can also increase the quality of nursing care about the clients/patients after transapical aortic valve implantation.

How to prevent the proliferation of Legionella pneumophylis in hot water in the hospital Czech Krumlov
This diploma thesis deals with microbiological quality of hot water in a hospital in Cesky Krumlov as well as hot water piping condition with respect to Legionella. It also deals with arrangements for improving the quality of hot water in this hospital. The subject and target of this thesis are the findings of the mentioned parameters based on own observations, technical documentation and analysis of warm water performed by an accredited laboratory. The hospital in Cesky Krumlov, the construction of which began in 1909, was built in 1911 as the 'Nemocnice Císaře Františka Josefa I.' As the time went by, new buildings were built up. The hospital was renamed to 'Všeobecná veřejná nemocnice' in 1942. In the following years the hospital expanded until the current condition. Water quality and presence of Legionella is a world-wide issue, which we must fight against. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, theoretical part, which includes both general and specific knowledge about Legionella, its health risks, the environment in which it occurs, possibilities of eliminating, suitability of the material for hot water pipes, gained in professional literature and a part of the Czech legislation dealing with public health protection, the law 'No. 258/2004 Coll.' in actual version and quality of drinking water and hot water. In the second, empirical part, I focus on the situation of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov from 2009 till 2015, concerning newly built boiler room and the whole distribution system of hot water regarding Legionella. Particularly I focused on materials used for ecologisation of the gas boiler room and materials used for hot water pipes and actual state of water distribution in individual buildings of this health care facility. I mentioned the analysis of the water samples performed by an accredited laboratory with corresponding technical documentation, which concerns the water distribution system, provided by the medical facility. I used secondary data analysis to evaluate these documents. Regarding the results from 2009 to 2015 the microbiological quality of warm water doesn't meet the limits defined in the Attachment No. 3 of the above mentioned law Order 252/2004 Coll. Limit value for colony forming units of Legionella is set to maximum of 100 CFU. In most of the samples this limit was exceeded by series of units up to hundred thousands of units. The last results in 2015 prove improvement of the unfavorable situation. In that year the analysis was tested three times. First in February, where the CFU units were 'only' in hundreds, with the top value of 550 CFU in the Postacute Care ward. Second analysis was performed in June that same year. Results were acceptable. The highest value was 64 CFU. Last analysis in the hospital was performed in December. Increased concentration of Legionella was again in the Surgery building. There were established of 1400 colony forming units. There were 300 CFU in the Postacute Care ward and the limit value of 100 CFU was in the ward of Internal medicine. The answers to research questions 'How to prevent reproduction of Legionella peumophylis in the water distribution system of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov?' and 'How to ensure a sufficient amount of quality hot water in the medical facility?' are included at the end of the stated recommendations. A risk factor causing the fast reproduction of Legionella is the old water distribution system in most of the buildings and low water temperature of water leaving the boiler, which is 55°C. All mentioned results and evaluations are included in this thesis as well as attached pictures, which show the environment and situation within the Health Care Institutions.

Jáchymov as a Book awarded with a Prize and an Anti-prize: the Analysis of the Czech translation awarded with the Anti-prize Skřipec and its correction
The first part of this Bachelor thesis is based on the translational theory by the Czech linguist and translator Jiří Levý. On these grounds the terms translation and bad translation are defined as well as the reasons and consequences of bad translation. Furthermore other relevant translational theories are introduced. In the end the meaning and relevance of an anti-prize are discussed while the Czech literary anti-prize Skřipec is presented. The core of the practical part of the thesis is the critical analysis focused on the Czech translation of the novel Jáchymov by Josef Haslinger, which received the above-mentioned anti-award in 2012. First of all, the content of the book is and then the reception of the novel in German and Czech speaking countries are presented. The major part consists of the comparison of both, the original German novel and its Czech translation, in order to discover the mistakes in the Czech version of the book. These are subsequently classified and commented with respect to Levý´s translational theory. Last but not least a correction of the wrong passages is conducted.

Annual progress of radial increment of selected species in Arboretum FFWS in Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Chržová, Anna ; Bažant, Václav (advisor) ; Vítámvás, Jan (referee)
Abstract This thesis deals with the evaluation of the annual radial increment measured during the vegetation period 2014 and 2015 on three species of trees in the Arboretum of The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague in Kostelec. Evaluation of the seasonal dynamics of radial increment of Abies grandis (Grand fir), Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) and Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) on plot stands in the Arboretum in Kostelec was made by comparing the climate in the time period and the annual radial increment as it changed during the season. Annual radial increment of Abies grandis, Picea sitchensis and Pseudotsuga menziesii was detected by device EMS DRL26A. This device also subscribed information about the temperature during the growing season. Data was processed by software EMS Mini32 and exported to Microsoft Excel 2016. Information about the temperature, I determinated with using a meteorological station in the area of the Arboretum. Data fromdendrometer and weather station and their interdependence was evaluated using Microsoft Excel 2016 in the form of line charts. In 2014, I was dealing also phenological phases and the time of onset and end of it on observed species. Due to the extremely warm and dry year 2015, I had the opportunity to compare the responses of individual species at these climatic phenomens. In conclusion, the results are confronted with the literature searches and the discussion in this thesis, where I focused on the characteristics of measured trees and their application in European conditions

Changes in wetlands - change trajectories, causes
Brašna, Vlastimil ; Skaloš, Jan (advisor) ; Josef, Josef (referee)
This thesis analyzes the historical development of wetlands in corn production areas in Moravia, Czech Republic. Wetlands were analyzed changes in time and space for a period of 180 years. The main objective is to analyze the development of wetland habitats in the landscape using old maps, aerial photographs and GIS. The bases were of the Imperial Imprints of the Stable cadastre from the first half of the 19th century and contemporary orthophoto. There were also used GIS layers of the current location of wetlands, farmland, forests, rivers and waterways. In historical documents were evaluated by two categories 1) wet meadows and 2) swamps and marshes. In the current surface are only evaluated wetlands. The total area is 18054 ha. The area of wetlands dramatically decreased from 108 ha in the first half of the 19th century on 14 ha in 2015. Most of the wetlands have been converted to agricultural land - arable land (72 %), meadows and pastures (12 %). Wetlands succession was transformed to bushes (5,4 %). There was 5 % of the deaths of wetlands built and drained. Most wetlands have been transformed due to the pressure on the production function of the landscape in order to get more food. In the first half of the 19th century it was dominated by wet meadows, they had 684 ha. Despite the disappearance of a large part of the wetlands created new wetlands, which have 12.4 hectares. Most newly created wetlands are located in the cadastral area of Mutěnice. Only one wetland (1.68 ha) remained unchanged, located in cadastral Čejč. This wetland had a history of more land (25.15 hectares) and has been linked with Čejčské Lake. The main result of this work is to determine the trajectories of development of wetland ecosystems in the lowlands of Moravia. Descriptions of these trajectories have contributed to understanding influences on the development of wetlands. Results wetlands contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of landscape ecology. The results can be used to restore extinct wetlands and creation of new wetlands in the historic wet meadows. The information obtained can be used in landscape planning with regard to the protection and management of wetlands.

The renovation of historical parks near the small feudal residences on the example of the study of the renovation of the castle garden in Doudleby nad Orlici in Eastern Bohemia.
Faltysová, Lenka ; Buttry, Ivana (advisor) ; Jakub, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this work is the processing methodology and presentation process how to restore monuments of garden art. On the example of the revitalization of the castle garden immovable cultural monument Castle Doudleby nad Orlicí, based on the study of literature, similar interventions and the analysis and interpretation of various types of archival material the current quality of historic garden was evaluated. It is based on field survey, which consists of dendrological research, analyzing the authenticity of trees and appreciation of all the collected documents, historical sources and professional literature. Concept recovery of castle garden is based on the expert authority´s binding point of view of the state care of historical monuments. Renaissance castle in Doudleby nad Orlici is located in the eastern part of the town on a slightly raised hill on the right bank of the River Divoká Orlice. There was a wooden medieval fortress with the farmyard on this place in the 13th century. Sr Mikuláš from Bubno started to build a hunting lodge in the Renaissance style as villa in 1588, which was finished in 1590. The significance of Renaissance residence, which complement the early Baroque elements from the late 17th century, is enhanced by the opulent and impressive sgraffito - carpet pattern covering all external and internal frontage, restored in 1886 by Kirchner. The tall chimneys are the part of decoration in the courtyard decorated with sgraffito as well. The chateau complex is formed along its circuit of farm buildings and residential buildings. Building of castle itself is separated by a park with old trees and newer lawns (Hieke, 1984). Castle park in Doudleby nad Orlicí was founded in 1809 in compositional continuity of the Renaissance castle building. The park forms one organic complex with the castle. The promoter strived, like in the castle rooms, to demonstrate here his wealth, his sense of art and his botanical-dendrological knowledge. The park is designed as a narrow disposition in landscape style and it is composed as a long vista to the castle. The area of the landscape park is 3.76 hectares nowadays. The literature search is especially dedicated to the Renaissance and its relationship to the garden art. The monument care in the Czech Republic and the activity of professional organization of the monument care of the National Heritage Institute in Josefov is introduced in this section. The methodological guide describes the used bolsterings and resulting outputs on the basis of them are implemented of such measures, which will help to improve the health and vitality of existing promising trees and new plantings of trees, which are consistent with the original composition with emphasis on the rehabilitation and upgrading of historical value of the object. Treatment of trees and supplementary planting will be done within the frame of total revitalization of the castle park. The practical unit describes the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. The inventory trees is the essential tool for analyzing the current status of vegetation monuments of garden art. Inventory, which should provide quality base for a draft recovery, should also be addressed in certain parts with characteristics of individual species (Krejčiřík, 2015). The results of field investigation were completely recorded in the graphical output.

Verification of project „Park za sv. Jakubem v Klatovech“
Malá, Kateřina ; Vacek, Oldřich (advisor) ; Jiří, Jiří (referee)
City council of Klatovy town in the Czech Republic submitted a contract for a new town park project on the place called "Za sv. Jakubem" in 2005. Studio SILVEX represented by Ing. Pavel Borusík won this contract and created a feasibility study as the first step of the project documentation. Till now the study has not been realized because of problematic ownership issues within the concerned area. This diploma thesis strives to solve the question of the up-to-dateness of that project which has been suspended for ten years by now. The main subjects of this thesis have been the project content evaluation, verification of up-to-dateness and to design a new solution respecting current and future needs of the city inhabitants and park users. Literary overview of the current state of the problem deals with public space areas characteristics, city park characteristics, graveyard characteristics including types of graveyards, burials, graves, burial history in the Czech Republic and Jewish cemeteries. The thesis addresses with the impact of the death on survivors and greenery effects as a green place useful for meditation. The graveyard topic is elaborated because of the geographical distance of Klatovy's town's graveyard to the intended park area. Evaluation of detailed data provides the fundamental information about Klatovy and the park place, brief contents and main thoughts of feasibility study "Za sv. Jakubem", own verification of the available documentation including changes in the property relations. All together it had served as a basis for designing new park concept proposal, which responds adequately to demands of park users. The project by Studio SILVEX proposes park place with purely town meaning, containing children playground, in-line skating track and other sport activities. The diploma thesis's park concept transforms the project with focus on scenery locations and relax place for visitors of the nearby town graveyard.

Abundance of house sparrow (Passer domesticus) and other synantropic species in small settlements around Prague
Řezáčová, Andrea ; Šmejdová, Lucie (advisor) ; Zasadil, Petr (referee)
In the surroundings of Prague, as well as in many other parts of Europe the population numbers of synanthropic species were reduced in recent years. These changes in abundance are attributed to the change of use of agricultural landscapes, the loss of small poultry farms and mainly a change in the character of the construction. The aim of this thesis was to ascertain the abundance of selected species of synanthropic birds and compared their numbers with the data obtained in 2012. In this study were also evaluated differences in the abundance of these species in the localities of old construction area and new construction area. There were selected 3 main leaders, house sparrow (Passer domesticus), tree sparrow (Passer montanus) and eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) from all monitored species for the statistical processing of the results. Census was carried out in a total of 40 squares, 20 of which was located in an old construction area and 20 in the construction of the new. All of the site lies in an area with a high degree of suburbanization in the central region an in around of Prague. The study area covered an area of 200 x 200 meters and were visited a total of twice during the nesting period in the spring of 2015. The results show the preferences of the old buildings for the house sparrow and the eurasian collared dove. Tree sparrow was more numerous in the localities, characterizing the new housing development. For eurasion collared dove was observed increasing trend in abundance, while in both species of sparrows was recorded its decline. The most numerous species was the house sparrow with a total of 209 individuals, on the contrary, at least individuals, 23, was noted for european serin (Serinus serinus).

French repertoire for oboe after 1850
Souček, Jan ; Brožková, Jana (advisor) ; Mihule, Jiří (referee) ; Sequardtová, Liběna (referee)
The object of this thesis is to decribe the oboe repertoire of French composers, which were active between the second half of 19th century and first half of 20th century (1850 ? 1950). There are also mentioned personalities born in the begining of 20th century which exceed the stated period. The work mentions solo, concert, chamber compositions and important orchestral excerpts, focusing on their technical and interpretation difficulties. Some pictures and score examples are involved.

The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Kunvald
Rek, Michal ; Čopík, Jan (advisor) ; Dušan, Dušan (referee)
This thesis deals with the development of the local government in the municipality of Kunvald since 1989. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts related to local government, including the urban area itself its citizens, the neighbourhood authorities, communal electoral system of Czech and the electoral right. The practical part is focused on characteristics of the community, description of its history, and the definition of the local political parties. Futhermore, it is also targeted to the local organizations and evaluates of the socio-economic indicators of the village during its participation in public life and local government. It is also proceed further analysis of the progression and outcome of the local elections of municipality named Kunvald from 1989 to 2014. The analysis describes all individual candidates, political parties, electoral participation, results and arising representatives, including the characteristics of their subsequent decision-making process who's municipal political scene will be implemented in the following election period in the organs of the municipality. In addition, the practical also describes the comparison of the results from the municipal, district, regional and national level since 1989 to 2014. Last but not least, not only it also contains analyses of active and passive usage of the voting rights, but it also includes a description of continuity and discontinuity of individual members of the municipal council called Kunvald.