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Lease and ownership of non-residential premises
Oberstein, Roman ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
60 Lease and ownership of non-dwelling spaces The goal of this thesis is to give an overview of the existing legal regulations applicable to lease and ownership of non-dwelling spaces. Despite the fact that today's public debates are dominated by issues concerning residential spaces, I believe that this topic is vital and relevant. Many of us come across these legal regulations, especially as part of their business operations when they are in the position of a lessee of non- dwelling space. The thesis has four chapters, each addressing different aspects of this issue. The first chapter is introductory and defines basic terms used throughout the thesis. The key element is the term "non-dwelling space" that is defined by the law as a "room or a set of a rooms with a purpose different from dwelling, as decided by the competent Building Office". The second chapter focuses on the institute of non-dwelling space lease. It is divided into five sections, the first one giving a historical summary of developments in the legal regulations applicable to non-dwelling space lease. The remaining four sections concern the lease agreement (the required details and consequences of its ineffectiveness), rights and obligations of the lessor and lessee, alterations and other changes to the non-dwelling space, and last but not...

Possibilities and importance of physiotherapy in diabetic polyneuropathy
ŠTÍCHOVÁ, Kateřina
This bachelor thesis focuses on issues in diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetic polyneuropathy is one of the most frequent chronical complications in internal disease diabetes mellitus. The point is that the functions of peripheral nerves are being destroyed sensitive, motoric, even the autonomous ones. The destruction of these nerves is based on longstanding hyperglycaemia. Due to the variability of levels and localizations of afflictions, polyneuropathy is characterized by a huge amount of clinical symptoms pain, paraesthesia, amyosthenia, paresis etc. This disease is always very uncomfortable for a patient and it can be the cause of invalidity in the future. The main objective of the thesis is to bring fundamental theoretic information about diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy and notify about possibilities of physiotherapy in therapy and prevention. To reach the research objective, I get some of physiotherapeutic methods to practice and then I evaluate the effectivity of therapy. First two chapters of the theoretical part describe diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy in general. They contain a brief anatomy and basic information of these diseases. Chapter three comprises investigations that were used in diagnostics of the diabetic polyneuropathy. Fourth part informs about overall therapy and at the end the fifth is about possibilities of physiotherapy within a frame of polyneuropathy. In the experimental section of thesis, a qualitative form of research was chosen. It was performed by six patients, came from the Internal Practice of MUDr. Jitka Brádlerová, Aurora Spa, Třeboň. By the five of them, the diabetic polyneuropathy was actually diagnosed and by the last one it is in a phase of suspicion. Each of the patients' case report brings detailed anamnesis, kinesiology analyse, basic neurological examinations and two versions of the rehabilitation plan short and long-term one. There is subjective and objective evaluation of therapy's effectivity in the chapter seven, that is also annotated in discussion and conclusion of thesis. All the patients acknowledged an improvement in their status and that proclaims the therapy was selected properly. Bachelor theses can be useful as a comprehensive summary of information about diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy, physiotherapeutic methods and their importance in the therapy of these diseases for physiotherapy students, physiotherapists, other medical staff even the laic public.

Public attitude to abused women as victims of home violence in the South Bohemian Region
A goal of the research part of my bachelor thesis was to find out what is an awareness of lay and professional public of women as victims of the domestic violence in the South Bohemian Region. Because I live in the South Bohemian Region, I focused the research just on this locality. I was especially interested in the fact, if people living in the South Bohemian Region are influenced by certain prejudices and stereotypes and whether they are sufficiently informed about the problem of the domestic violence. For the reason of a big number of respondents I chose an empirical method of the investigation {--} a quantitative research. To get necessary data I used a questionnaire method or the standardized set of question with an anonymous course. From summarized results of the research I concluded, that neither lay public nor professional public living in the South Bohemian Region, do not think of abused women as victims of the domestic violence with prejudices and stereotypes. However, the fact that people living in the South Bohemian Region do not think of abused women as the victims of the domestic violence with prejudices and stereotypes, does not mean that there are no myths, prejudices and stereotypes at the South Bohemian lay as well as professional public. For example I have registered a still prevalent myth at the lay public: ``women provoke men to use the violence{\crq}q. I noted an existence of the prejudice at the professional public: {\clq}qattractive and self-confident women do not become victims of the domestic violence{\crq}q. The other result of my bachelor thesis was to ascertain that, in contrast to sufficient information at the professional public, the lay public have not still enough information about the problem of the domestic violence. Currently I can see the lack of information mainly on the phenomenon at the lay public as the fundamental problem of the domestic violence. I think that it would be very useful, efficient, but also interesting to focus an attention on the way how to achieve to greatest possible awareness of the Czech public.

Knowledge of outsider public about services which is offer of home care agency
Home care is a modern form of health and social care which has been provided in the Czech Republic since 1990. It is focused on persons who would be hospitalized if it were not for home care. The costs are fully covered by health insurance. Those who make use of this service are people of all ages, with various diagnoses and medical indications. Home care is focused mainly on health support and maintenance, health restoration and self-administration development, pain management of incurable patients and terminal care to ensure patients meeting their death fearless and reconciled. The objective of this thesis is to learn more about the public awareness of services provided by home care agencies. The other objective is to find out if nurses working for these agencies promote the home care service well enough. The data collection was carried out by the questionnaire method and the method of public inquiry. The first sample was a group of people living in the South Bohemian region aged 18 49 years. The second sample was a group of people living in the South Bohemian region aged over 50. These two groups were supposed to fill in the same type of a questionnaire. The third sample were nurses working in home care agencies in the South Bohemian region who were handed out inquiry sheets. The hypothesis I {--} the public are not informed enough about services provided by home care agencies {--} was confirmed. The hypothesis II {--} there are differencies in awareness of the public in relation to the age of respondents -was confirmed. The hypothesis III {--} nurses promote home care services only among their patients {--} was not confirmed. It is advisable to hospitalize patients only when it is inevitable. In other cases there is an option to make use of home care services. The aim of my thesis was to bring up a survey of services provided by home care agencies and give some suggestions for the awareness of the public to be enhanced.

The concept, structure, operational forms and methods of rescue units in the Czech Army and their activities within the Integrated rescue system
The concept, structure, operational forms and methods of rescue units in the Czech Army and their activities within the Integrated Rescue System Negative aspects such as insensitive or ill-judged human treatment of the nature, worsening climatic conditions, dynamically developing transport and industry cause occurrence of various noxious agents that endanger the health of the human beings as well as animals and they also contaminate their surrounding and living spaces. Their impact on the natural disasters has been scientifically proved. It refers to extraordinary events and crisis situations that people cannot avoid. In present day there is also a new phenomenon which means terrorist attacks. All these facts force countries all over the world to establish certain systems and units that would insure reducing of the possible risks and that would be able to take measures against loss and damages to lives, health and property or would be able to decrease them. For all these reasons the existence of an organizational complex called Integrated Rescue System in the Czech republic is inevitable. It will be used in cases of rescuer actions and liquidation works when a simultaneous cooperation of more units of this system is needed. To reinforce these units in cases when they cannot get the situation under the control the rescue formations of the Czech Army use other forces and resources of the Czech Army. The aim of this work was to confirm and approve a good cooperation of the basic units within Integrated Rescue System with the rescue units of the Czech Army and make a certain survey which would introduce the Czech Army within Integrated Rescue System even to a laic public. We can claim that the functioning and collaboration of these units is developing and improving all the time and the system works as a complex.

Methods of family planning at Romany woman
In this thesis, I addressed the issues of the Romany population, in particular family planning of Romany women. My thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical and the other is practical. The first part dealt with the history of the Romany population, Romany customs, rituals, housing, family, children, etc. These phenomena were separately applied to the multicultural nursing model - a Giger-Davidhizar model. Due to globalization and population migration, I emphasized the need to use and apply the model of multicultural nursing as an integral part of nursing care. In the second part of my thesis, I carried out my research through semi-controlled interviews with five randomly selected Romany women aged between 20-40 years. Five objectives and related research questions were defined. All the objectives were met. Research question 1, whether Romany women are aware of family planning methods, was not answered definitely. Research question 2 shows that Romany women use family planning methods. Research question 3 resulted in the finding that Romany women use hormonal contraceptives in family planning. Research question 4 explained that Romany women do not find family planning important. The respondents replied to research question 5 ? what Romany women?s needs in primary care are ? in the sense that they do not have any specific requirements. My bachelor thesis can be used as a resource for midwives who want to learn about the problems of the Romany population and family planning, as well as for working midwives who would apply the knowledge in the field of multicultural nursing his their practice, recommend adequate contraception in primary prevention and educate Romany women on when, how and under what circumstances to start a family. The general public, especially young girls, who begin their sexual life, will find here an overview of all available and used methods of contraception.

The cooperation of a nurse with family during the care of a patient
Slavíková, Erika ; Hadaš, Lubomír (advisor) ; Prchalová, Eva (referee) ; Pekárková, Hana (referee)
This Bachelor Thesis entitled "The cooperation of a nurse with the family during the care of a patient" consists of two parts. The first part, a theoretical one, defines the subject: the change of a healthy person into a patient, and seeks to define an elderly person as a patient, provides the characteristics of good health condition in comparison to those of an illness and, last but not least, deals with the concept of home care, its evolution and organisation. The second, empirical part, outlines the evaluation of the results of the research intended to identify the way in which an illness of an elderly influences other members of his or her family, and to assess the attitude of the chosen part of the population to the possibility of taking advantage of home care arrangements. The last issue looked at in this empirical part was the public awareness and views of the work of nurses in the home care. For this purpose, a survey form had been set up to target the public in the countryside.Fifty persons interviewed were to answer 21 questions. In the empirical part, the most interesting result was the fact that more than a half of those interviewed do not want / cannot say if they want to get to know in person the nurse from the home care agency who actually looks.

Joint Physical Custody after Divorce - Advantages and Disadvantages
In 1998 an amendment of the Family Act of 1963 made it possible, following the example of western countries, to entrust children to joint physical custody of parents, after their divorce. This gives them the possibility to equally share the upbringing and making decisions in important matters concerning their child after their divorce. This form of post-divorce organisation of child care is relatively new in this country, and that is why we have little experience with it so far. Specialists who are in contact with the questions of the joint physical custody present a number of both advantages and disadvantages. The objective of my diploma thesis was to map the particular questions, find out how the professional and non-professional public view the joint physical custody, and subsequently, compare these results. My further objective was to describe the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the shared parenting. My research was based on the hypothesis that the professional public regarded this post-divorce organisation of child care as suitable, further on the hypothesis that non-professional public was not sufficiently informed about this possibility of post-divorce organisation of child care, and, last but not least, the statement that there were differences between the attitude held by the professional and that held by the non-professional public to the questions mentioned. Two of the three hypotheses were confirmed in the course of the research. The conducted research is of explorative character, it combines elements of quantitative and qualitative research. To conduct it I used the method of questioning by means of an anonymous questionnaire, the data obtained were processed in the computer SPSS programme. In questions containing qualitative data, I conducted a qualitative content analysis. Another technique that I applied was the secondary data analysis. The research sample was made up of randomly chosen representatives of both professional and non-professional public from the Regions of South Bohemia and Hradec Králové. My thesis will serve as a feedback for specialists dealing with this field, it will be used for the needs of the Children and Family Crisis Centre in České Budějovice. Its results will serve for the improvement of information of professional and non-professional public.

The attitude of the expert and the lay public towards institut of alternative punishments.
Globally, the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries has been a period of major reforms in criminal law which are connected with the effort to find new methods to deal with crime and to replace or at least complement some inflexible procedures in administration of criminal cases. More and more attention is being paid to alternative proceedings before the court and alternative punishments in criminal cases. The Czech Republic has not fallen behind in the developments. My work seeks to map the options of alternative punishments, with a focus on community service. My work also deals with the legal framework for punishments in form of community service in selected countries. I will also mention the institute of Probation and Mediation Service. The work also points to the prepared amendment to the Criminal Code in connection with community service punishments. The research in my work is divided into two parts. The first part is a quantitative survey of opinions of the general public and the other part is a qualitative survey of opinions of professionals, such as judges, policemen and officers of the Probation and Mediation Service. The main objective of the work is to learn about the general public attitudes to and awareness of application and implementation of alternative punishments. I tried to find out which punishments would be preferred by the general public. Another objective of this work has been to survey opinions of professionals in respect to application and implementation of alternative punishments. In the first survey three of my hypotheses have been confirmed and two have been disconfirmed. Based on results of the secod part of the survey I have devised three hypotheses. The results of my work have shown that although the general public has a certain level of awareness of the issue, the knowledge is very superficial. The general public has demonstrated a significant degree of tolerance and benevolence to persons with alternative punishments. Professionals mostly approve the existing legal framework for the alternative punishments. They find the definition of these punishments in the Criminal Code adequate and they believe that alternative punishments have been used sufficiently. The work will serve as a general overview of the issue.