National Repository of Grey Literature 1,263 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.09 seconds. 

Optimization of the experimental parameters for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) of selected plant samples
Prochazka, David ; Novotný, Karel (referee) ; Kaiser, Jozef (advisor)
This diploma thesis describes optimization of the experimental parameters for Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of plant samples. First part deals with the theoretical method of LIBS and explains the principles and terms. In the next part there is described device which was used for measurements. Main part of diploma thesis describes creation of program for measurement-automation. Main task of program was to solve the connection of autofocus on the sample with the sample automatic movement. Furthermore are described and elaborated specific measurements for optimization of the experimental parameters for Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of plant samples.

Biology, occurrence and control of weeds in crops
Weeds currently represent a constant risk to the crop plants. They are able to either suppress the development of a crop plant in the initial period of its growth or to hinder and even make the harvest impossible due to its stand density at the end of the vegetative phase before the harvest. Perennial weeds rank among very noxious weeds. They are highly resistant and able to adapt to the used control measures. The character of the crop plants itself and the applied agronomic practices determine the occurrence of different weed species. For this reason, the question of how to deal with weeds still remains crucial. The diploma thesis is focused on the occurrence and the harmful effects of selected weeds in two Maize hybrids (Zea mays). The incidence of weeds and the effect of herbicides on those weeds were monitored within an experiment conducted on a small plot of land. The following weed plants occurred: Couch-grass (Elytrigia repens L.), Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense L.), Barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli L.), Scentless mayweed (Tripleurospermum inodorum L.), Goosegrass (Galium aparine L.) etc. The aim of the thesis is to expand knowledge of the use of different weed control methods in Maize. Recommendations on the use of those methods in agriculture shall be suggested.

Effect of water deficit on the energy content of individual plant organs in selected species of leafy vegetables
Šimůnková, Petra ; Hnilička, František (advisor) ; Česká, Jana (referee)
This work presents the impact of water deficit on dry mass production and photosynthetic accumulation of energy on every single plant´s organs of selected plant species. As a chosen experimental material were taken plants of Spinacea oleracea "Matador" sort and Tetragonia tetragonioides. Spinacea oleracea and Tetragonia tetragonioides plants were grown in containers 11x11cm large in mixture of garden substrate A with silicon sand (2:1) in 2 variations placed in FAPPZ greenhouses. One variation was for control and second was exposed to stress reaction. Control variation had been watered for whole time of experiment with 50ml of water 2 times per week. Stressed one had been watered after puncturing and 6. taking until the end of experiment. During the plant´s ontogenetic evolution had been monitored dry mass´s weight on singular plant´s organs. With usage of burnt calorimetry method had been monitored capacity of photosynteticaly accumulated energy in dry mass. Quantity of netto energy had been found out by dry burning adiabatic calorimeter LAGEST MS 10A. From the gained results emerge, that plants of Tetragonia tetragonioides have 2 times higher weight growth apart from Spinacea oleracea. Control plants of Tetragonia tetragonioides have higher weight by 25,5% (123 mg) compared to the plants growing in water deficit. Likewise higher weight of roots had been observed on control plants (41 mg) compared to the stressed plants (40 g). Control spinach plants had higher weight of above-ground biomass by 19,5% compared to the stressed ones (43 mg). Roots of control plants had lower weight compared to stressed variant by 2960 mg. From the results emerge, that plants of Tetragonia tetragonioides have higher weight of roots dry mass and above-ground biomass compared to the Spinacea oleracea plants. Burning heat without ashes was on above-ground biomass of control plants Tetragonia tetragonioide on 15,96 kJ.g-1 level and on stressed plants 14,93 kJ.g-1 . In case of Spinacea oleracea plants was amount of control plants energy 14,98 kJ.g-1 and on stressed 14,21 kJ.g-1. Burnt heat without root ashes of Tetragonia tetragonioides control plants was higher by 1.11 kJ.g-1 then on stressed ones (13,19 kJ.g-1). In case of Spinacea oleracea plants was amount of roots energy on control plants 11,90 kJ.g-1 and on stressed 11,72 kJ.g-1 . Based on measurement were verified differences between species in reaction on water deficit and observed characteristic. From measuring emerged, that Spinacea oleracea plants are more sensitive on effect of water deficit compared to the Tetragonia tetragonioides plants, which is more tolerant. Next thing observed is, that there are differences in amount of dry mass and rate of burnt heat in relation on effect of water deficit.

Cascade gardens in public space
Vaculíková, Sylvie ; Vacek, Oldřich (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the issue of vertical gardens with a focus on the use of public space in the Czech Republic. It deals with the cultivation systems, cultivation conditions habitat requirements for the properties of plants and assortment of plants. The practical part includes the evaluation of the selected area in a public space and assessing existing conditions. Based on the results, drafted the vertical garden for the selected area.

Vascular plants along the roads in the Jizerské hory Mts – the effect of altitude and contact habitat
Titěra, Jan ; Boublík, Karel (advisor) ; Černý, Tomáš (referee)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to map the incidence of vascular plants along the various categories of roads and crossroads at different altitudes and in different contact habitats (forests × meadow) and identify invasive species. The species were mapped to a total of 120 sites, including 45 sites accounted for forest roads, 40 sites meadow paths and 35 sites forest crossroads. There were found 3 strongly endangered species and 5 endangered species. From the total non-native species was found a large proportion of naturalized and invasive species that could potentially threaten natural communities. DCCA analysis was found that the species composition invasive plant reacts to the individually environmental variables statistically significant. It was also found large share of competitive strategies, and a small share of stress-tolerant strategists. Furthermore, it was found that the species composition of the flora responds to altitude statistically highly significant. DCA analysis was found affiliation species to categories of roads and crossroads, level of traffic and to contact habitats. Furthermore was used CCA analysis. It was found that the species composition of the plant reacts to the presence of trees present in the surrounding vegetation statistically highly significant. Part of the work has also been gathering literature data about the relationship between flora and roads, vectors of spread plants and alien species and flora of roads in Jizera mountains. The results were compared with other works, and complemented by own knowledge of the author, in the discussion. Contribution of work consists in mapping the flora of roads and crossroads in many locations in Jizera mountains, botanical supplement data and the identification of potentially invasive species expanding along the roads. The results of this study should serve as a basis for preventive or protectionist measures implemented in Jizera mountains.

Analysis of Basic Mechanization Means for East African Countries
Špaček, Marcel ; Krepl, Vladimír (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create a survey of the most widely used means of mechanization for plant and livestock production with use of the available sources in the East Africa countries. It would be a survey of agricultural machinery and implements used for tillage, sowing and planting, plant protection, harvesting machines and post harvest technology. There would be a necessary mechanization and technology for livestock production. The basic division of this study would be on hand tools, animal drawn implements and tractor implements. Part of analysis would be a review of equipment and tools development from the past to the present.

Activities and competencies of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic within protection of endangered plants and animals
Bašta, Lukáš ; Vojar, Jiří (advisor) ; Solský, Milič (referee)
The Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of activities and competencies of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic as armed security force within protection of endangered plants and animals. Bachelor thesis introduces international trade in endangered plants and animals, legislative protection options (CITES Treaty, EU/ES law and law of the Czech Republic) and its application in the Czech Republic, the specific ways and means of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic in order to detect illegal activities, presently - an overview of discovered illegal activities by Customs Administration of the Czech Republic for the years 2011 - 2015, assessment of trends and developments in the context of smuggling endangered species, most smuggled species, offenders, methods, covers, penalties, draft of prevention tools and evaluation of the current situation.

Morphometric analyse of Vinca minor populations in the CZU university collection
Závorková, Hana ; Karlík, Petr (advisor) ; Černý, Tomáš (referee)
Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor) is pretty common, perennial and woody plant, for centuries disseminated for her aesthetic and medicinal use. The aim of this thesis is to try to identify, if individual subjects disseminated throughout the Czech Republic may come from one or more sources or clones. It was collected a total of 135 individuals throughout the Czech Republic, and these individuals were grown for several years in uniform climatic conditions in campus of the Czech Agricultural University in Prague. For these plants were then performed a morphological measurements and statistical evaluation was performed by programs Statistica12 and Canoco5. From data obtained this way was revealed that the morphological features of individual plants are dependent on the type of site, and therefore it is clear that individuals grown on historically verifiable sites probably originate from one or several clones. Another aim of this work is to determine whether the periwinkle occurring in the Czech Republic differ in their morphological and physiological characteristics such as stem length, length and width of leaf, petiole length, number of nodes on the flowering stem and the ratio length / width of the leaf. The results implies the fact that individuals differ in morphological features depending on the location of their occurrence, such as parks, churches, cemeteries and forests. The results further shows to us that location no. 2 differs significantly from the other locations in the length of the stem, leaf length, number of nodes and in the ratio length / width of the leaf. This is confirmed by the results of the program as Statistica12 and the results of the program Canoco5.