National Repository of Grey Literature 218 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Qualitative analysis of students affects during Covid-19
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the affects of university students during the covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the pandemic situation in the Czech Republic, then deals with the effects on the psyche of the population in general and then describes risk groups and coping strategies of university students in more detail. Finally, it presents the results of studies carried out in the Czech environment. The empirical part presents statements from the extensive psychological research of Jupsycor, carried out by the Section of Psychology, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty of Education of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
Evolutionary Design of EEG Data Classifier
Kuželová, Simona ; Jawed, Soyiba (referee) ; Mrázek, Vojtěch (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na vývoj efektivního klasifikátoru pro klasifikaci kandidátů na základě extrahovaných vlastností z elektroencefalografického (EEG) signálu. K dosažení tohoto cíle byl použit genetický algoritmus pro výběr příznaků a optimalizaci klasifikátorů na základě pěti kritérií: minimalizace počtu příznaků, minimalizace doby inference a maximalizace klasifikační senzitivity, specificity a přesnosti. Pro extrakci příznaků s cílem klasifikovat kandidáty jako trpící MDD, nebo jako zdravé, byla použita EEG data s otevřenýma očima 31 kandidátů trpících depresivní poruchou (MDD) a 28 zdravých kandidátů. Byly otestovány dva algoritmy, NSGA-II a NSGA-III. Navržený algoritmus pracoval se třemi kritérii, ale byly přidány dvě další kritéria - senzitivita a specificita. NSGA-III byl v tomto případě účinnější a byl použit v následujících experimentech. Byla zavedena omezení pro zlepšení parametrů a byly vyzkoušeny různé hodnoty pro pravděpodobnost mutace a křížení. Vygenerované klasifikátory dosáhly průměrné přesnosti 91.36 \%, senzitivity 91.82 \% a specificity 90.84 \%. V závěrečných experimentech byly nejčastěji používány kanály F3 a C3 a nejčastěji využívaným vlnovým pásmem byla gama frekvence. Výsledkem této práce jsou efektivní klasifikátory, které byly získány pomocí navrženého algoritmu, jenž využívá genetický algoritmus pro optimalizaci parametrů.
Součková, Anežka ; Stanová,, Magda (referee) ; Mikyta, Svätopluk (advisor)
The practical part of this bachelor’s thesis is a book called Bahno. It contains drawings and texts which are metaphorically and factually connected to mud: as a matter in which dead organisms and plants decompose and which at the same time feeds the soil for new life to spring, as an endless search for answers on an endless amount of questions on the purpose and contents of existence. The period in which the texts and drawings were being created was a period of concentrated attention on the forms of mud, pop-cultural references and its other occurrences. A part of the intuitive mapping of mud was, among other things, a visit of a village called Bahno ("Mud"), taking samples of the local mud, viewing it under the microscope (taken photographs are contained in the book).
Weight development in obese patients with mental illness
Starý, Kilián ; Kalinová, Nelly (advisor) ; Žůrková, Pavla (referee)
Introduction: Obesity and mental illness are serious health issues whose worldwide prevalence has been increasing in recent years. In particular, depression and anxiety can impair the capacity of obese patients to reduce weight, which is a necessary step in reducing the risk of life-threatening complications of obesity. Objectives: The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of baseline mental illness on weight development. For this purpose, a group of obese patients with either depression or anxious- depressive syndrome was selected. Relative change in weight over a 1-year period was selected as the main variable for comparison. One secondary objective was to compare outcomes in patients with psychiatric comorbidity by diagnosis. The second one was to assess the interaction between mental illness and female sex as predictors of poor weight loss outcomes. Methods: Data was collected in the Obesitology centre at the III. internal clinic - endocrinology and metabolism, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague. The research group (n=27) was selected from patients who underwent reduction hospitalisation between 2014 and 2021. The same was true for the control group (n=27) of obese patients without a psychiatric diagnosis. For all patients,...
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Clients of Fokus Český Krumlov. Reactions of People with Mental Illness
The thesis examines how selected clients of FOKUS in Český Krumlov perceived and coped with the Covid- 19 pandemic and related government measures. The theoretical part describes the needs of people with specific diagnoses such as schizophrenia, depression, neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders, and their functioning in everyday life. It also describes the FOKUS organization, the Covid- 19 pandemic and all the related government measures. The practical part analyses the research based on interviews with selected clients of FOKUS in Český Krumlov. The practical part summarises how these clients perceived their mental health during the pandemic and whether they felt the impact of government measures through the lens of their illness.
Effect of antidepressants on placental monoamine homeostasis
Horáčková, Hana ; Štaud, František (advisor) ; Sumová, Alena (referee) ; Soukup, Ondřej (referee)
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Candidate: Mgr. Hana Horackova Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. Frantisek Staud, Ph.D. Title of doctoral thesis: Effect of antidepressants on placental monoamine homeostasis Depression in pregnancy is an increasingly common problem and it is reported that up to 25 % of pregnant women suffer from depression and approximately 13 % are prescribed antidepressants. Currently, the most commonly prescribed antidepressants in pregnancy are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). However, the safety of these treatments is still controversial, as poor pregnancy outcomes such as organ malformations, increased incidence of neurological disorders, and preeclampsia have been reported in pregnant women taking antidepressants. However, knowledge of the responsible mechanisms is still lacking at present as they have not been sufficiently investigated. Although the effect of antidepressants on the availability of serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine in brain tissue has been extensively characterized in the literature, the interactions of antidepressants with placental monoamine transporters have not received attention to date. However,...
Vestibular Function in Cochlear Implant Patients
Matějková, Michaela ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Koutná, Sára (referee)
Hearing loss is the most common sensory impairment. More than 5 % of the world's population suffers from disabling hearing loss, which affects approximately one third of people over the age of 65. In those cases where hearing aids are not a sufficient solution to these difficulties, cochlear implantation is the standard treatment. It replaces, at least in part, the function of the hair cells that are no longer able to stimulate the primary auditory neurons. However, there are concerns about the potential risk of impaired vestibular function and the development or worsening of non-vestibular problems such as tinnitus, vertigo and orofacial disorders. Aims: To provide a theoretical summary of fundamental information on the vestibular system and cochlear implantation and to assess vestibular and non-vestibular function after cochlear implantation and the impact of any abnormalities on patients' quality of life. Methods: All of the participants underwent subjective visual vertical examination, platform posturography and completed five questionnaires - Dizziness Handicap Inventory, Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, Facial Disability Index, Beck's Anxiety Inventory and Beck's Depression Inventory. Overall and partial results from platform posturography examinations were compared with a control group of...
Mental disorders from the contemporary society point of view
The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of attitudes and stigmatization towards selectedmental disorders, specifically schizophrenia and depression. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part first deals with the overarching topic of stigmatization and its consequences for the mentally ill. Furthermore, this part is gradually devoted to individual mental disorders and their comprehensive description. In the concluding chapter, these stigmatizations are connected with a specific mental disorder. The empirical part, which is due to the quantitative differential of the semantic method. The main goal of the work is to find out what attitudes contemporary society takes towards individual mental disorders. Furthermore, it focuses on identifying the differences between the perception of these two disorders, the differences in the responses of the respondents based on their socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, highest level of education and the size of the residence (permanent residence). In conclusion, I get to the differences in the answers based on personal experiences with individual disorders.

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