National Repository of Grey Literature 27 records found  beginprevious18 - 27  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Document digitalization in the financial institution
Píša, Luděk ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Žižková, Veronika (referee)
The goal of the thesis is description of document digitalization in one of the big financial institution in the Czech Republic, discovery of disadvantages of current state and suggestion of measures and recommendations for improvement. Since 2008 I'm employed in this financial institution so I can use the point of view either of employee or student of applied informatics. I can use theoretical knowledge and practical experience in one person this view should be one of the benefits of the thesis. As the next benefit we can include an option of use of mentioned measures and recommendations for the management of financial institution. These measures and recommendations can improve labor productivity not just in process of digitalization. The thesis is divided into eight chapters in which I deal with the common facts about digitalization, reasons for implementation, risks, means of realization and recognition technologies used for digitalization. Then I introduce the financial institution, I point to disadvantages of current state, I mention reasons for digitalization, it's schedule, desired state, accepted measures and practical examples. In the end I recommend measures either for digitalization or enterprise content management and informational technologies.
Document Management Solution in Coface Czech
Budovský, Štefan ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Pohnán, Radek (referee)
The object of this work is the document management in the Czech subsidiary of the multinational corporation. This work will describe and analyze the current situation and propose appropriate solutions for the document management issues. It will introduce the reader to the document management issues and explain the basic functions and principles of the document management system. Subsequently it develops a description and analysis of the current condition that has many deficiencies and causes different kinds of problems in handling the documents. Based on the identified deficiencies and problems with respect to the relation with the IT consulting company managers it is prepared to address the requirements. Individual solutions include procedures that should help to transform the inefficient state of the document management. The conclusion brings the evaluation of alternative solutions and actions that should be made regardless of the choice for the solutions.
Document management system in a small business
Joos, Filip Alexius ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Benáčanová, Helena (referee)
The aim of this thesis is a detailed analysis and subsequent documentation of all procedures related to the application of a document management and to the related changes in a small business. The method of achieving this objective is based mainly on a description, understanding and subsequent application of theoretical foundations in practice, specifically for a small business. Together with all that also goes a description and an appearance of all common problems and obstacles, which may occur during implementation. The contribution of this thesis is to create a guide on how to deal with document management in companies of the above-mentioned type. Another important element is evalutation of the benefits of the implementation of document management application based on the experience of real company. This thesis is divided into several chapters -- market analysis and current state, the importance of documentation for companies, the process of document management implementation, issues and application of tools for document digitalization, evaluation and comparison of partial states in the company, deduction and prediction of the future state.
Approaches to document digitalization solutions.
Novotný, Vladimír ; Šedivá, Zuzana (advisor) ; Benáčanová, Helena (referee)
The objective of this thesis is to provide a survey of document digitalization and to analyse the market of companies outsourcing the document digitalization. The first part of the thesis decribes the technology of scannig and the methods of document recognition and data minig. It also decribes the systems of barcodes used to identify documents. Furthermore, this thesis includes the principles of document saving and electronic (digital) signature issues from the viewpoint of Czech legislation. Its contribution lies in analysing the companies dealing with outsourcing of the document digitalization and in the view of a company using these services. A brief outlook to the future regarding this topic is included as well.
Use of DMS for paperless office
Strnad, Marek ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Bachmann, Petr (referee)
The theme of this bachelor thesis is the use of DMS for paperless office. In the first part the author deals with what must be taken into account when realization a paperless office. What are the legal aspects associated with operating a paperless office in the Czech Republic and what facility is needed to do. When author writing this bachelor thesis, he has worked with AiP Safe s.r.o., which gave him the analysis of projects. From these analysis is then processed the second part, where is described which agenda is the most often deployed by system SAFE. Then author describes what the initial situation was and what benefits from the use of paperless office for various companies meant. Conclusion of the thesis is devoted to evaluation, if appropriate deployment of DMS increases speed and efficiency of processes and activities, whether there is compliance with legislation and internal rules.
Document managament in small manufacturing company
Smolík, Viktor ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Fortinová, Jana (referee)
Effective document management is one of the essential problems of every company. By this the work efficiency will be increased, costs reduced and thus will increase the profitability of the company. In this bachelor work author analyses document management in a small manufacturing company, which occupies herself with a production and sale of textile goods, and resulting their optimalization. Partners let author make analysis and proposal of optimalization their system because they realize that this situation is ineffective.
The analysis of administration of documents and its possible improvements in the non-profitable organization
Kastner, Vojtěch ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Pištorová, Margita (referee)
The Bachelors' Thesis is focused on analyzing and designing a more effective implementation of the document administration system in a non-governmental organization - the Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren - Social Assistance Center in Most. The purpose of the Bachelors' Thesis is to analyze the current system of document administration, identification of weak areas including possible solution for these problems, creation of documentation on the basis of tree folder model including the description of individual folders and brief characteristics of the organization itself.
The solution of documents administration in a particular local authority
Jedlička, Václav ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Žižková, Veronika (referee)
This thesis deals with the solution of documents administration in a particular local authority. It describes real activities connected to a document's lifecycle. This cycle involves receiving, classification, insertion to the system, registration, assignation to other competent people, documents cycle, settlement, storage, shredding and archiving. The cycle is inscribed both theoretically and practically. As a result it enables to the reader to see immediately whether the processes are performed in the way they should be. Especially, processes which are performed with all documents are analyzed there. This is inscribed both for documents delivered by mail and documents created by office employees. The endeavour is to identify errors and failures which appear when working with documents and to suggest solutions with the aim to simplify, make more precise, accelerate and improve current activities of the local authority.
Selection of open source DMS products for small and medium enterprises
Legát, Tomáš ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Benáčanová, Helena (referee)
My bachelor thesis is dedicated to the topic of selection process of document management products for small and medium businesses. Its goal is to describe particularities of document management selection process for small and medium enterprises. Introduction part deals with the explanation of basic terms, related to the topic of document management. Another part is dedicated to the description of document management systems and their functionality. It also discusses about assets of implementation of these systems, motivation of organizations for their deployment and at the same time about risks for enterprise when it decides not to deploy these systems. Consequently a definition of open source software is provided together with its advantages and disadvantages. In a separate chapter small and medium businesses are characterized along with their particularities when compared to big enterprises and their typical approach to handling documents. Based on this characterization arose requirements of these enterprises on document management system, they were supplemented with demands, which should enterprise request from an open source software and with specific requirements on functionality. These demands defined restrictions, on whose basis an overview of available open source document management systems was compiled. At the same time these requirements represented the base for defining measures for closer comparison of products from the overview. Particular measures were given emphasizes and to show how products fulfilled these measures points were used. Scores were put into well arranged tables and results were interpreted.
Správa dokumentů v souladu s ISO 9001:2000 v malých a středních firmách
Brtník, David ; Kunstová, Renáta (advisor) ; Svoboda, Jiří (referee)
Tato práce je vhodným informačním materiálem pro malé a střední firmy, které se potýkají s problémy správy dokumentů. Dále pro všechny, kteří mají zájem získat podrobnější informace možnostech, jakými lze správu dokumentů ve firmě řešit. Poskytuje obecný úvod do problematiky práce s dokumenty a vysvětluje pojem a funkce dokument management systému (DMS). Dále je popsáno, jaké požadavky má na správu dokumentů norma EN ISO 9001:2000. Na příkladu konkrétní firmy, která provádí proces implementace ISO 9001:2000, potom práce rozebírá problémy, které firmě vznikly v důsledku zanedbání rozvoje a zlepšování procesu správy dokumentů a vysvětluje způsoby, jakými lze vzniklou situaci řešit. Ve firmě jsou identifikovány základní problémy, které vedou k růstu nákladů při práci s dokumenty. Firma definuje své požadavky na řešení a je zjištěno, že požadavky firmy na odstranění problémů, které vznikají při práci s dokumenty se v mnohém shodují s požadavky uvedenými v normě ISO 9001:2000. Jednotlivé možné varianty řešení správy dokumentů jsou v této práci rozebrány, jsou popsány jejich výhody a nevýhody a je provedeno srovnání. V závěru je potom vybrána varianta, která je pro tuto konkrétní firmu nejvhodnějším řešením.

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