National Repository of Grey Literature 16,120 records found  beginprevious16111 - 16120  jump to record: Search took 1.08 seconds. 

Problems of stability testing of the active substances and pharmaceutical preparations using HPLC
Havlíková, Lucie ; Solich, Petr (advisor) ; Jokl, Vladimír (referee) ; Sochor, Jaroslav (referee)
"Problems of Stability Testing of the Active Substances and Pharmaceutical Preparations Using HPLC" The presented thesis deals with using of high performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of pharmaceutical active substance, its degradation products, and impurities in pharmaceutical preparations. The theoretical part describes in a more detailed way the topic stability and impurity testing in pharmaceutical preparations. The HPLC theory, method optimization, isolation procedures, method validation, HPLC/MS, and UPLC are characterized briefly in separate chapters. The practical part of the thesis focuses mainly on the development and validation of new chromatographic methods for simultaneous determination of active substances, impurities, and preservatives in topical pharmaceutical preparations. Six original methods, which are used for the quality control and stability testing of pharmaceuticals, were developed and validated. The active substance indomethacin and two degradation products (5-methoxy-2- methylindoleacetic acid and 4-chlorobenzoic acid) were monitored in antiflogistic topical preparation Indomethacin gel (see attachment 5.2). For antimycotically active topical preparation Terbinafin cream, method for determination of the active substance terbinafine hydrochloride, degradation...

Multicultural education in theory and practice of nursery schools
Kožíšková, Zora ; Koťátková, Soňa (referee)
Území České republiky bylo ve dvacátém století více než padesát let do jisté míry separováno od velké části okolního světa. Vládnoucí politické režimy pozastavily přirozený tok výměny a migrace obyvatel. Tato skutečnost vyniká zvláště v kontrastu s rozvojem cestovních možností stejného období a s nastupující globalizací civilizace. Na základě politických změn se po roce 1990 tato situace významně změnila. Středoevropský prostor se znovu stal místem setkávání, střetávání, soužití a míšení různých sociokulturních skupin, ať už jsou tyto skupiny definovány národnostně, nábožensky, socioekonomicky, kulturně či jinak. Dá se předpokládat, že sociokulturní rozmanitost obyvatel České republiky se bude nadále zvyšovat. Budou sem přicházet uprchlíci z krizových oblastí světa, lidé z chudších zemí zde budou hledat pracovní příležitosti, zahraniční studenti zde budou využívat nabídky vzdělávacích institucí, společenská a ekonomická potřeba si vynutí příchod stále většího počtu odborníků a pracovních sil do Evropy. Powered by TCPDF (

The Multipurpose Building in Opava
Gross, Petr ; Struhala, Karel (referee) ; Manychová, Monika (advisor)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the processing of design documentation for realization of the new-build multipurpose building in Opava. The building is designed on the grounds of a former dairy in the Krnovská street where the demolition of obsolete buildings passed off recently. Now are these areas designed to build up again. Designed object will function as a multipurpose building with the operation of a restaurant on the 1st floor, office spaces on the 2nd floor and dwelling units on the 3rd floor. Part of the first floor is a mass garage primarily intended for residents of dwelling units with a total of 9 parking places. It is designed eight dwelling units in total of which six are one-room flats and two are four-room flats. Plan shape of the building is rectangular. The londbearing structure of the building is a reinforced concrete prefabricated precast concrete frame founded on cast-in-place concreted pads. Infill walls are clay brick. The building is roofed with warm flat roof. Dominant features of the building are large glass areas in all floors, metal ventilated facade and loggias of dwelling units. The drawings are processed in AutoCAD programme.

The nonprofit organizations and their efficiency
Petroková, Magdaléna ; Munzi, Tomáš (advisor) ; Doležalová, Antonie (referee)
The theme of my bachelor essay are questions relating to nonprofit organizations in the Czech Republic in the social sector. The nonprofit organization represents a competitor for the state sector. My aim is to find out if the nonprofit organization is more efficient and more client oriented. And if the state with it's wild activity doesn't avoid the competition of nonprofit firms. In the theoretical part I describe in general the definiton of the nonprofit organization, with connection to the czech legal order. As the next step I describe the field of their activity, on which groups of people they focus. The analytic part is concentred on case study. I describe nonprofit organization located in the Chrudim region. I focus on their targets, research and realized projects. And if these nonprofit firms are efficient.

Úprava vstupu do bankovnictví v České republice, licenční postup české národní banky, jednotná evropská licence
Schiller, Jan ; Půlpánová, Stanislava (advisor)
Cílem této bakalářské práce je zobrazení současné právní úpravy vstupu do bankovního sektoru v České republice. Vymezuje licencování bank, jako základní nástroj regulace vstupu do odvětví, věnuje prostor licenčnímu řízení České národní banky a možnostem odejmutí licenčního oprávnění. Podrobněji je zde analyzován princip jednotné evropské licence a její vliv na český bankovní trh. Obraz současné legislativní úpravy bankovnictví je rozebírán v kontextu vývoje od roku 1989 do vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie

The role of public policies in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility
Trnková, Jana ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Kučera, Rudolf (referee)
The submitted dissertation holds the title The role o fpublic policies in promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (policy analysis o f 13 EU member states and the Czech Republic). The first chapter presents a general overview regarding the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The historical and theoretical backgrounds behind the idea of corporate responsibility are being discussed in this part. The second chapter concentrates specifically on the history and development of the CSR agenda within the European Union. The analysis is based on the main strategic documents the EU has issued in the past ten years in this specific area (e.g. Green Paper: Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility from 2001 and others/ The third chapters presents an analysis of government policies applied in 13 chosen European countries with the aim of promoting and supporting CSR. Among the chosen analysed countries are for example France, Great Britain, Finland, Austria and others. The gathered information is then summarized in a comprehesive model that shows the ways and means governments in the European context apply in order to create an environment that stimulates companies to uptake CSR. This model is in the final chapter transmitted to the Czech local context and filled with local data....

Duševní vlastnictví a dostupnost léčiv: patentové pooly jako nástroje pro zvýšení dostupnosti ve farmaceutickém průmyslu
Nemkyová, Renata ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Müller, David (referee)
The doctrine of intellectual property is based on the assumption that the exclusivity to commercialize a novel product granted to an inventor creates incentives to conduct research. In some areas, however, intellectual property can constitute a barrier to development of social welfare. In the area of access to medicines in developing countries, the intellectual property-related problem can take two forms. When needed products are not being developed and thus do not exist, lack of availability occurs. Lack of accessibility, on the other hand, arises when necessary medicines do exist, but their prices are prohibitive for people from resource-poor countries. Based on a detailed analysis of the patent and trade environment in the pharmaceutical sector, the thesis examines the potential of patent pooling as a joint intellectual property management strategy to increase access to medicines within the existing international intellectual property system. Particularly, it analyzes the effects of an existing pharmaceutical pool, the Medicines Patent Pool, on accessibility of antiretroviral medicines in low and middle income countries.

K vývoji amerických financí za velké hospodářské krize
Obonyová, Zuzana ; Stellner, František (advisor) ; Tajovský, Ladislav (referee)
Diplomová práce se věnuje popisu a analýze chování institucí finančního sektoru, tj. komerčního a centrálního bankovnictví USA v období Velké hospodářské krize. Zkoumá faktory, které mohly společně zapříčinit bezprecedentní bankovní kolaps na začátku třicátých let. Cílem práce je nabídnout přehledný a srozumitelný obraz o tom, jak americký finanční systém a její instituce, zejména komerční banky, Federální rezervní systém a zlatý standard, fungovaly v době Velké hospodářské krize. Velký prostor je věnován roli, kterou během události sehrál Federální rezervní systém prostřednictvím své strategie během dvacátých let a v době krize. V souvislosti s Velkou hospodářskou krizí zůstává jednou z nejvíce diskutovaných témat role Federálního rezervního systému. Dále práce obsahuje analýzu jednotlivých vln bankovních krizí, a to jak z mikroekonomického, tak i z makroekonomického pohledu. Věnuje se též problematikám omezení ?branch bankingu?, bankovním panikám a ?uvěrové expanze?. Z časového hlediska je téma diskutovaná do vyhlášení ?bankovních prázdnin? a přijetí zákona The Banking Act z roku 1933.

Tax deduction for research and development
Švecová, Klára ; Francírek, František (advisor) ; Slintáková, Barbora (referee)
Research realised by the public sector leads to new knowledge. To achieve economic growth of the country, it is necessary that the results of such research could be useful for innovation in the private sector. It can be achieved by cooperation of both sectors. The government of the Czech Republic supports such cooperation since 2014, through the option for businesses to include costs of R&D services and intangible results of R&D purchased from public universities or public research institutions in the tax deduction for research and development. It can be also better used by small and medium enterprises, but the total amount of this tax incentive decreased in 2014 as compared with 2013. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the reasons for the low utilization rate of tax deduction for research and development and low levels of cooperation on R&D between enterprises and public sector, primarily universities.

Analysis of possibility of Conceptual Framework IPSAS implementation to Czech accounting legislation
Jančí, Veronika ; Svoboda, Michal (advisor) ; Zelenka, Vladimír (referee)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to familiarize the readers with the Conceptual Framework relating to the International Public Sector Accounting Standards IPSAS. Introduction is dedicated to the public sector, its basic characteristics and its nature in general. For easier understanding of the issue is further discussed about international financial reporting systems; IFRS and US GAAP is mentioned primarily. The greatest scope is left to the main topic, to the Conceptual Framework IPSAS. The thesis discusses the basic principles and requirements for financial reporting of public sector entities which are regulated by Conceptual Framework IPSAS. Attention is also focused on comparison with the accounting system in the Czech Republic for the purpose of analyzing the possibilities of its implementation in Czech accounting legislation.