National Repository of Grey Literature 15,732 records found  beginprevious15723 - 15732  jump to record: Search took 1.65 seconds. 

Analysis of suitability the ski resorts in the Krušné hory mountains for skiing of wheelchair bound skiers
Voráček, Tomáš ; Matošková, Petra (referee) ; Hruša, Jan (advisor)
3 ABSTRACT Name of the Work: Analysis of suitability the ski resorts in the Krušné hory mountains for skiing of wheelchair-bound skiers Objective of the Work: To analyze the conditions in the ski resorts of the Krušné hory mountains related to skiing of wheelchair-bound skiers Method: The research has the nature of a description, establishing the basis to analyze the obtained data in order to make an analysis of evaluation of the individual ski resorts from the viewpoint of a wheelchair-bound skier. Results: The results of this diploma work show that the ski resorts in the Krušné hory mountains are not ready to facilities to wheelchair-bound skiers. Conclusion: In order to improve the conditions in the ski resorts in the Krušné hory mountains in relation to wheelchair-bound skiers, the cooperation of the wheelchair-bound skiers, operators of ski resorts and state administration bodies is required. Key words: wheelchair-bound skier, monoski, availability, suitability

Wheelchair tennis
Suková, Barbora ; Hošková, Blanka (referee) ; Strnad, Pavel (advisor)
6 Abstract Wheelchair tennis Paper's intention The main goal of this paper is to analyze the difficulties of the wheelchair tennis, and to organize gained information in the form of methodical letter on the base of my study of literature and all the available information from the coaches and handicaped people. This letter would help physical education and sport praxis. Method A qualitative knowledge survey and a literature analysis in given area is processed by fact retrieval and a descriptive working method. Conclusion Based on collected data, I picked out the general information that relate to wheelchair tennis and specifically to a forehand and a backhand. After reading through all the material I conducted a stroke analysis and came up with a plan for a practice session that will help to improve player's technique. Key Words Tennis, Wheelchair Tennis, handicap, sport, a practice session.

Contemporary state and perspectives of garden allotments in agglommerations of Czechia
Kupera, Adam ; Keyzlarová, Sandra (referee) ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor)
5 ABSTRACT The research on garden colonies in Czechia follows an ongoing focus of the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (Faculty of Science, Charles University) on specific forms of recreation in Czechia, specifically on projects concerning individual short-term recreation and secondary housing. The goal of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive image of gardening in selected model regions of the Czech Republic, offer possible outlook, compare and evaluate current state and changes in functional use of garden colonies and analyze causes of their transformation. To accomplish this goal, we analyzed results of questionnaires and terrain investigations conducted in the individual model regions. One of the most important items of the study was the analysis of changes in functional use of the gardening colonies. We also evaluated selected characteristics of the gardening colonies and compared results from individual model regions. The conclusion of this analysis and evaluation is that in addition to the continuing production function of gardens and their substantial social-economic function, gardens also serve as a place for both psychic and stamina regeneration and a place of recreation. The gardens are also being transformed to objects of secondary housing or permanent...

Multifunctional agriculture in Czechia after accesion to the European Union: conceptualisation, development and regional differentiation
Hrabák, Jiří ; Jančák, Vít (advisor) ; Spišiak, Peter (referee) ; Novotná, Marie (referee)
8 Abstract The dissertation deals with the concepts of multifunctional agriculture in the context of transformations of Czech agriculture in the post-communist era. In general, the study mainly wanted to discuss the concepts of multifunctional agriculture, known for over three decades, especially from the Anglo-Saxon environment, and to analyse the development of Czech agriculture as well as application of multifunctional agriculture especially in the period after Czechia's joining the European Union, including the perception of multifunctional activities by farmers. The initial part of the study discusses the concepts of multifunctional agriculture as non- commodity production (OECD 2001) and an integral part of rural development (Van der Ploeg, Roep 2003) on the one hand and of agricultural multifunctionality (Wilson 2007), on the other. The empirical part of the work was based on a quantitative assessment of regional differentiation of multifunctional agriculture in Czechia, the territorial concentration of multifunctional activities and dependence between the variables that influence its implementation. The evaluation of the perception of multifunctional activities by farmers has resulted from a field survey, or interviews conducted with farmers in three areas of interest of various types (municipality...

Analysis of the practical training in the context of structuring of teacher education programs
Wernerová, Jana
Analysis of the practical training in the context of structuring of teacher education programs Abstract The dissertation focuses on the issue of preparatory education of the teachers with emphasis on the structuring effects of teacher education programs and practical training. Its aim is to analyse and compare the concepts, parameters, processes and effects of teaching practise models that result from unstructured and structured learning program of the teacher training for lower secondary schools, in the context of the vocational development of the students of teaching. By means of the analysis of the current state of the practical preparations was to contribute to the discussion of issues concerning preparatory teacher training. It offers starting points of the current teacher education, characterizes parallel and subsequent models of the teacher preparation and the resulting implications for teaching practice. Furthermore, initial teacher education in the context of the countries of the European and its trends, historical insight into the teacher training in the Czech Republic. The main experimental methods were comparative content analysis of curricula, questionnaire surveys and vigorous discussions. The thesis compares the selected components of structured teacher education programs for lower secondary...

Potential a part of National geopark Železné hory for sustainable tourism
Čtveráková, Iveta
Potencial a part of National geopark Železné hory for sustainable tourism Abstract Submitted thesis deals on the general level with issues of sustainable development of tourism in defined area of National geopark Železné hory. First of all in the theorethical part the tourism is set in the broader context and it is aimed to the issue of sustainability. One of the key part of this thesis is detailed analysis of geopark concept and geotourism, including possibilities of their practical application focused especially on the development of rural area. The main aim of the empirical part of the thesis is to analyze geotourist potential in defined area of Železné hory on the basis of field research between local participants and analysis of accessible materials from the area of interest. Ascertained pieces of knowledge relate to local cooperation in the process of creation and promotion of geotourist products, possibility of increasing the efficiency of current state of tourism in the area and region overall development. Key words: geopark, geotourism, development of rural area, sustainable tourism, Železné hory

The Economics of Drug Prohibition
Řepík, Martin ; Šťastný, Daniel (advisor) ; Bolcha, Peter (referee)
Abstract The Prohibition represents a worldwide approach to drug trafficking and using, that are generally judged as evil, to which it is necessary to face. Although the drugs like alcohol or tobacco are legal and ordinary part of social life, a range of substances available on free market at the beginning of 20th Century became outlawed. In an effort to eliminate illegal drugs there was declared war on their production, distribution and consumtion in order to protect citizens, public health and to minimize social costs. The aim of this paper is to examine whether the drug prohibition is able to achieve its goals, to analyze its effects and real causes for negative impacts of drugs to society and to find who in fact the drug policy bring the benefits to.

Pharmacovigilance in the Toxicological Information Centre
Urban, Michal ; Pelclová, Daniela (advisor) ; Benešová, Veronika (referee) ; Zacharov, Sergej (referee)
1 ABSTRACT Background The annual drug overdose rates have been increasing exponentially since the 90's worldwide. Toxicological information centre (TIC) represents a valuable source of information for evaluating the trends in the drug poisonings in Czech Republic. Aim of the study The purpose was to analyze the number and trends in the calls concerning poisonings due to central nervous system (CNS) affecting drugs, identify the reasons of medication errors caused by laymen, frequency and consequences of these errors across all age groups and also to analyze the numbers, causes, symptoms and severity of the paracetamol intoxications. Methods During the reference period the data from the enquiries were extracted from the TIC electronic database, discharge reports from the hospital were studied or phone call follow-ups with the patients were carried out to be able to evaluate the outcome of the poisonings. Results In the years 1997-2002 the number of calls caused by poisoning with tricyclic antidepressants and barbiturates decreased (by 366.7 % and 340,0 %, respectively) whereas the calls due to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and benzodiazepines overdose increased (by 1347.4 % and 359.8 %). The 0-5 years old children are at the highest risk of experiencing medication errors or accidental poisonings...

Transport of groceries within prism of logistics services
Feix, Martin ; Novák, Radek (advisor) ; Pavlík, Jan (referee)
The aim of my work is to analyse current transport of groceries. Analysis of risks connected with groceries, transport types, warehousing types, manipulation units, etc. The abstract of this diploma is also case study about petite distribution.

The role of big companies in the economy
Ščamburová, Mária ; Zemplinerová, Alena (advisor) ; Antoš, Ondřej (referee)
Abstract The thesis is trying to find out if Czech republic disposes really big companies in the manufacturing industry and analyze attitude of czech government towards important companies. Situation in Czech republic compares with Finland and Slovakia. Theoretical part describes certain types of market structures and their effect to competition. Reports competition concepts by chosen economic schools as well as antitrust policy and unfair competition. In the end it shows company types by size and interest groups that are connected not only with big companies. Analytical part research market concentration in czech manufacturing industry with special focus on market concentration -- company size relationship. Following part compares world largest companies with biggest czech, slovak and finnish ones. Last part points government attitude towards big companies by examples Škoda Auto, a.s., ČEZ, a.s., Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. and Nokia.