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Education of Future Medic in Sphere of Humanitarian Help
Přibylová, Hana ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Kučírek, Jiří (referee)
One billion of people lives less than one dollar a day, millions of people are forced to live out of their home, problems of humanitarian aid are very pressing theme. This diploma thesis aims to create a didactit unit for students of medical school, which would deepen their knowledges and influence their attitudes to humanitarian aid. At first at theoretic part the space is focused on complete overview in humanitarian aid, starting on history, current strategy of humanitarian aid, individual participants of aid, over the rules and risk, up to ethic and legal anchoring of aid. In theoretic part is giving a description in brief of three non- governmental non-profitable organization, whose are engaging in humanitarian aid (International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Docktors without Borders known as Medecins Sans Frontieres, which is devoted more space in view of the fact that students'orientation and Czech organization People in Trouble). In research part the questionnaire survey is performed in chosen medical school, which inquires the basic knowledges of humanitarian aid and three chosen non-profit organization and monitors students'attitudes to given problems. The didactic unit is created in the basis of analysis of collected data. From the questionnaire survey is clear the...
NGOs and their assistance to municipality of České Budějovice in crisis situations.
Bad unexpected situations in which a person needs help, they always happen. It is about situations which person cannot overcome with their capabilities. For this reason, there are, among other NGOs. NGOs are involved during emergencies, crisis situations and help all those, who were somehow affected by these events.These are organizations that are not established by the state. In the South Bohemia region, there are several NGOs that are involved into action during emergency and crisis situations.The objective of this bachelor thesis is to assess involvement and assistance of NGOs for city of České Budějovice. The theoretical part is concerned by philanthropy which is closely linked with nongovernmental organizations, since there prevails an effort motivated by love of neighbor. Another part is about the history of NGOs. There is also described the history of the Austrian Empire, the first Czechoslovak Republic, World War II, the communist era to the post-communist era. Next has described the development of NGOs, and how they developed their assistance in any they developed their assistance in any event. The thesis also deals with the current form of NGOs which are regulated. These are public benefit organizations, institutions, associations, foundations, endowment funds and religious organizations. Their description is focused on basic characteristics. In the following part the thesis focusses on volunteering which is one of the five symbols of the third sector. Since volunteering serve for the benefit of others and is free of charge, it is a basic principle of NGOs. Volunteering can be divided into three types of donation by which the bachelor work deals. It is a present form of assistance that is provided by NGOs. These forms are financial, material and personal. Last but not least, the thesis deals with Government Council and the Panel of NGOs.The thesis describes the purpose and objective of the Panel and also describes the origin and the necessity of this platform in the South Bohemian Region. Additional and important part of the thesis describes each of NGOs, that are involved in emergency and crisis situations. There are also described their characteristics and assistance during the floods. The organizations are ADRA, Czech Red Cross, Diakonie of the Evangelical Church, Caritas České Budějovice and the Association of firefighters of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. End of the thesis mainly deals with the integrated rescue system, the concept of an extraordinary event and a list of basic and other components of the integrated rescue system which include the NGOs. The conclusion is addressed to the status of NGOs in crisis management and in the integrated rescue system and also describes an agreement that concludes the Fire Brigade of the Czech Republic. Closer are described two agreements, namely the agreement on the provision of the planned assistance upon request and agreement on the provision of personal or material assistance. These agreements are concluded with an NGO which is located in the České Budějovice.The second part of the thesis deals with some organizations which are located in the České Budějovice and can be used when an extraordinary event or crisis situation happen. The thesis is based on research question how NGOs provide assistance. These informations are found in the the inquiries and study of available materials and agreements which are concluded between the Fire Brigade of the South Bohemian Region and the Regional association of the Czech Red Cross located in České Budějovice. From the agreements I found what forces, resources and activities can eg. The regional association of the Czech Red Cross České Budějovice provide. From the agreements and documents provided is determined that the assistance of NGOs is at a good level. The Panel of the NGOs contributes to it by a significant degree, it makes coordination much more efficient.
Volunteers Preparing for Emergencies in Regional Associations Czech Red Cross in South Bohemian Region
Pelikánová, Zuzana ; Pospíšilová, Tereza (advisor) ; Šloufová, Romana (referee)
Volunteering in emergency situations requires comprehensive knowledge of the context of these situations: crisis management issues, including legislation, involving of NNO in the integrated rescue system and cooperation with a local government, the principle of access to those who are affected; including first aid, teamwork and self-care. The training of volunteers is very important for both, the quality of volunteer work and for volunteers themselves and humanitarian organizations pay special attention to it.The aim of this work is to summarize the findings from the literature, to prepare them for the use of volunteers and to map the training system of volunteers and members of the Czech Red Cross in general, and on the specific example of regional associations in the South Bohemian region. To achieve the objective, an analysis and summary of the domestic literature on training volunteers in emergencies was realised. Furthermore, the case study, using data from secondary sources, internal documents and from expert interviews was compiled. Attachments now contain information useful for training volunteers as a separated document. The conclusion of this work summarizes the findings and defines recommendations for a practical use. Key words Volunteering, volunteer management, disaster, humanitarian...
Europeanisation of humanitarian aid spent to foreign countries from the perspective of the Czech Republic
Pöschl, Petr ; Kučerová, Irah (advisor) ; Knutelská, Viera (referee)
This master thesis deals with the Europeanization of humanitarian aid/assistance provided to foreign countries, from the perspective of the Czech Republic. Upon the accession of the Czech Republic into European Union in 2004, the country had to adopt the whole body of acquis communautaire on humanitarian assistance, which implied a range of rights and obligations. By doing so, the humanitarian aid system experienced and undergone major changes, which resulted in significant transformation of conceptual and principal layout constituting the aid provision system. The overall objective of this thesis is thus to prove that such changes have been caused by the misfit between European and Czech hard law and soft law documents. In that regard, the thesis aims to examine the above mentioned changes in several analytical dimensions, including humanitarian aid principles, aid goals, forms of humanitarian aid, territorial and sector aid distribution. To illustrate, this thesis analyses three different time periods, i.e. before, during and after the European influence is being examined. The author exclusively focuses on state actors, while paying attention to qualitative humanitarian assistance aspects.
Current crisis in Ukraine: the impact on Czech migration policy
Jarolímová, Tereza ; Šánová, Lucie (advisor) ; Karlas, Jan (referee)
Current crisis in Ukraine: the impact on Czech migration policy Bc. Tereza Jarolímová Abstract In November 2013 protests in response on cancelation of Association Agreements preparations between EU and Ukraine stand on the beginning of crisis, which resulted in annexation of Crimea by Russian Federation and in armed conflict at Eastern Ukraine. Those events led to a significant deterioration of security and socioeconomic conditions and influenced migration flows in Ukraine. In April 2015 there was 1 192 000 Internally Displaced Persons and more than 700 000 people fled Ukraine. This situation also affected Czech Republic that is common target of migration from this country. This thesis analyses the reaction of the Czech state institutions on Ukrainian crisis and its influence on migration flows. Migration policy is in this thesis divided in immigration policy, asylum policy, integration policy, external dimension of migration policy and crisis reaction. Author analyses budget changes, Government Resolutions and changes in state strategies concerning migration or security in connection with possible migration flow from Ukraine. It is also evaluated how Czech Republic grants different kinds of international protection to refugees from Ukraine.
Analysis of the Pontifical Missionary Societies' Activities in the Czech Republic
Hajičová, Ivana ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Lorman, Jaroslav (referee)
The aim of the thesis "Analysis of the Pontifical Missionary Societies' (PMS) Activities in the Czech Republic" is to determine to what extent the activities of Czech PMS are truly missionary. First, basic terms are defined: mission, charity, humanitarian aid, and development assistance (Chapter 1). What they all have in common is caring for others; charity and mission have religious motivation and are carried out by the Church, whereas humanitarian aid and development assistance are matters of a secular state (though in everyday use the terms are often confused). Charity, i. e. selfless help to those in need, does not have a religious goal, it is not an instrument of evangelization unlike mission, whose aim it is to proclaim the Gospel (Chapter 2). Mission lies at the heart of the PMS on a worldwide scale and for this purpose they were established: Society for the Propagation of the Faith 1822, Society of the Holy Childhood 1843, Society of St. Peter the Apostle 1889, and Missionary Union 1916 (Chapter 3). Since their renewal in the CR in 1993 the Societies have developed a wide range of membership forms and activities, and collection yields have grown tenfold (Chapter 4). What the money is spent on determines the basic character of the institution. Exact data of the National Office for 2011 and 2012 show...
Implementation of the mandate of the UNPROFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992-1995
Lalić, Jan ; Tejchman, Miroslav (advisor) ; Pikal, Kamil (referee)
The unwillingness of the international community to become involved militarily in Bosnian civil war between 1992-1995, made the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) a substitute for a decisive action. The absence of any foreseeable prospect of truce, which would have been supported by the presence of peacekeepers, led to the establishment of strictly humanitarian mandate for UN troops in the first phase of the war. They were supposed, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR), to secure functioning of the Sarajevo airport for humanitarian relief purposes and subsequently provide security for the UNHCR and its convoys providing humanitarian relief. Thesis "Implementation of the mandate of the UNPROFOR mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992-1995" deals with issues concerning humanitarian mandate in particular. This thesis aims to explain, through descriptive analysis, motives leading international community to deploy lightely armed peacekeeprs with uncharacteristic mandate to the region, which is absolutely inadequate for peacekeeping operations as I will show. It will subsequently analyze course of the implementation and problems, which were encountered by UN troops. The aim of this thesis is to prove, that UNPROFOR was not absolute failure as it is perceived,...
Volunteers and their Lead up in Humanitarian and Developing Organizations.
Redmerová, Monika ; Pospíšilová, Tereza (advisor) ; Vávra, Martin (referee)
The term "Volunteering" as well as its sence has become well-known in today's society. Less knowledge we have about the process of preparations of volunteers before their final involvement in specific projects. This work focus on preparations of volunteers in organizations who operate in the field of humanitarian aid and development cooperation outside the European Union. The aim of this study is to survey particular phases of the contact between organizations and their volunteers especially the phase of training before sending the volunteers for their mission abroad. Volunteer's comments on the methods of preparations form a part of the work too. To reach the objective, the qualitative research was held, so that it was possible to describe the operating methods in focused organizations. During the research, the direct contact with volunteers and emloyees of organizations played an important role. The work is concluded with the survey of ascertained facts and resulting recomendations. Keywords: Volunteering, volunteer management, humanitarian aid, international development cooperation, volunteer preparation, training

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