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The Effect of Personal Causality Orientation on Adherence in Outpatient Physiotherapy
Kuta, Igor ; Niederlová, Markéta (advisor) ; Hrachovinová, Tamara (referee)
(in English) This master thesis deals with themes of motivations and compliance to treatment recommendations in outpatient physiotherapy. In the theoretical section it brings an introduction to the issue of adherence as a part of medical rehabilitation. It sheds some light on the importance of the research in this field and structures its span according to prescribed diagnoses and other criteria. It also shows distinctions in concepts of compliance, concordance and adherence and summarizes the findings of the most relevant directions of motivation research in this area of study. The aim of the empirical part is to capture relations between the distribution of patients' personal causality orientation and their adherence to treatment. Based on the results of a DOPO method, self-assessment of adherence and evaluation of adherence by the treating physiotherapist, from the sample of 69 patients it concludes, that there is no statistically significant relation between the aforementioned variables.
The influence of complex spa treatments on the return to work process
FORST, Lukáš
The aim of this work is to find out the effectiveness of comprehensive spa treatment therapy focused on the musculoskeletal system. I tried to map out the influence of medical methodologies used in spa facilities, specifically in Berta Spa Třeboň, and patients´ return to work. In the past few years spa treatment is a frequently discussed topic not only because of the recent change in the list of indications. At present there are 35 spas in the Czech Republic which have to fulfill strict requirements to ensure maximum beneficial effect in rehabilitation, resocialization, prevention and supportive treatment. Lately many people are seeking spa facilities rather only for relaxation and so the spas are losing the primary purpose. Spas have mainly curative effect and are used as a prevention as well as a treatment. Spa treatment is or should also be the last treatment before the end of incapacity. Incapacity is a significant topic in the current health and social issues. The average incapacity/sick leave then becomes also an important economic factor.
Possibilities of Physiotherapy for chronical overload of the lumbar spine of female floorball players
SLADKÁ, Zuzana
The Bachelor's work deals with the topic of women's floorball from the physiotherapeutic point of view. Due to the basic playing posture in a continuous forward bend and the one-sided holding of the floorball stick, the lower back is being overloaded in long term. Stabilization of this region is secured by the deep stabilization system that works based on the interaction of the spine extensors and flexors. Is the activity not balanced, muscle disbalance and micro trauma occur, which have a negative impact on the player performance. Including of compensation and relaxation exercises into the training programme may work as prevention of development of such musculoskeletal overload. The aim of this work is to present the problems of women's floorball from the physiotherapeutic point of view and to offer possibilities of particular kinesiological and physiotherapeutic methods for prevention of injuries and spinal overload. The theoretical part describes the functional anatomy, the biomechanics of the lower back and the deep stabilization system assuring the stability of this spine region. Furthermore, the issues of floorball, the basic playing activities of individuals with the description of the floorball player posture are described. The theory quotes examination methods and therapy as well. This fulfils the first aim of the bachelor's work regarding closer description of the women's floorball issues. The research part of the work is processed by the quality research method. For analysis, the case interpretation of three floorball players of the FBC Liberec extra league team has been used. These three players had problems in the lower back region, mostly accompanied by pain. Every case interpretation involves input and output medical inspection with anamnesis definition, static inspection of aspection and palpation in the pelvis region, goniometric and somatometric inspection with function muscle test, dynamic inspection (Trendelenburg-Duchenne test), inspection of movement stereotypes, postural stabilization, hypermobility and shortening of muscle groups. Within this therapy, soft tissue techniques, stretching, method of the dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, parts of the Ludmila Mojžíšová method, sensomotoric stimulation and examination on a big gymnastic ball, have been used. Based on an assessment, both, the short-term and long-term individual kinesiotherapeutical plan has been developed and the second aim of the bachelor's work fulfilled show the possibility of particular kinesiology and physiotherapy methods for prevention of injuries and spinal overload. The therapy results are positive and the selected physiotherapeutical methods have proved to be effective. The posture in the lower back region has improved with all players and also symetrization of the trunk as well as reduction of pains as a result of the deep stabilization system could be observed. Both of the parties have evaluated the effect of the therapy as positive. The bachelor's work can be used in the physiotherapeutical clinic practice and as a resource for increasing the awereness of the sportspeople and trainers.
Possibilities of physiotherapy and problematics of flat foot focus on pupils of older school age
PODRACKÁ, Veronika
This thesis deals with the issue of flatfoot in older school-age children and physiotherapy methods effective for this condition. The human foot underwent considerable changes during its evolution once a limb adapted to climbing, it gradually developed into an organ which enables humans locomotion and upright stance. Flatfoot is a rather common condition described as minimal to non-existent arch of the foot. The aim of this thesis is to list the physiotherapy methods which can be used to treat the condition in older school-age children, to suggest an exercise to help improve both the foot flexibility and the arch position, and to describe the effects of exercising on a person´s posture. The theoretical part of this thesis includes the description of the foot anatomy, foot functions and its functional relationships with other parts of the body. This part of my thesis also describes the flatfoot condition and possible therapy methods focused on children of older school age. The practical part is based on a qualitative research. The focus group of my research were three school children two girls aged 12 and 13 and a boy, 12 years old. The physiotherapy treatment was applied for eight weeks, once a week under my supervision, and the patients were asked to do the required set of exercises daily. The data was gathered during the initial and the final kinesiology examination and photos providing documentary evidence were enclosed. The physical examination included 3D scan assessment. Respective casuistries and both short-term and long-term individual rehabilitation plans were based on the processed data. The set of exercises was created beforehand and then modified during the therapy according to each patient´s physical ability and their current condition. The last therapy session included each patient´s subjective feedback concerning the therapy and its results. Positive results and a distinct improvement of the foot arch position and the body posture were achieved in each case.
Possibilities prevention of orthopedic disorders legs at preschool children
This bachelor thesis is focused on an orthopedic foot defects by preschoolers and their prevention. The foot is an important executive organ, which fulfill many functions. The main functions of the foot are standing and moving. Equally important function of the foot is the ability to feel the information about the terrain on which one we are moving. Through receptors located in the foot flows this information constantly into the central nervous system, where are they evaluate together with information from the whole body. On the ground of this information is happening a large number of subsequent complex processes - e.g. correction of the center of gravity, control of the position and of the body movement. Nowadays many children wear inappropriate footwear and they don´t have enough proprioceptive stimuli. As a consequence of this, the foot stops being functional and it can lead to the inception of various orthopedic disorders. Incorrect foot positioning will be reflected in the position of the entire body, since as the foot works across the whole attention to the prevention right in this period of life, as long as the pathological stereotypes are not fixed jet. In the theoretical part have I describes the basic information, that leads to the understanding of the issue. Here is described the anatomy of the foot, her development and function. Further the work is aimed at acquired orthopedic foot defects, at the possibility of prevention and at the foot examination. The last chapter is focused on the development of preschooler. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to inform what kind of orthopedic defects children can have. This bachelor thesis also maps out which are the most common defects and suggest preventive arrangements that protect the children against the development of the orthopedic foot defects. In the practical part was the qualitative research executed. In the research were the foot imprints of the preschoolers taken and then were three case studies before and after the therapy evaluated. To collected the data I used an interview to obtain medical history, method of observation and input and output kinesiology analysis. The therapy lasted for ten weeks and was prepared on the basis of sensomotoric stimulation with the elements of the game so that the children manage to keep attention. The results of this bachelor work shows that at all three probands during the exercises the condition of the foots had improved and also the stability of the whole body had improved. This bachelor work could be beneficial to current and future physiotherapists who are interested in this problematic. Furthermore, this work can function as a base for further and more detailed processing of this topic. It could be also applied in the development of education - kinetic methods in kindergartens. Even the parents, that want to prevent the origin of orthopedic disorders at their kids foots, could use this work as an inspiration.
Painfulness of shoulder girgle in female handball players
This bachelor thesis is focused on the issues of shoulder girdle syndrome of female handball players. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the theoretical basis of the shoulder girdle, its movements, handball and different kinds of injuries which may be the consequences of playing it. Furthermore the methods used for such issues are introduced in this part. The second part of the thesis, the practical part, is based on eight weeks of monitoring and practising with three junior female handball players of DHC SVŠ Plzeň. For this the qualitative research method was used, the anamnestic data were gained during interviews, after that the kinesiological analysis and a short therapeutic plan were created. Further there is the description of the therapy progress. After eight weeks of exercise the outcome kinesiological analysis was created and the long-term therapeutic plan was proposed. The evaluation of the results of the therapy was carried out both subjectively and objectively with the help of special examination tests of the shoulder joint. The therapy of the players was held 2-3 times a week, from which once a week under my supervision. During the therapy were applied the soft-technologies, tractions, approximations, centration, post isometric relaxation. Training of the weakened muscles and easing the overstrained ones by using different tools were also included. As for the methods, the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation was used and also the chosen elements or positions from the dynamic neuromuscular stabilization. The aim of the thesis is to draw attention to the issues of the shoulder girdle as consequences of playing handball and to suggest physiotherapeutic opportunities. Considering the gained results, we can conclude, that the therapy had a positive effect on the condition of the shoulder girdle by all female handball players, however the intensity of the effect differs. All of the players experienced alleviation of the shoulder girdle pain, strengthening of the lower scapula fixators, easing of the m. trapezius, m. pectoralis maior and eventually also easing of the muscular disbalance. Therefore we can state, that the physiotherapy is convenient as both the treatment and the prevention for female handball players.
Physiotherapy for patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
JINDROVÁ, Kateřina
ADEM is the inflammatory demyelinating disease of central nervous system which affects mainly white matter cerebrospinal. This bachelor thesis deal with problems of the acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and appropriate approaches of the physiotherapy approaches. For the purpose of this diagnosis is to give a comprehensive view about the disease. Question of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is nowadays increasingly topical because the incidence of this disease increases every year not only in the world, but also in the Czech Republic. The issue of children is described in detail and subsequently divided. The main stated aim of my thesis is to explore the issue of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, physiotherapy and process approaches at selected patients with this diagnosis realize defined physiotherapy processes. The theoretical part focuses on the incidence of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in the Czech Republic and in the world, disease characteristics, causes of its formation, progression, diagnosis and prognosis, and not least the many options in the treatment of diseases such as neurorehabilitation, pharmacological, spa treatment etc. Methodological part is processed using qualitative research. Data collection is carried out observation, interview, analysis of medical records, kinesiology and as neurological examinations is used video and photographic documentation of individual respondents. The research sample includes 2 respondents from Arpida Centers in Ceske Budejovice. Examination and treatment was carried out for 5 months in Arpida areas. To evaluate changes in the patient after treatment is performed input and output kinesiology and neurological examination. One kinesiology examination is completed by testing for posturograf from Copany Neurocom that the patient has received at the beginning of therapy and after its completion. The main research question was determinated in accordance with the objective and qualitative research. The research question was: What are the changes in kinesiological examination occurs after physical therapy in patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis? Physiotherapy primarily affected the stereotype of breathing, better stability of scapulas, improved walking stereotypes and generally improved postural stability in stance. Physiotherapy as itself may well affect some degrees of clinical symptoms of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. It helps improve the quality of life, physical or mental state of a person, helping to improve self-care and improve its team-integration.
Possibilities of physiotherapy for low back pain with a focus on Foot reflexology at the working age population
This thesis is focused on the possibilities of physiotherapy for low back pain with a focus on Foot reflexology at the working age population. Low back pain afflicts a large percentage of the population, and its prevalence is highest among people of working age. The situation does not help the current lifestyle including poor eating habits and lack of physical activity. According to statistics they are one of the most common causes of inability to work. There are many causes of back pain and a lot of physiotherapy approaches to dealing with them. Correct and early diagnosis of the problems is very important in this topic. The theoretical part summarizes the basic anatomy and kinesiology findings concerning the lumbar spine and legs. Furthermore, there is generally analyzed pain, then with a focus on the lower back. I refer, besides other things, the possible causes of low back pain and economic burden to the healthcare system. Subsequently the branches of physiotherapy, who deal with the given problem, are described. At the end of the theoretical part I devote to Foot reflexology, which was examined in the practical part. This method fall into an alternative medicine. It takes advantage of the finding that the feet are covered with reflective areas corresponding with the organs or the other body parts. Their stimulation can affect relevant areas including their function. This thesis had two objectives. The first one was to map the possibilities of influencing low back pain using the Foot reflexology for selected probands. The second one was to explore whether the Foot refexology will have an impact on the quantity of used analgesics. The method of qualitative research was chosen for the practical part. Four respondents were selected from the public who meet the specified requirements (person of working age suffering from pain in the lower back and taking analgesics). Their history was collected. Then the entry kinesiology analysis and diagnostics of the feet was made. The visual analog pain scale was used to determine the extent of pain of reflective areas. The therapy took place once a week for a three months. At the last meeting held evaluate of the therapy from the perspective of the respondent and final kinesiology analysis was done. The gained input and output data were compared. The research results were published in the form of four case studies. They indicate that the improvement of condition occurred at three respondents. At one of them, the pain in the lower back almost disappeared, at other two o them the pain stop radiate into the legs. It was achieved a reduction of the number of used analgesics at these mentioned respondents. At the fourth respondent stormy reactions were appeared, which distorted the final effect of therapy on the back pain. It was apparently affected the hormonal system of the woman. It was not even possible to determine whether rehabilitation had an impact on the use of analgesics, because the respondent was forced to take the analgesics during therapy. From the information above it is possible to conclude that the Foot reflexology can have a positive impact on influencing low back pain. It is not high demand for this purpose in practice. In my opinion, it should be more incorporated into the patient care, at least as a complementary therapy in the context of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan. This thesis can serve as material for students and the general public who are interested in this topic. The work may serve as a basis for the follow-up research in this subject area.
Physiotherapy of fine motor skills for patiens after cerebrovascular stroke
The theme of this bachelor thesis is "Physiotherapy of fine motor skills for patiens after cerebrovascular stroke". Stroke is a neurological disease that is caused by a vascular disorder with symptoms corresponding to the affected part of the brain. This disease is the most common and its occurrence can not be reduced despite a great awareness of the risk factors that anyone can affect. The main target of this work is mapping of this stroke issue and its influence on fine motor skills of affected individuals. Than this thesis describe suggestion, implementation and evaluation of therapeutic methods in three probands. Based on those targets a research question was set: What changes in kinesiological testing might occur after the implementation of the proposed therapeutic methods by patiens with impaired fine motor skills after a stroke? This thesis is devided into two main parts: the theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the stroke issue and its manifestation by the affected part of the brain as well as its impact on a man. This part describes fine motor skills, manipulation, grasps and fine motor skills testing. The last chapter introduces the therapy from the perspective of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and therapy using the robotic technology Armeo Spring and Amadeo. The practical part is based on qualitative research, which includes a complete kinesiology and neurological testing and analysis functions of individuals grip. Short and long term rehabilitation plans have been done. Both are based on the testing results. The research was conducted for patients with subacute phase of stroke who were hospitalised on the Rehabilitation or Neurological Department of Hospital České Budějovice a.s. Physiotherapy lasted for two weeks in the hospital each probands at the department. During therapy fine motor skills at all probands have been improved. The research could be considered beneficial.
Physiotherapy in posttraumatic adhesive capsulitis
HOMER, Jakub
The topic of the thesis is the syndrome of the frozen shoulder which is characteristic for it´s clinical features and typical process. The clients are disabled mostly by the cruel pain and rather limited motion. The disease has a strong influence to mentality of the client because of it´s long process and unpredictable results of the therapy. There is no return of the same range of motion guarantied which were there before the disease started. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first is theoretic and it deals with anatomy, biomechanics and kineziology of the shoulder joint. The second chapter explains adhesive capsulis, history of the disease, it´s origin, diagnostic and possibilities of the therapy. The conclusion of the first part brings the chapter on kinds of clinical check up of upper limb. While the second part of the thesis gives the aim, the third part brings the list of methods included in the research which ran in the Aurora spa in the town of Trebon. There were two clients present in the qualitative research. The lists of the used literature, key words and abbreviations are a necessary part of the thesis. There are of course attached pictures included. It is possible to use the thesis as a study and education literature as well as a compare material in the clinical praxis. It should not be used as a template to the praxis of therapy in any way.

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