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The role of a nurse in a prevention and a treatment of intestinal parasites of children
The best-known intestinal parasites are Pinworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms and the disease called Toxocarosis. The oftenest parasite is, according to sources, the Pinworm. Intestinal parasites affect mostly young children of pre-school age, sometimes even older. The first goal of the thesis was to investigate parents' awareness of the prevention of parasitic diseases in children. There is a hypothesis set to this goal: Parents of children who suffered from parasitic disease are more informed than parents of children who have not had this disease. The second goal was to map the specifics of nursing care for children with parasitic diseases at GPCHA practice. A research question was chosen for this aim: What are the specifics of nursing care at GPCHA in parasitic diseases? In methodology, the empirical part was chosen and it was a qualitative - quantitative research survey. For the quantitative part, the interrogation method and technique of non-standardized questionnaire was used. The research sample of quantitative survey consisted of 223 respondents, it means parents whose child is aged from 0 to 6 years. The questionnaires were distributed on social networking and others in a nursery school in Týn nad Vltavou. At the very beginning, respondents were acquainted with the topic of the thesis. The results of a quantitative survey were processed with the help of a data matrix and were further processed within twenty-arranged bar charts. To verify the hypothesis, we used the Chi- Quadrat test, which in this case is not satisfactory, therefore, there had to be chosen to merge the responses. An interrogation method, technique-depth interview was used in the qualitative part. The research group consisted of five nurses; three nurses working at GPCHA in Týn nad Vltavou and two working at GPCHA in České Budějovice. While processing the interviews, there open coding was used and an analysis of interviews was conducted by using the method of Pencil and Paper Interview. The results of this bachelor thesis will be published in the journal Paediatrics practice.

Comparison of intercultural competences of nursing staff in the Czech Republic and German-speaking areas
The increasing migration of population in the 21 century causes development of multicultural societies. With the increasing number of foreigners in individual countries it is possible to also presume an increasing number of patients/clients from different cultures in medical facilities. These facts require modern attitude to nursing, developing of transcultural nursing, implementing multi- and transcultural education in the health care education and propagation of multicultural conception of nursing between the nursing personnel. The result of these necessary changes should be the ability to provide effective nursing care which is culturally adjusted to the patient/client that would also take their specifics, customs and traditions of their culture into account and that would saturate all their biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs according to their race, nationality or belief. This thesis deals with multicultural nursing and confronts cultural competence of the nursing staff in Czech Republic with that in German-speaking countries. This thesis aim is to state the level of multicultural competence of the nursing staff and explore conditions provided to the nursing personnel of the hospital for giving culturally adapted care to patients-foreigners. The results of the research give an overview of the state of culturally competent care in comparable medical facilities in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They will also give a feedback to the questioned hospitals. Such information may alert their management to possible lack of knowledge of their nursing personnel and help them direct its further education. The theoretical part of the theses defines the basic concepts regarding culture, ethnic groups, race or nation, formulates the difference between the terms "multicultural" and "transcultural" nursing, multicultural education and culturally competent care, compile the most common sections of specific cultural needs of the individuals. In short it also processes J. Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competence in health care delivery, the Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model for developing cultural competence and the Purnell Model for cultural competence. It also shortly deals with nursing frameworks for acquiring cultural data, such as the Sunrise model from M. Leininger, the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural assessment model and Bloch's ethnic/cultural assessment guide. The empirical part processes and evaluates data obtained during the quantitative research. The accumulation of the data was conducted through anonymous questionnaires that were distributed between the nursing personnel of internal and surgical wards of the hospitals in Czech Republic and in German-speaking countries. In Czech Republic these were hospitals in Prague and in Tábor, in Germany a hospital in Dortmund and one in Cottbus, in Austria the hospitals in Salzburg and in Weiz and in Switzerland a hospital in Aarau and one in St. Gallen. The collection of the data was conducted either on-line or by way of printed questionnaire forms. The acquired data were valorized and sorted into diagrams and tables for further clarity. From the respondent´s answers follows that the queried medical facilities in Czech Republic do not provide sufficient conditions for their workers to give culturally competent nursing care on such a level, as it is at the facilities questioned in the German-speaking areas. The results also show that language skills of the nursing personnel in these hospitals in Czech Republic are worse than those in the German-speaking countries. With the level of multicultural competence the situation is similar; in this field Czech nursing personnel does not match their foreign counterpart. It is necessary to remark that this research sample of two hospitals from each of the countries is insufficient for the results to be applied on the whole Czech Republic or German speaking countries.

Nutritional care of children at pediatric clinics and hospitals
The main goal of this work called Nutritional Care in Children's Hospital and Hospital facilities is to verify whether the nutritional standards created for older child patients meet the needs and are checked and if their physiological needs are fulfilled in chosen hospitals. The next objective is to evaluate the satisfaction of the hospitalised patients with the meals given to them by hospitals. The theoretical part of this work deals with nutritional care, therapeutic care and nutritional needs of adolescents. It further deals with nutritional risks and marginally mentions technological processes regarding meal preparation. The method of qualitative research was used by using questionnaires filled in by chosen children patients who were then interviewed. Children aged 10 to 14 were supposed to be on diet number 13, half of them were boys and the other half were girls. The research was conducted in the children's ward in the hospital in Jindřichův Hradec in December 2015 and in the same type of ward in the hospital in České Budějovice in February 2016. The initial number of respondents was five patients in each ward, then using snow ball sampling method their number increased into ten in each ward. The weekly menu according to which the meals were distributed was obtained from the catering facilities of the hospitals. By using the program "Nutriservis Profi" the contents of nutrients in the meals were obtained. The results gathered from the program "Nutriservis Profi" were compared with recommended values for particular age group defined by The Czech Society for Nutrition, so meeting the physiological needs of the patients could be evaluated. From the results it was found that both hospitals have problems with supplying enough fibre content, phosphorus and calcium in meals for children's patients. There is also sodium, potassium, cholesterol and vitamin C surplus in the menus. Thanks to the internship in both hospitals in Jindřichův Hradec and České Budějovice meeting the physiological needs of the children could be evaluated. Considering the fact that the previous evaluation revealed some imperfections, therapists from both hospitals should concentrate more on checking nutritional values in meals, consequently it was recommended to focus more on the variety of the menus and their improvement. There were also inadequacies in attendance at the children's ward. There was a comparison of the results from both hospitals, based on questionnaires and interviews from the children's point of view. Based on the data, children hospitalized in Jindřichův Hradec were more satisfied with the meals. In the conclusion there is a summary of the research and suggested suitable improvements for hospitals. There is a model menu for diet number 13 in the attachment which could be used by hospitals.

Stress situations and nursing personnel
This thesis deals with the stressful situations in the profession of the nursing staff. The occupation of the nurse belongs to the most demanding ones. In this occupation, the nurse is permanently affected by many stressors of different types. She faces death, the suffering, dying and incurably ill people very often. She is there in times of pain, agony and suffering. Personal encounters with these difficult situations require highly professional approach but most of all, they present immense work stress for the nurse. The theory section describes mainly the stressful situations that are the most common and most difficult in the work of the nursing staff. The next part of the theory section describes possible consequences of the stressful situations and methods of managing them including the support by the management. This thesis has two objectives. The first objective was to map the manners used by the nursing personnel to cope with the stressful situations brought by their profession. The second objective was to find out the difference in the coping with the stressful situations between the hospital staff and hospice staff. The research section of this thesis contains the quantitative research done using the technique of an anonymous questionnaire with 20 question prepared by ourselves. The questionnaire was distributed to the nursing staff of all categories in the hospital and hospice care. It was completed by 269 respondents in total. The data was statistically processed using systems Microsoft Excel 2010 and Software R, version 3.0.2 (Chi-squared test, Fisher´s exact test, and Wilcoxon test). We determined four hypotheses. H1: Manners of coping with the stressful situations depend on the qualification of the nursing staff reached; not confirmed. H2: Manners of coping with the stressful situations are influenced by the length of practice of the staff; not confirmed. H3: Manners of coping with the stressful situations differ between the hospital staff and hospice staff; confirmed. H4: The nursing staff views their own mental hygiene as more efficient than the support from the management concerning the coping with the stressful situations; confirmed. The research results show that the nursing staff faces the stressful situations very often. They see as the heaviest stress the care of the suffering and aggressive patient, conflicts with the patient´s family, conflicts at work and workload. The manners of coping with the work burden which proved as the best for them are relax, rest and sleep. There were no differences proved in the manners of coping with the stress among respective members of the nursing team. Nevertheless, the coping with the work burden of the nursing staff in the hospital and hospice care is different. A minimum of the respondents notices any support during the stressful situations from the employer. On the other hand, certain support by the management could be viewed in the form of trainings, supervision or contribution to a "recovery" which are granted to the respondents from the employer according to their answers. However, the respondents would prefer, as the support by the management, the increase in pay or more days off. The respondents view as insufficient the preparation of the graduates for the future stressful situations in their profession, as well. They would recommend mainly various trainings dealing with the stress and its management. A good solution to alleviate the work burden of the nursing staff and quality enhancement of the services provided could be investments into better work conditions, both in terms of sufficient human and material resources and the very organization of the work processes.

Analysis of inventory and options to optimize the inventory in the company TE Connectivity
Kocourková, Blanka ; Pánková, Ludmila (advisor)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of optimization of inventory in the company TE Connectivity. The main goal is to analyze the current inventory management and find the optimal way of supply and storage, to minimize capital connected with the inventory. The first part describes the theory of inventory from purchasing, storage to own consuption and distribution, which explains the most important terms. The practical part is focused on the selected company for which the work is about. During the subsequent introduction of the company is explored existing supply system of the company. Using ABC analysis inventory is divided into more and less important. It is necessary to continue working with groups A, B, C: recommended minimum order quantity, calculate the amount of safety stocks with considering to the continuity of the production process. The last section contains a summary and recommended methods including the financial benefits of the recommended changes.

Handling technique and storage of materials in warehouse management of automotive industry
Sosvor, Michal ; Dvořák, František (advisor) ; Mařík, Jakub (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to evaluate the effectivity of automotive industry logistic system functions and its handling technology. The material income and its subsequent control is summarized in the chapter Material receipt. The material storage is there outlined as well. Material export, distribution and package is reviewed in chapter Material release. The chapters automatic identification, handling technology and rack system are included as well. The result of the study is the proposal of effective solutions for everyday service acceleration. The thesis is completed by discussion on the matter.

Political Aspect of Local Government
Novotná, Michaela ; Kopřiva, Radek (advisor) ; Lenka, Lenka (referee)
The thesis deals with the local elections in 2014. It focuses on the District Děčín. The aim is to assess the importance of preferential votes in the distribution of political seats in municipal councils. Meaning of preferential votes is assessed using the variation coeficient, which is calculated for all the municipalities in district Děčín. The operational objective is to evaluate the use of preferential votes in the electoral behavior, which also results from the values of the variation coefficient.

Small-scale biogas technology in Southeast Asian countries: current state, bottlenecks and perspectives
Roubík, Hynek ; Banout, Jan (advisor)
Biogas produced via the anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic waste materials is considered as an important technology in improving the environment because it solves waste management problems and simultaneously produces biogas as a main product and digestate as a by-product, which can also be used as a fertilizer. Within the rising expectations for the substitution of fossil energy with renewable energy as one of the solutions to cope with climate change, the environmental aspects of small-scale biogas plants, as widely used method for energy creation, should be evaluated in a holistic and systematic way. The use of small-scale biogas plants is mostly common for energy creation from waste in Southeast Asia. This source of energy is mainly lauded for its low costs, clean production and high fertilization effects of digested matter for crops. There are number of advantages of small-scale biogas production on farms, including also savings on firewood or fossil fuels and reduction in odour and greenhouse gas emissions from using other fuels. However, biogas plants are often poorly managed and there is lack of proper distribution systems for biogas. That results in methane being release inadvertently through leaks in digesters and tubing, and intentionally when production exceeds demand. As methane has a global warming potential 25 times higher than that of carbon dioxide, environmental advantages of small-scale biogas plants might be compromised. This dissertation intends to provide in-depth understanding about the issue with taking into accounts possible risks. Investigating of such a topic is within continuing concern about small-scale biogas technology in rural areas of developing countries. For this reason technical, social, economic and environmental assessment of small-scale biogas technology will be done. Methods of data collection will consist of questionnaire survey and focus group discussions among randomly selected owners of biogas plants, semi-structured personal interviews with local authorities and facilitators and observation. Furthermore, prediction of future development of this technology will be created.

Clinet segmentation in banking sector in CR
Macasová, Jana ; Tichá, Ivana (advisor) ; Šímová, Markéta (referee)
This thesis deals with the implementation and use of information technology to support customer relationship management and subsequent segmentation of clients in the banking sector in the Czech Republic. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the criteria for classification and segmentation of clients chosen subject of the banking sector and, depending on the observed facts to assess and evaluate the portfolio of products offered, ie. how effectively banks have targeted its products to individual customer segments. The theoretical part includes familiarization with the issue of CRM (customer relationship management) and a detailed description of the partial fields, particularly focusing on individual processes and CRM technology. Then there is the approach and discussed the situation on the Czech market, the criteria for allocating market customers, targeting marketing strategies in relation to the marketing mix, and in the end it deals with the beginnings of the implementation of customer relationship management in banking. The practical part is devoted to more segmentation in the banking sector, focusing on segmentation of customers according to segmentation criteria. Subsequently, we analyzed and discussed the situation in selected banks in the Czech Republic, focused on the distribution of clients according to their segmentation strategy and assessment target their banking products to individual client groups.

Resolving of insolvency of business corporations trough bankruptcy
Marková, Martina ; Civínová, Denisa (advisor) ; Klára, Klára (referee)
The presented thesis tries to introduce the reader to the course of the insolvency proceedings, especially in bankruptcy proceedings. The theoretical part mainly discussed about the meaning and history of this institute, further aspects necessary for the commencement of insolvency proceedings and then there is described in more concise form the additional course up to the decision on the debtors bankruptcy. Subsequently, the author deals with the consequent procedure in cases where the debtors bankruptcy is solved by bankruptcy. Describes the course, focusing primarily on the sale of the debtors property and its subsequent allocation among the creditors until its conclusion, which is the submission of the final report by the insolvency administrator of the court, its subsequent approval and distribution schedule. In the practical part of the thesis the theoretical knowledge mentioned above is applied to the selected insolvency case of business corporation. In this part there are also pointed some potential problems and complexities that arose in this case. There is also described and analyzed the entire insolvency proceedings from filing an insolvency petition to the preparation of the final report by the insolvency administrator, that is the stage where the proceedings took place on the date of submission of this work. Furthermore, the author discusses the development and the number of insolvency proceedings in our country since 2008 when the new legislation of this institute came into force. On the same principle, the author also deals with the analysis of the most common types of obligations of business corporations.