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One-Sided Random Context Grammars
Zemek, Petr ; Černá, Ivana (referee) ; Doc. In.g Petr Sosík, Dr. (referee) ; Meduna, Alexandr (advisor)
Tato disertační práce zavádí jednostranné gramatiky s nahodilým kontextem jako řízené gramatiky založené na bezkontextových gramatikách. V těchto gramatikách je ke každému pravidlu přiřazena množina povolujících symbolů a množina zakazujících symbolů a množina pravidel je rozdělena na množinu levých pravidel s nahodilým kontextem a množinu pravých pravidel s nahodilým kontextem . Levým pravidlem s nahodilým kontextem lze přepsat neterminál pokud se všechny povolující symboly vyskytují vlevo od přepisovaného neterminálu a žádný zakazující symbol tam přítomen není. Pravé pravidlo s nahodilým kontextem lze aplikovat analogicky, ale ona kontrola na přítomnost a nepřítomnost symbolů je provedena doprava od přepisovaného neterminálu. Práce je rozdělena na tři části. První část uvádí motivaci za zavedením jednostranných gramatik s nahodilým kontextem a umisťuje materiál pokrytý v této práci do vědeckého kontextu. Poté dává přehled základů teorie formálních jazyků a některých méně známých oblastí, jejichž znalost je nutná pro pochopení studovaného tématu. Druhá část tvoří jádro práce. Formálně definuje jednostranné gramatiky s nahodilým kontextem a studuje je z mnoha pohledů. Mezi studovaná témata patří generativní síla, vztah k jiným typům gramatik, redukce, normální formy, nejlevější derivace, zobecněné a LL verze těchto gramatiky. Třetí část této práce zakončuje diskusi několika poznámkami. Mezi ně patří poznámky týkající se aplikovatelnosti zavedených gramatik v praxi, bibliografie a otevřených problémů.

Vývoj metodologické a technologické platformy pro neinvazivní odhad fenolických látek v listech a bobulích
Plant optical signals can serve as important source of information about biochemical and physiological processes in plants. These signals are influenced by compounds synthesized by plants during primary or secondary metabolism and thus, can also serve as their qualitative and quantitative indicators. Light reaching plant surface (leaf or fruit) can undergo three main pathways- it can be (i) reflected, (ii) absorbed or it can (iii) transmit through plant material. The probability of these three processes depends on particular wavelength of incident irradiation and on the morphological characteristics of plant tissues themselves. As such, plant contains various spectrum of photosynthetic pigments and fluorescent compounds which can either reflect, absorb or pass incident irradiation through at specific wavelengths. Biophysical techniques working with these optical properties of plant pigments and/or other compounds have become universal and common tool in basic and applied research. To quote some example, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, UV induced fluorescence or spectroscopic techniques are on the top of interest thanks to its non-invasive nature, allowing maintain the integrity of measured cells or the whole plant constituents. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive study on the possibility of non-invasive monitoring of phenolic compounds in the leaves and fruits.

Online Subject Searching of Dissertations
Bratková, Eva
This paper evaluates searching for doctoral dissertations by topic in various online systems. The situation in the Czech Republic is introduced, including the problems involved in completing successful topical searches for dissertations – is it possible to find all relevant materials, or is it sufficient just to find something? The Czech situation is then compared with how systems abroad, particularly in the United States, are being implemented with new access routes for dissertations in the form of linked open data, in which controlled vocabularies of subject terms figure prominently. The paper also discusses how selected European systems whose dissertations are already presented in the WorldCat database will cope with a challenge: “... Over time, these references [for topic entities] will be replaced with persistent URIs to... Linked Data resources”?
Fulltext: idr-1034_3 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1034_4 - Download fulltextPDF
Slides: idr-1034_1 - Download fulltextPDF; idr-1034_2 - Download fulltextPDF
Video: idr-1034_5 - Download fulltextMP4

Tretiag, Štěpán ; KORČÁK, Jakub (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
Using the concrete examples of my practical bachelor work my intent is to retrospectively describe and reflect on our scenic realization of the play Missing by south-African author Reza de Wet. The essence of a modern dramatic direction is to perceive the script of a play as a model which becomes a basis for its interpretation and the subsequent staging of the play. It is the process from the initial interpretation to final scenic realization I wish to focus on in my work.In the first part I will be dealing with creation of a physical space, that being stage design. I will try to capture what lead us to its final shape and how the basis for that can be found in the script of the play as well as the potential capability of the physical space to become a dramatic space. Its ability to create a platform for the actors to proceed from and how can it provoke them into acting, in particular. In the second part I will be dealing with the dramatic space, ergo the spacial expression of relationships and themes. I will proceed again retrospectively, focusing on how we managed to achieve the stage image which is functioning as a materialized metaphor. I will focus mostly on non-verbal actions, but with regard to the fact, that dramatical script is the basis for our realization of the play.

Methodology of the Cooperation between the Director and Actor and Contermporary Theater Practice
Glogrová, Kateřina ; BURIAN, Jan (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
The thesis deals with the cooperation between the director and actor during individual phases of the staging process as they appear in everyday theatre life. The indiviual phases of the staging process are supplemented by the author's own experience with managing the actors, which she gained especially in the course of her studies at the Drama Faculty of AMU. The second part of the thesis investigates the issues of inner truthfulness and the possibilities of its achievement within the production of a play. As a part of collecting the material for the thesis, the author conducted a research, which included interviews with three professional directors - Hana Burešová, Ladislav Smoček and Štěpán Pácl, whose methods of work are described. In the final part of the thesis the author states that it is difficult to draw general conclusions about the cooperation between the director and actor because it is always of subjective nature. The issue of inner truthfulness is similarly difficult to generalise. Due to the multiplicity of options, however, neither of them loses attractiveness for further research.

On Motivation of Moravian and Silesian Anoikonyms Derivate from the Appellative kámen
Šimečková, Marta
This paper deals with motivation of Moravian and Silesian minor place names containing the basic noun kámen ‚stone‘, e. g. Kameňák (the suffix -ák was attached to the respective noun to create this anoikonym), Kamenice (with the suffix -ice), Kamenička (with the suffix -ička). There are numerous motivations, the most frequent is the motivation of soil quality and of location (especially in prepositional anoikonyms, for example Mezi kamencem, Na kamenici). Other motivations are rare: motivation of a particular stone as significant part of the landscape, motivation of building material or stone mining. The frequency of these motivations is different from the frequency of motivations in underived anoikonyms (or anoikonyms containing plural form of the fundamental word Kameny; in this type of anoikonyms, motivation by a particular stone in the site is more frequent). The motivation is hard to determine in some cases, the interpretation can be impeded by bachelor's etymology therefore it is necessary to cooperate with old maps.

Organization and management of production in selected enterprise
DRNOVÁ, Markéta
The topic of my dissertation is "Organization and management of production in selected enterprise". The main goal of this dissertation is mapping of selected enterprise in one year period and obtain sufficient amount of information for future analysis and suggest possible improvements. The identification data, characteristic, products and services and production planning of selected enterprise are provided in introduction of practical part of this dissertation. Analysis of present state with mapping of present state for individually semi-finished products is introduced in the next part of dissertation. For analysis of present state was calculated VA index and for each semi-finished product was created diagram of material movement in next chapter. The goal of analyses and diagram is the finding of narrow spaces in the material flow. The target map of future state was created in the next part. This map is based on present map. The future map presents critical factors that need to be improved. Finally it defines a new VA index, which should be approach to the current state. The penultimate section includes recommendations methods and elements of lean production to the new production hall which the company wants to build. Among the recommended methods are mainly the 5S method, visualization, standardization, SMED and Bottleneck. The last chapter contains a number of measures. For example employee motivation, continuous improvement, personal responsibility, introduction of EDI and ergonomics which would lead to the improvement of the business this enterprise.

Improving labour productivity: How to determine standard time for performing specific tasks in the selected organization
This bachelor thesis focuses on the standard time needed for specific tasks in the selected organization, as well as on the appropriate methods for its determination. The findings serve as a basis for the formulation of measures which should be taken to improve labour productivity. The methods include the standardization of tasks, time study and computer-based data analysis (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets). The theoretical part of the paper discusses the nature of job production, the methods appropriate for the calculation of standard production time and the ways to ensure efficient work and time management in the given factory. Apart from these, a complete description (history, facility layout, pre-production and production stages, machines and materials) of the selected organization is provided to serve as a background for the case study presented in the practical part. This includes the list of production tasks, production time tables and time standards along with materials necessary to facilitate production. The aim of the thesis is to help the organization improve its labour productivity and provide it with the algorithm which can be used to determine production time for similar orders.

Doped DLC coatings for biomedical applications
Písařík, Petr
Nowadays there are materials having excellent properties for use in medicine (Diamond-like carbon, Hydroxyapatite, …). Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is a metastable form of amorphous carbon containing bonded carbon atoms of sp2 and sp3 hybridized orbital. DLC layers are semiconductors with high mechanical hardness, chemical inertness, low coefficient of friction, high thermal conductivity, good electrical and optical properties, biocompatibility and no cytotoxicity. All properties of the films are not always ideal, so it is necessary to modify the layer. One example of how to modify the properties of thin layers are dopations. The incorporation of dopants in films may lead to greater multifunctionality and much improved properties. Most modifications were made to modify contact angle and surface energy, to reduce internal stresses, to decrease surface roughness, coefficient of friction or wear....

History of critical and intensive care - past and present
The title of the bachelor thesis is "History of critical and intensive care - past and present". Its main aim is to describe its origins in order to explore the history of providing critical and intensive care, both in the Czech Republic and in a global context, and also in comparison to the current state of the medical field. This work is focused on the period of development of intensive care, from the 50s to the 80s. It is a theoretical work done by detailed research of secondary and primary sources. It is divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to intensive care and its global development and in the Czech Republic. The second part contains data about intensive care within the hospitals of South Bohemia, which I have gathered during the study of materials provided by the local archives. The first chapter and the second chapter is dedicated to the history of nursing, both worldwide and in the Czech Republic. It serves for better orientation in the next chapter. The third chapter deals with intensive care itself. It is described in many of its aspects and in its historical and global context. The fourth chapter brings us to the second part of the thesis, which is supplemented with information from archival materials found during the research in regional archives. The thesis includes some photos that were captured either during a visit to the Museum of the National Medical Library, or during visits to the archives.