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Packet Classification Algorithms
Puš, Viktor ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (referee) ; Dvořák, Václav (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá klasifikací paketů v počítačových sítích. Klasifikace paketů je klíčovou úlohou mnoha síťových zařízení, především paketových filtrů - firewallů. Práce se tedy týká oblasti počítačové bezpečnosti. Práce je zaměřena na vysokorychlostní sítě s přenosovou rychlostí 100 Gb/s a více. V těchto případech nelze použít pro klasifikaci obecné procesory, které svým výkonem zdaleka nevyhovují požadavkům na rychlost. Proto se využívají specializované technické prostředky, především obvody ASIC a FPGA. Neméně důležitý je také samotný algoritmus klasifikace. Existuje mnoho algoritmů klasifikace paketů předpokládajících hardwarovou implementaci, přesto však tyto přístupy nejsou připraveny pro velmi rychlé sítě. Dizertační práce se proto zabývá návrhem nových algoritmů klasifikace paketů se zaměřením na vysokorychlostní implementaci ve specializovaném hardware. Je navržen algoritmus, který dělí problém klasifikace na jednodušší podproblémy. Prvním krokem je operace vyhledání nejdelšího shodného prefixu, používaná také při směrování paketů v IP sítích. Tato práce předpokládá využití některého existujícího přístupu, neboť již byly prezentovány algoritmy s dostatečnou rychlostí. Následujícím krokem je mapování nalezených prefixů na číslo pravidla. V této části práce přináší vylepšení využitím na míru vytvořené hashovací funkce. Díky použití hashovací funkce lze mapování provést v konstantním čase a využít při tom pouze jednu paměť s úzkým datovým rozhraním. Rychlost tohoto algoritmu lze určit analyticky a nezávisí na počtu pravidel ani na charakteru síťového provozu. S využitím dostupných součástek lze dosáhnout propustnosti 266 milionů paketů za sekundu. Následující tři algoritmy uvedené v této práci snižují paměťové nároky prvního algoritmu, aniž by ovlivňovaly rychlost. Druhý algoritmus snižuje velikost paměti o 11 % až 96 % v závislosti na sadě pravidel. Nevýhodu nízké stability odstraňuje třetí algoritmus, který v porovnání s prvním zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 31 % až 84 %. Čtvrtý algoritmus kombinuje třetí algoritmus se starším přístupem a díky využití několika technik zmenšuje paměťové nároky o 73 % až 99 %.

Relational Verification of Programs with Integer Data
Konečný, Filip ; Bouajjani, Ahmed (referee) ; Jančar, Petr (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce představuje nové metody pro verifikaci programů pracujících s neomezenými celočíslenými proměnnými, konkrétně metody pro analýzu dosažitelnosti a~konečnosti. Většina těchto metod je založena na akceleračních technikách, které počítají tranzitivní uzávěry cyklů programu. V práci je nejprve představen algoritmus pro akceleraci několika tříd celočíselných relací. Tento algoritmus je až o čtyři řády rychlejší než existující techniky. Z teoretického hlediska práce dokazuje, že uvažované třídy relací jsou periodické a~poskytuje tudíž jednotné řešení prolému akcelerace. Práce dále představuje semi-algoritmus pro analýzu dosažitelnosti celočíselných programů, který sleduje relace mezi proměnnými programu a~aplikuje akcelerační techniky za účelem modulárního výpočtu souhrnů procedur. Dále je v práci navržen alternativní algoritmus pro analýzu dosažitelnosti, který integruje predikátovou abstrakci s accelerací s cílem zvýšit pravděpodobnost konvergence výpočtu. Provedené experimenty ukazují, že oba algoritmy lze úspěšně aplikovat k verifikaci programů, na kterých předchozí metody selhávaly. Práce se rovněž zabývá problémem konečnosti běhu programů a~dokazuje, že tento problém je rozhodnutelný pro několik tříd celočíselných relací. Pro některé z těchto tříd relací je v práci navržen algoritmus, který v polynomiálním čase vypočítá množinu všech konfigurací programu, z nichž existuje nekonečný běh. Tento algoritmus je integrován do metody, která analyzuje konečnost běhů celočíselných programů. Efektivnost této metody je demonstrována na několika netriviálních celočíselných programech.

Trust and Reputation in Distributed Systems
Samek, Jan ; Návrat,, Pavol (referee) ; Šafařík,, Jiří (referee) ; Hanáček, Petr (advisor)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with trust modelling for distributed systems especially to multi-context trust modelling for multi-agent distributed systems. There exists many trust and reputation models but most of them do not dealt with the multi-context property of trust or reputation. Therefore, the main focus of this thesis is on analysis of multi-context trust based models and provides main assumptions for new fully multi-contextual trust model on the bases of them. The main part of this thesis is in providing new formal multi-context trust model which are able to build, update and maintain trust value for different aspects (contexts) of the single entity in the multi-agent system. In our proposal, trust value can be built on the bases of direct interactions or on the bases on recommendations and reputation. Moreover we assume that some context of one agent is not fully independent and on the bases of trust about one of them we are able to infer trust to another's. Main contribution of this new model is increasing the efficiency in agent decision making in terms of optimal partner selection for interactions. Proposed model was verified by implementing prototype of multi-agent system when trust was used for agents' decision making and acting.

Optimization of network flow monitoring
Žádník, Martin ; Lhotka,, Ladislav (referee) ; Matoušek, Radomil (referee) ; Sekanina, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with optimization of network flow monitoring. Flow-based network traffic processing, that is, processing packets based on some state information associated to the flows which the packets belong to, is a key enabler for a variety of network services and applications. The number of simultaneous flows increases with the growing number of new services and applications. It has become a challenge to keep a state per each flow in a network device processing high speed traffic. A flow table, a structure with flow states, must be stored in a memory hierarchy. The memory closest to the processing is known as a flow cache. Flow cache management plays an important role in terms of its effective utilization, which affects the performance of the whole system. This thesis focuses on an automated design of cache replacement policy optimized to a deployment on particular networks. A genetic algorithm is proposed to automate this process. The genetic algorithm generates and evaluates evolved replacement policies by a simulation on obtained traffic traces. The proposed algorithm is evaluated by designing replacement policies for two variations of the cache management problem. The first variation is an evolution of the replacement policy with an overall low number of state evictions from the flow cache. The second variation represents an evolution of the replacement policy with a low number of evictions belonging to large flows only. Optimized replacement policies for both variations are found while experimenting with various encoding of the replacement policy and genetic operators. The newly evolved replacement policies achieve better results than other tested policies. The evolved replacement policy lowers the overall amount of evictions by ten percent in comparison with the best compared policy. The evolved replacement policy focusing on large flows lowers the amount of their evictions two times. Moreover, no eviction occurs for most of the large flows (over 90%). The evolved replacement policy offers better resilience against flooding the flow cache with large amount of short flows which are typical side effects of scanning or distributed denial of service activities. An extension of the replacement policy is also proposed. The extension complements the replacement policy with an additional information extracted from packet headers. The results show further decrease in the number of evictions when the extension is used.

The development of the crime on credits in the South Bohemia before 2014
The aim of this study is to analyze the development of committing a credit fraud offence under § 211 of the Act. no. 40/2009 Coll., the Penal Code (particularly the development of this crime and the development of the amount of the damage) and consequent comparing the selected macroeconomic indicators development in the period 2005-2014 in the region of South Bohemia. In this work secondary data analysis methods were used. Statistical data obtained from the South Bohemian branch of the Czech Statistical Office and statistical data from Crime Police of the Czech Republic was used as the source. The data evaluating the amount of detected cases of this crime committed by the offenders in the Region South Bohemia, according to the region where the fraud was commited, was analyzed. The analyzed file was 5,713 offenses and 4,219 offenders. The defined set was divided into seven parts (districts), according to the local jurisdiction of the territorial departments of the Czech Police. The observed data was compared with selected macroeconomic indicators. From the results it can be concluded that the highest rate of loan fraud offence (calculated per 1,000 inhabitants) is in the district Stra-konice. Conversely, the lowest crime in the same period is in the district Jindřichův Hradec. This work also re-vealed that the development of macroeconomic indicators has no effect on the development of this crime. In conclusion, it is recommended to promote economic education at primary and secondary schools, thus improving the financial literacy of the population. Furthermore, we can recommend the consistent use of, the Central Credit Register, which is already available, as well as supporting of changes in the legislation, so that the providers have an obligation to investigate the credit applicants more and make the offenders of this crime discouraged by higher penalties imposed for credit fraud.

The reflection of František Bakule's work in a relation to a current special educational practice
František Bakule was a significant Czech teacher during the first half of the 20th century. He was known as the first director of the "Jedlicka Institute in Prague" as well as the founder of so-called "Bakule´s Institute" as well as one of the few representatives of the "Czech alternative approach towards education" which is very well recognized all around the world. His legacy and teachings, however, are currently not being developed on the systematic level and neither they are being put into practise by Czech professional mainstream educational community. We also need to mention that is not used by even the stream of special education, in contrast to many foreign alternative pedagogical trends, which are gaining popularity and are generally applied with success. The aim of this thesis is therefore to analyse the work of Frantisek Bakule through the prism of contemporary school educational environment with emphasis on the education of students with disabilities. The first chapter is devoted to outlining the life journey of Frantisek Bakule, particularly focusing on the major milestones that influenced the formation of his personality, his ideas, inspiration and motivation which was reflected in his teachings and then in his very own coherent concept of education. To be specific, we are introduced to his family background and a significant part is then devoted to description of Frantisek´s experience as a teacher, including stages of operating in Jedlicka´s Institute and in his own "Bakule´s institute". The second part is then focused solely on Bakule´s specific educational concept. First, the core principles of the concept are defined. Later parts then talk about Bakule´s original curriculum and a his proposal of an ideal classroom environment. The text also contains a detailed description of how Bakule approached several subjects, which were at the core of his teaching concept, namely "Work activities", "Music education" and "Arts". Original teaching practices are analysed by using current teaching methodology and terminology. Due to the identified aim and goals of the thesis, the third chapter analyses the current concept of education of the above, according to Bakule´s core areas and principles. The text is designed specifically to be subsequently reflecting the work of Frantisek Bakule from the perspective of today's teaching methods, namely the methods of special education. The idea is to define common points and possible differences and uncover hidden inspirational potential, which is then the main content of the fourth and final chapter. Based on the analysis and all its subsequent reflections, the final chapter tells us that although Bakule´s educational goals don´t differ too significantly from the current concept embedded in the relevant framework of educational programs, to achieve such goals we are currently using very different techniques and methods in comparison to Bakule´s ways. Even though Bakule himself tested and verified all of his concepts in practice, which can be very simply described as "do not teach students about life and work, but through life and work", and these concepts also have been proven correct by various subsequent results of psychological researches, the current system still doesn´t draw from them too much. From all the above it is quite obvious that the legacy of life´s work of Frantisek Bakule is currently not utilized nor it is being appreciated by our professional pedagogical community. On the other hand, we need to note that it may also be due to the level of fragmentation in which his concept and materials were preserved to the present days.

Comparison of intercultural competences of nursing staff in the Czech Republic and German-speaking areas
The increasing migration of population in the 21 century causes development of multicultural societies. With the increasing number of foreigners in individual countries it is possible to also presume an increasing number of patients/clients from different cultures in medical facilities. These facts require modern attitude to nursing, developing of transcultural nursing, implementing multi- and transcultural education in the health care education and propagation of multicultural conception of nursing between the nursing personnel. The result of these necessary changes should be the ability to provide effective nursing care which is culturally adjusted to the patient/client that would also take their specifics, customs and traditions of their culture into account and that would saturate all their biological, psychological, social and spiritual needs according to their race, nationality or belief. This thesis deals with multicultural nursing and confronts cultural competence of the nursing staff in Czech Republic with that in German-speaking countries. This thesis aim is to state the level of multicultural competence of the nursing staff and explore conditions provided to the nursing personnel of the hospital for giving culturally adapted care to patients-foreigners. The results of the research give an overview of the state of culturally competent care in comparable medical facilities in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They will also give a feedback to the questioned hospitals. Such information may alert their management to possible lack of knowledge of their nursing personnel and help them direct its further education. The theoretical part of the theses defines the basic concepts regarding culture, ethnic groups, race or nation, formulates the difference between the terms "multicultural" and "transcultural" nursing, multicultural education and culturally competent care, compile the most common sections of specific cultural needs of the individuals. In short it also processes J. Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competence in health care delivery, the Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model for developing cultural competence and the Purnell Model for cultural competence. It also shortly deals with nursing frameworks for acquiring cultural data, such as the Sunrise model from M. Leininger, the Giger and Davidhizar Transcultural assessment model and Bloch's ethnic/cultural assessment guide. The empirical part processes and evaluates data obtained during the quantitative research. The accumulation of the data was conducted through anonymous questionnaires that were distributed between the nursing personnel of internal and surgical wards of the hospitals in Czech Republic and in German-speaking countries. In Czech Republic these were hospitals in Prague and in Tábor, in Germany a hospital in Dortmund and one in Cottbus, in Austria the hospitals in Salzburg and in Weiz and in Switzerland a hospital in Aarau and one in St. Gallen. The collection of the data was conducted either on-line or by way of printed questionnaire forms. The acquired data were valorized and sorted into diagrams and tables for further clarity. From the respondent´s answers follows that the queried medical facilities in Czech Republic do not provide sufficient conditions for their workers to give culturally competent nursing care on such a level, as it is at the facilities questioned in the German-speaking areas. The results also show that language skills of the nursing personnel in these hospitals in Czech Republic are worse than those in the German-speaking countries. With the level of multicultural competence the situation is similar; in this field Czech nursing personnel does not match their foreign counterpart. It is necessary to remark that this research sample of two hospitals from each of the countries is insufficient for the results to be applied on the whole Czech Republic or German speaking countries.

Is it possible in clinical practice to perform selection of unrelated donors based on KIR genotypes for AML patients?
FRYČOVÁ, Michaela
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive malignant disease, during which is for most of the patients only possible treatment the curative allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Besides reaction of the graft against the host is a fundamental limiting factor of the successful transplantation the relapse of the disease. According to several recent published studies, the results of transplantation in patients with AML may be influenced except the HLA genes by others so-called non - HLA genes. Especially there is mounting evidence influence of the donors KIR genes (Killer -cell Immunoglobulin - like receptors) in protection against the relapse after transplantation. HLA and KIR genes are coded on different chromosomes (HLA- sixth chromosome and KIR chromosome 19), therefore are segregated independently and HLA identical donors with recipients usually have different compositions of the KIR genes. Cooley et al. (2010) demonstrated that the specific motifs composition of centromeric and telomeric B haplotypes of KIR genes helps to protect against relapse and increases the chances of complete cure AML. In cases where there are multiple HLA identical unrelated donors (UD) then logically the composition KIR genes by the individual donor could be a criterion in selecting the most appropriate donor, therefore, the one with the greatest potential to protect over the relapse . Based on this study and other data the genetic screening of KIR was started with potential donors, if it was possible to choose from several 10/10 or 10/09 HLA identical UD for the patient. Genotyping was performed by PCR-SSP methodology using commercially available kits. It was performed gene classification 160 preferably identical HLA donors for 55 selected patients with AML. The presence of KIR haplotypes A and B as well as their combinations was determined from the type and number of the KIR genes. All genotypes were entered into the calculator, which allows you to enter up to five potential donors and obtain their assigned into one of three categories according to content KIR B. Groups , "neutral" , "better" , "best" , refer to the appropriate protection against relapse. KIR gene classification in the search for donors revealed 43 donors with AA haplotypes, 90 donors with AB haplotypes and 27 donors with BB haplotypes . After assigning state of the presence KIR B was discovered 107 " neutral " donors , 35 "better " donors and the 18 "best " donors . At 40 (~ 73 %) patients were available donors with the different states of the presence of KIR B. These patients represent a group of patients where the selection criterion of the presence B KIR gene at the donor could be used. We confirmed that the additional selection of HLA-matched unrelated donor on the basis of the content B of KIR genes is feasible. Selection such donor for transplantation may improve the outcome of patients with AML.

Analysis and inovation selected nursing documentation used in the workplace intenzive medicine
KŘÍŽOVÁ, Radmila
The thesis topic: ?Analysis and Innovations of Selected Nursing Documentation Used in Intensive Care? was chosen deliberately for its topicality. Documentation is an important and integral part of treatment of patients. It is very important that nursing documentation suit nurses who work with it. Data should be clear and their recording easy and convenient for nurses. Duly managed nursing documentation should be beneficial for physicians as well. For the research, the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava was chosen. The thesis contained six defined objectives that have been met and resulting 6 research questions. Qualitative research was carried out in 3 stages. One research group consisted of nurses at the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava, the other research group consisted of doctors at the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava. In the first stage, an analysis of nursing documentation used at the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava was carried out and, subsequently, interviews with the nurses and doctors from this department were conducted. In the second phase, innovations of nursing documentation were made and the documentation was put into practice. The final stage of the thesis consisted of interviews with the same questions for the doctors and nurses at the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava, in which opinions of the nurses and doctors on the innovated documentation and its application in practice were surveyed. The objective was to analyze the existing nursing documentation, to innovate it on the basis of the interview results, to implement it, and then to find out whether it could be used in practice. Based on the interviews conducted, we found out that nurses do not like the nursing diagnoses and also record sheets, which are common for doctors and nurses, used their department. Based on these results, innovation of the nursing diagnoses was made and, at the same time, the department made an innovation of the recording sheet, and medical and nursing documentation was separated. After the documentation was introduced into practice, we interviewed the nurses and doctors again to find out whether the innovated documentation was better and whether it could be improved more. We found out that the documentation was better, more suitable for the respondents. The innovated documentation can be used in practice and is currently so at the anaesthetic resuscitation department in Jihlava.

Social perception of Game Management with emphasis on social group dealing with ornithology
Menclová, Barbora ; Obleser, Petr (advisor) ; Adámková, Jana (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on evaluation of the stand of ornithological comunity on game management under the terms of problematical relationships between these two groups. Its goal is to chart the concrete fields of arguments within the legislation, as well as game management´s beneficial effects and moral aspects. Another pursuit is also to sketch the realization of possible cooperation. Using questionnaire, which was sent to members of Czech Society for Ornithology and its regional subdivisions, the respondents answered 20 questions and these results were statistically evaluated. The results show, that game management itself is perceived slightly differently compared with perception of individual hunters. The game management is evaluated more as salutary, whereas the hunters evoke rather negative feelings among respondents. It can be caused by subjective experiences, which influence the way the respondents see the whole game management society. Legislation seems to be the often repeated problem, to be concrete its breaking for example by illegal hunting or insufficient demands for to get a hunting and a gun licence. Ornithologists would also welcome changes regarding the list of the game animals. Problem is also the insufficient knowledge of hunters in the field of ornithology and ekology, which could be solved by tightening the conditions for the hunting and the gun licence. From the proposals, which were laid in the questionnairy and which are dealing with improving of the mutual relations, the respondents voted mainly discussion - collective, regular, at the expert level, where could be possible to solve actual issues relating game management, as well as ornithology.