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Physically-based Modeling and Simulation
Dvořák, Radim ; Racek, Stanislav (referee) ; Šujanský,, Milan (referee) ; Zbořil, František (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá modelováním znečištění ovzduší, jeho transportních a disperzních procesů ve spodní části atmosféry a zejména numerickými metodami, které slouží k řešení těchto modelů. Modelování znečištění ovzduší je velmi důležité pro předpověď kontaminace a pomáhá porozumět samotnému procesu a eliminaci následků. Hlavním tématem práce jsou metody pro řešení modelů popsaných parciálními diferenciálními rovnicemi, přesněji advekčně-difúzní rovnicí. Polovina práce je zaměřena na známou metodu přímek a je zde ukázáno, že tato metoda je vhodná k řešení určitých konkrétních problémů. Dále bylo navrženo a otestováno řešení paralelizace metody přímek, jež ukazuje, že metoda má velký potenciál pro akceleraci na současných grafických kartách a tím pádem i zvětšení přesnosti výpočtu. Druhá polovina práce se zabývá poměrně mladou metodou ELLAM a její aplikací pro řešení atmosférických advekčně-difúzních rovnic. Byla otestována konkrétní forma metody ELLAM společně s navrženými adaptacemi. Z výsledků je zřejmé, že v mnoha případech ELLAM překonává současné používané metody.

Project management in selected company
This work deals with project management in chosen company. It has two parts. The first part is theoretical, which is focused to theoretical treatment of the subject. It explains what is the project, management of projects, organizations of projects, processes of project management, what is target of project, communication, control, changes and risks and more. In the practical part I focused to concrete company and project management and than I analyzed concrete project. Name of the mentioned company is OHL ŽS, a.s. It is company from Spain, which acts all over the world. In the Czech Republic has the base in Brno. This company has several divisions and every of them is focused to different professional architecture. I have chosen division of structural engineering. This division builds all kinds of buildings. It could be construction of new buildings or reconstruction. To analysis of chosen project I used various business documents, contracts with investor or suppliers, document which include billing, timetable. I especially used my experience with projects of this company, and I was part of this project. Name of this project is Reconstruction of cladding including replacement windows and insulation. During the analysis of project I found a couple major gaps. If we could avoid these gaps, we could increase profit. These graphs is especially in management. At the beginning there were appointed two temporary construction managers. They doesn't care about result project, because they knew that they will not be to the end of the project. These gaps are because there is missing motivation system. Project manager can´t affect results of employees. It doesn´t depend on performance of employees, they always has the same wages. For elimination of these gaps I proposed several suggestions for improvement. The first suggestion is modification and extension of motivation system. New motivation system include personal evaluation. This evaluation depends on performance of employee. The second part is bonus from over profit. The next suggestion is make a new working position. This position would take care about controlling and project documentation. During the building project, especially at the end is construction manager very busy. It depend of decision of construction 63 manager what kind of activity will have prefer. Project documentation and administration or controlling of building works. If they are doing everything correct and technology are respect. Suggested position would take care about invoices, real work, which is done, project documentation, controlling of budget. The third suggestion is purchase of small machinery such as chipping hammers and drills. At this time they rent all devices. Rent is higher than purchase price. The last suggestion is use credit to restoration of fleet. At this time they have obsolete fleet, because the bought all cars by cash. It is not conveniently.

Remote sensing as support tool for agricultural drought assessment
Hlavinka, Petr ; Semerádová, Daniela ; Balek, Jan ; Žalud, Z. ; Tadesse, T. ; Hayes, M. ; Wardlow, B. ; Trnka, Miroslav
Very important information about vegetation condition within wide areas (through continents and states) or for local areas in resolution from hundreds to tens of meters could be obtained from satellites within remote sensing. The temporal and spatial continuity is big advantage of this method. Namely so-called vegetation indices are often used for vegetation cover condition assessment. The aim of submitted study is to present possibility of using EVI2 (Enhanced Vegetation Index) for assessment of drought impact within vegetation. The results for selected years of the period 2000-2015 achieved using MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aboard Terra satellite are included. The data in weekly time step and for the whole Czech Republic are presented.

Palliative care is provided by patient's family at home
The thesis, titled Palliative Care Provided by Patient's Family in Home Environment, discusses the specific care needs of a terminally ill patient in his/her own home. Caring for an ill person in a home environment is beginning to be a growing trend in home care, but also it is an increasingly common wish of the patients themselves. The family is therefore required to have enough theory and practical knowledge in order to deliver a highly demanding personal care for their close family members. The aim of the thesis is to summarize the current situation of delivering palliative care in home environment in Czech Republic whilst concentrating on the specific needs of the patient and the needs of their family. The objectives of the research were to determine whether family members were introduces to the specifics of palliative care of terminally ill patients; to map their skills in delivering palliative care in home environment and to reveal the most common issues that family members come across in that home environment. The final objective was to map out services in regions of Central Bohemia and Liberec that are accessible to family members whilst caring for a terminally ill patient. The research part of the thesis was completed employing a method of qualitative investigation using semi-structured interviews with patient's family members and nurses providing hospice care in home environment. It emerged from the analytical interviews that the family's knowledge level regarding support for palliative care in home environment is very limited and in hospitals families are only given minimal or no support or information. As a final document for the thesis an informative educational brochure was created based on the results of aforementioned research, primarily targeting patient's family; its core objective is to improve information and collate the specifics of care that would allow the patient a dignified end to their life.

Diets for food allergies
I have chosen topic Diet with Food Allergy as a topic of my bachelor thesis. This illness is quite common these days. It affect infants mostly but allergy of cow´s milk protein of children under three years disappears itself mostly. There is increasing amount of causes when patient suffers more allergies. Number of people who have the most serious reaction the anaphylactic shock, icreeases. It can end with death. Doctors recommend to patients to strictly follow the elimination diet which is basic treatment of this illness. The most accurate diagnosis of illness (immunological or not) is another important factor for effective treatment. I have chosen three aims for this bachelor thesis. First to find out if patients are informed about their illness. Second to map eating habbits of people with food allergy. Third the evaluation of correctness of daily menus. I used approach of guality research. Research group consisted of six respondents with different food allergy. Those respondents wrote down their weeks menus. Menus were evaluated with program Nutriservis and it was assessed if it follows recommended dietary value. Suitable intake of energy and essential nutrients was calculated for every respondent. It was evaluated if respondents follows priciples of rational diet and if their diet contains sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins. Questionnaires were another key point of this research. Questionnaires were about illness know-how of patients and who has instructed them about it. It was found out the patients hasn´t got enough information about their illness and half of them has no idea which essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins could lack in their diet. It resulted from menus simultaneously that five of six respondents do not follow principles of rational diet and eat very monotonously. Only one respondent follows strictly elimination diet others violate diet exceptionally. Respondets would appreciate other research would focus on creation of special centres and training of doctors and nutritional therapist who would be focused on food allergies. Spreading the information about illness not only to patients but to public also is really important. Another important point is to increase amount of books about food allergies at the market.

Stress situations and nursing personnel
This thesis deals with the stressful situations in the profession of the nursing staff. The occupation of the nurse belongs to the most demanding ones. In this occupation, the nurse is permanently affected by many stressors of different types. She faces death, the suffering, dying and incurably ill people very often. She is there in times of pain, agony and suffering. Personal encounters with these difficult situations require highly professional approach but most of all, they present immense work stress for the nurse. The theory section describes mainly the stressful situations that are the most common and most difficult in the work of the nursing staff. The next part of the theory section describes possible consequences of the stressful situations and methods of managing them including the support by the management. This thesis has two objectives. The first objective was to map the manners used by the nursing personnel to cope with the stressful situations brought by their profession. The second objective was to find out the difference in the coping with the stressful situations between the hospital staff and hospice staff. The research section of this thesis contains the quantitative research done using the technique of an anonymous questionnaire with 20 question prepared by ourselves. The questionnaire was distributed to the nursing staff of all categories in the hospital and hospice care. It was completed by 269 respondents in total. The data was statistically processed using systems Microsoft Excel 2010 and Software R, version 3.0.2 (Chi-squared test, Fisher´s exact test, and Wilcoxon test). We determined four hypotheses. H1: Manners of coping with the stressful situations depend on the qualification of the nursing staff reached; not confirmed. H2: Manners of coping with the stressful situations are influenced by the length of practice of the staff; not confirmed. H3: Manners of coping with the stressful situations differ between the hospital staff and hospice staff; confirmed. H4: The nursing staff views their own mental hygiene as more efficient than the support from the management concerning the coping with the stressful situations; confirmed. The research results show that the nursing staff faces the stressful situations very often. They see as the heaviest stress the care of the suffering and aggressive patient, conflicts with the patient´s family, conflicts at work and workload. The manners of coping with the work burden which proved as the best for them are relax, rest and sleep. There were no differences proved in the manners of coping with the stress among respective members of the nursing team. Nevertheless, the coping with the work burden of the nursing staff in the hospital and hospice care is different. A minimum of the respondents notices any support during the stressful situations from the employer. On the other hand, certain support by the management could be viewed in the form of trainings, supervision or contribution to a "recovery" which are granted to the respondents from the employer according to their answers. However, the respondents would prefer, as the support by the management, the increase in pay or more days off. The respondents view as insufficient the preparation of the graduates for the future stressful situations in their profession, as well. They would recommend mainly various trainings dealing with the stress and its management. A good solution to alleviate the work burden of the nursing staff and quality enhancement of the services provided could be investments into better work conditions, both in terms of sufficient human and material resources and the very organization of the work processes.

How to prevent the proliferation of Legionella pneumophylis in hot water in the hospital Czech Krumlov
This diploma thesis deals with microbiological quality of hot water in a hospital in Cesky Krumlov as well as hot water piping condition with respect to Legionella. It also deals with arrangements for improving the quality of hot water in this hospital. The subject and target of this thesis are the findings of the mentioned parameters based on own observations, technical documentation and analysis of warm water performed by an accredited laboratory. The hospital in Cesky Krumlov, the construction of which began in 1909, was built in 1911 as the 'Nemocnice Císaře Františka Josefa I.' As the time went by, new buildings were built up. The hospital was renamed to 'Všeobecná veřejná nemocnice' in 1942. In the following years the hospital expanded until the current condition. Water quality and presence of Legionella is a world-wide issue, which we must fight against. The thesis is divided into two parts. First, theoretical part, which includes both general and specific knowledge about Legionella, its health risks, the environment in which it occurs, possibilities of eliminating, suitability of the material for hot water pipes, gained in professional literature and a part of the Czech legislation dealing with public health protection, the law 'No. 258/2004 Coll.' in actual version and quality of drinking water and hot water. In the second, empirical part, I focus on the situation of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov from 2009 till 2015, concerning newly built boiler room and the whole distribution system of hot water regarding Legionella. Particularly I focused on materials used for ecologisation of the gas boiler room and materials used for hot water pipes and actual state of water distribution in individual buildings of this health care facility. I mentioned the analysis of the water samples performed by an accredited laboratory with corresponding technical documentation, which concerns the water distribution system, provided by the medical facility. I used secondary data analysis to evaluate these documents. Regarding the results from 2009 to 2015 the microbiological quality of warm water doesn't meet the limits defined in the Attachment No. 3 of the above mentioned law Order 252/2004 Coll. Limit value for colony forming units of Legionella is set to maximum of 100 CFU. In most of the samples this limit was exceeded by series of units up to hundred thousands of units. The last results in 2015 prove improvement of the unfavorable situation. In that year the analysis was tested three times. First in February, where the CFU units were 'only' in hundreds, with the top value of 550 CFU in the Postacute Care ward. Second analysis was performed in June that same year. Results were acceptable. The highest value was 64 CFU. Last analysis in the hospital was performed in December. Increased concentration of Legionella was again in the Surgery building. There were established of 1400 colony forming units. There were 300 CFU in the Postacute Care ward and the limit value of 100 CFU was in the ward of Internal medicine. The answers to research questions 'How to prevent reproduction of Legionella peumophylis in the water distribution system of the hospital in Cesky Krumlov?' and 'How to ensure a sufficient amount of quality hot water in the medical facility?' are included at the end of the stated recommendations. A risk factor causing the fast reproduction of Legionella is the old water distribution system in most of the buildings and low water temperature of water leaving the boiler, which is 55°C. All mentioned results and evaluations are included in this thesis as well as attached pictures, which show the environment and situation within the Health Care Institutions.

Vliv teploty vody a intenzity světla na raný vývoj sumečka afrického v komerčním chovu
The successful production of quality early fish stages is crucial for artificial rearing fish species. Nevertheless, it is quite a problematic process, because fish as poikilothermic organisms are highly sensitive to various environmental conditions. Moreover, both fish embryos and larvae are more affected by biotic and abiotic factors (such as predation, stocking density, temperature, light, pH, salinity, oxygen saturation, feeding availability, or their interactions) than older juveniles or adults. Most fish processes such as reproduction, metabolism, survival, development and growth can be considerably (positively, negatively or not) influenced by these conditions. Therefore, it is important to understand their impacts on fish stages during embryonic, larval, juvenile, adult, and eventually the senescent period. Then, following the application of new knowledge to the practise, especially species- and age-specific optimal conditions, should result in higher survival, better growth rate, well developed fish without deformities and lower cannibalism. The objectives of the present thesis were to assess the effect of water temperature and light intensity on the early development (embryonic and larval period) of African sharptooth catfish as a perspective fish species for freshwater intensive aquaculture. Due to its great characteristics (for instance fast growth, ability to breathe atmospheric air, rearing at high stocking density) this species can meaningfully contribute to the global aquaculture production which is expected to rise in the coming years. However, there are still some difficulties in the early rearing African sharptooth catfish regarding the cannibalism, feeding, survival and necessity of detailed information about the effects of some abiotic factors and their interactions.

Evaluation of FGMRI provenance plot with European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on the locality Jíloviště, Baně (Central Bohemia)
Kuklová, Alena ; Podrázský, Vilém (advisor)
Buk lesní (Fagus sylvatica L.) je nejvýznamnější listnatou dřevinou České republiky. V minulých letech se jeho zastoupení velmi snížilo v důsledku nešetrné těžby, přírodních disturbancí a následně hlavně změnou lesního hospodaření, kdy se upřednostňovaly především jehličnaté dřeviny smrk ztepilý (Picea abies) a borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris). Provenienční výzkum se, díky jejich preferování při pěstování, nejprve věnoval hlavně jehličnatým dřevinám, až v pozdější době se zaměřuje i na dřeviny listnaté. V současné době se naše lesní hospodářství k buku znovu vrací a jeho zastoupení se v našich lesích pomalu opět zvyšuje. Úkolem diplomové práce je provedení terénního šetření na provenienční výzkumné ploše VÚLHM Strnady č. 82 Jíloviště, Baně ve věku 34 let (zjištění počtu rostoucích jedinců, tloušťkového a výškového růstu, tvárnosti kmene, větvení, úhlu větví, tloušťky větví), zjištěná a naměřená data statisticky zpracovat a vyhodnotit rozdíly mezi testovanými proveniencemi buku lesního. V první části práce je zpracována literární rešerše, zaměřena na provenienční výzkum buku lesního, v další části jsou statisticky zpracovány kvantitativní a kvalitativní znaky zjišťované na výzkumné ploše. V poslední části jsou vyhodnocená data porovnávána s daty z minulých let.

Appaloosa breeding and their utilization
Zuzjaková, Eva ; Neumann, Cyril (advisor) ; Starostová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor thesis is a summary of the basic information about breeding and utilization of appaloosa. A dominant characteristic of appaloosa is an attractive color coat pattern, which is caused through a set of genes called Leopard Complex (Lp). That is the reason, why in this thesis, at first, the history of presence of the Lp in genus Equus takes place. The presence of Lp can be found already in many cave paintings of prehistoric horses. During domestication, the coat pattern became important. The horses of the same color coat pattern, which have today appaloosa, are depicted in the Celts, Scythians and Etruscans tombs, as well as in murals of Chinese and Egyptian cultures. Significant breeding of the spotted horses are also documented in the Ferghana Valley in eastern Uzbekistan. In Europe at 16th century horses were expanded and a lot of them have spotted coat pattern. Then the Spanish settlers imported these horses to the America, where Nez Perce Indian tribe bred horses, which we know today as Appaloosa. Furthermore, in this thesis the Appaloosa breed organization, which belongs complete to Appaloosa Horse club of America, is described. The breeding standard and characteristics, which are color coat pattern, mottled skin, visible white sclera and striped hooves are inducted. Seven various types of coat pattern and tree types of registration are also described. The major problems in the appaloosa breed are inherited diseases. In this thesis the most serious five of them are identified. It is CSNB, congenital stationary night blindnes associated with a homozygous variant of LP gene. HYPP, hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis, which causes muscle spasm of affected horses. This disease was obtained from quarter horses. HERDA - Hereditary Equine Regional Dermal Asthenia which causes irreversible damage to exposed skin. Another serious disease is PSSM, polysaccharide storage myopathy, which is one of many myopathy occuring in horses. The latter disease is lethal GBED. Affected foals lack the enzyme GBE which is necessary for the synthesis and storage of glycogen. In spite of the improving precautions, these diseases have not been fully eliminated from breeding. Further, there are given the possibilities of using Appaloosa horses in sports, hobby and ranch works. The system of shows and their ratings is described as well.