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Specifics of nursing care of a child patiens with oncological pain.
The topic of the thesis is: Specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain. Children{\crq}s pain is a phenomenon surrounded by many myths and false information. It is also not sufficiently assessed and treated and often bagatelized by both nurses and doctors. Nurses play irreplaceable role in pain treatment, they are with the child patient more frequently then the doctor and are in close touch with the child{\crq}s parents. The care of a suffering child is a serious task in nursing. Treatment of a patient in pains requires a complex, holistic approach. Nurses, even if they diagnose pain properly, do not set an adequate nursing care plan and do not carry it out. Nurses have to defend interests of the sick child and must not let him/her suffer. The data was obtained by quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative research was carried out by the technique of anonymous questionnaire. The questionnaire was made for the parents of children with oncologic disease. The qualitative research was carried out by the technique of semi-structured in-depth interview. The research sample consisted of nurses working at the Department of children{\crq}s oncology One of the aims of this thesis was to outline the problems in nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain from the point of view of the parents. We observed if the parents had been informed about their child{\crq}s pain, if they know what symptoms they should watch in their child, if they know all the aspects of pain to be assessed and treatment methods to relieve the pain and also how nurses respond to their child{\crq}s pain. For this aim, a following hypothesis has been set forth: The parents of children patients with oncologic pain are educated about the possibilities of nursing care focused on relieving the pain. This hypothesis was confirmed by statistic testing. Another aim of this thesis was to find out the specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain. Nurses think that the specifics of nursing care of a child patient with oncologic pain are not different from any other care of a child in pains. They just state that an oncologic disease is associated with pains caused by the disease itself or by diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Therefore they consider a specific feature the fact that the pain is observed more intensively and the staff is more precise in relieving the pain. It is obvious from the research that it would be effective for both parties, both for the nurses and the parents, to use educational materials on pain intended for them. I suppose that if there were such materials available, the parents would not need to contact nurses repeatedly. There was also a positive finding in the research that 92.5% of parents stated that nurses respond to children{\crq}s pain within 10 minutes. Further, that nurses believe that the child has pains, which was stated by 98.2% of the parents.

Výběr a implementace open source nástroje pro řízení portfolia projektů
Marek, Jan ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kučera, Jan (referee)
Methods and ways of implementation of changes and innovations in companies through project management are in today's society very well established. There exists methodologies, techniques and tools for the management of individual projects. However in a role of project manager, I very often faced the fact that companies are performing the project portfolio management in very intuitive way. This in itself leads to failed and prematurely terminated projects, initiation of the wrong projects or realisation of correct projects, but at the wrong time. Very often I have also recognized, that there is lack of awareness of fact, that there are also Open Source applications that can help with the organization's portfolio. This thesis deals with the definition of requirements, search and selection of proper OSS application and subsequent implementation. In the first part of this thesis I prepare a theoretical framework about PPM, and on that basis then identify and verify a set of requirements for selection of right OSS PPM application. The next section of thesis describes searching for suitable applications from a variety of sources, assessment against the requirements and the final selection. In the last part the implementation project is drafted, which aims to serve other colleagues in project management as one of the possible implementation paths. The outputs are then continuously confronted with experts in matter of projects and project management in the field of IT in order to maximize symbiosis between theory and real life experiences. Virtually every project management methodology defines the collection of already-proven techniques, best practices or lessons learned from the previous similar implementations. The main contribution of this thesis I see in fact that it contains not only the design of the project implementation, but also describes a logical path, what leads to the result. Therefore this thesis could be used as a base or discussed best practice, when a project of implementation of PPM application in place.

Parallel single-cell analysis of active caspase-3/7 in apoptotic and non-apoptotic cells
Ledvina, Vojtěch ; Klepárník, Karel
Caspases are proteases that play key role in the process of apoptosis, the programmed\ncell death. Among them, caspase-3 and -7 are main executioner caspases that cleave\nmany vital proteins during apoptosis and after their widespread activation, the process\ncannot be reversed. To analyze caspase-3/7 activation within single cells, a miniaturized\ndevice for parallel analysis of eight samples was developed. The assay is based on the\nmodified luciferin-firefly luciferase bioluminescence (BL) system. Individual\nsuspended cells were collected and transferred into detection microvials using a\nmicromanipulator. The bioluminescence was detected using a photon counting head\nwith cooled photcathode. The LOD suitable for detection of active caspase-3/7 in both\napoptotic and non-apoptotic cells was reached.

The role of p38-Mapk14/11 as an enabler of primitive endoderm (PrE) maturation and as a sensor of metabolism during mouse preimplantation embryo development
ANNOTATION This thesis describes the role of p38 mitogen activated kinases alpha/beta, also referred to as Mapk14/11 (p38-Mapk14/11), in regulating primitive endoderm (PrE) cell-fate and its sensitivity towards exogenously supplemented amino acids during mouse preimplantation embryo development. This study utilizing various pharmacological inhibitors, gene transcript over-expression and immunofluorescence assisted confocal microscopy imaging, has revealed a novel and pivotal role p38-Mapk14/11 in promoting germane maturation of the blastocyst stage inner cell mass (ICM)into the defined epiblast (EPI) and PrE and its potential requirement under amino acid deprived conditions.

The Finnish Landscape Photography and Its Role in Helsinki School
Bureš, Mojmír ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; Ledvina, Josef (referee)
In my bachelor thesis I am focused on the images of the Finnish landscape photography and relationship to nature due to the harsh geographical conditions. I will describe the political and cultural influences that affected the aesthetic thinking about perception of scanned landscapes. Furthermore, I would like to deal with the influence by art that have shaped and inspired the Finnish authors and compare it with the perception of the country abroad. For example Dieseldorf photography school (Bernd and Hilla Becher, Andreas Gursky), Japanese photographers (Hiroshi Sugimoto, Rinko Kawauchi) Czech photographers (Josef Sudek, Josef Koudelka) and the others . List of the authors: Into Konrad Inha, Caj Breme, Ismo HÖLTTÖ, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Ilkka Halso, Maija Savolainen, Eeva Karhu, Kalle Kataila, Jyrki Parantainen, Elina Brotherus, Maanantai Collective, Mikko Rikala, Sandra Kantanen, Tiina Itkonen, Jorma Puranen, Susanna Majuri, Petri Juntunen, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Nanna Hänninen, Pentti Sammallahti, Karl Emil Stahlberg, Riitta Päiväläinen, Marja Pirilä, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo, Juha Suonpää

Mask, Disguise and Role Play in Worldwide Contemporary Self-Portrait
Helfertová, Žofie ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; DVOŘÁK, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the role of mask, disguise and playing with the roles through self-portrait in worldwide contemporary photography. In the first chapters it follows the general development of the self-portrait and a brief history of photography and its forms and tendencies from beginning to the present, it is also focused on the mask in general and role of masks and disguises in the history of photography. Main part of this work is the last chapter, which is devoted to the youngest generation of contemporary photographers. In their self-portraits we can follow tendency which reveals use of mask and disguise for change of their identity. However, they do not create a new identity but takes over, or form the illusion of existing already defined identities. The aim of this thesis is to present the mask as an instrument for role play through a self-portrait.

Cultural support in Prague's districts
Mokrá, Jolana ; KAŠPAR, David (advisor) ; PROKOP, Petr (referee)
Diploma thesis ”Cultural support in Prague's districts” focuses on a current situation in municipal strategical management and support of culture in all Prague districts. The introduction emphasises the importance of each level of government in the management and support of culture through comparing specific cultural policies. The research is divided into two parts. First one depicts how culture is being understood on the municipal level and presents an overview of existing instruments for support and planning. The second part is focused on a few municipal districts that handle their culture policy with a particular strategy and consider it to be an irreplaceable part of a local development. The second part also examines what tactics and tools these municipal districts use for a realization of their strategic goals. In conclusion, this thesis proves why the role of the local official government is so important in the developement and implementation of culture.

The Role of a Nurse in Care of a Patient with Mononucleosis
Theoretical background Infectious mononucleosis belongs to relatively widespread viral infectious diseases in the Czech Republic. Epstein-Baar virus (EBV) participates in occurrence of the infection by 80 %, infectious mononucleosis may more rarely be caused by cytomegalovirus. Each individual factually suffers from infection caused by EBV during his/her life, however its course is unapparent in most cases. An affected individual or an individual not affected, who is a virus carrier may be considered the source of the infection. Infectious mononucleosis usually affects children and teenagers, in older individuals the infection is quite rare. The disease might start rapidly or gradually with prodromes like headache, sore throat, nausea, fatigue and perspiration. Infectious mononucleosis is often confused with other diseases like e.g. tonsillitis, or more serious progress of flue, particularly for the symptoms accompanying the disease. Fever, lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly are the most frequent symptoms. The disease may also cause numerous unpleasant complications, particularly hematologic, neurologic, cardio-pulmonary and autoimmunity complications. A nurse plays a very substantial role in client care. It is very important for a nurse to have sufficient knowledge and to know the right procedure of all interventions he/she meets within diagnostics and treatment of infectious mononucleosis. These are particularly biological material collection, per os administration or intravenous administration of medicines. A nurse should also be familiar with the Priessnitz compress application technique. In non-self-sufficient clients a nurse is also responsible for client's hygiene. A nurse has an important role in client education providing information on dietetic measures. A nurse has to lead a client to adherence to the prescribed diet and body calm. Everything depends on client's current condition. A client should also avoid mental strain during convalescence. We should note that not all forms of infectious mononucleosis require hospitalization. The aim of the thesis The aim of the thesis was to find out the role of nurses in the care of patients with infectious mononucleosis and also to find how satisfied patients with the nursing care and education are after going through mononucleosis. This was why the following research questions were chosen: What is the role of a nurse in care of a patient with mononucleosis? How satisfied are patients with the nursing care after going through mononucleosis? How satisfied are patients with education in diet regime adherence after going through mononucleosis? Applied Methods Qualitative research was chosen for finding out the required information. The information was gained by means of deep interviews with nurses working at the infectious department of České Budějovice Hospital and with clients after going through infectious mononucleosis. All the interviews were recorded on a voice recorder and then transcribed. The transcribed interviews were subject to detailed analysis by the paper and pencil method with open coding. Results Six categories were set upon analysis of the interviews with nurses: Awareness of the infectious mononucleosis disease among nurses, Nursing care of a client with infectious mononucleosis, Regime measures, Information on dietetic measures, Recommendations after infectious mononucleosis and Education of a client with infectious mononucleosis. Five categories were set upon detailed analysis of the interviews with the clients: Recommended treatment, Nursing care, Recommended measures, Methods of information communication and Information sources for clients. Subcategories, in which the key data are coded, are assigned to the individual categories.

Survey of continuing care for cardiacs in Czech Republic, with focus on nursing care.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Czech Republic. An increasing number of its inhabitants become cardiac patients who require a nursing intervention. Nursing in cardiology has an irreplaceable position in the cardiovascular care provision. The health care costs are rising, nursing has been undergoing many changes. Training of cardiology nurses gets changed, as well as the image and role of cardiology nurses in society. Cardiology nurses are much more independent, educated and organized. In cardiovascular facilities nursing care is being standardized and the quality of care is improving. In this thesis, focus is given to nursing in cardiology. In the introduction the issue of cardiovascular diseases is outlined, the major part is devoted to the concept of Czech nursing in cardiology. Individual stages of the system of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic and the status of cardiology nurses involved in the system are surveyed. Attention is also paid to the structure of cardiovascular facilities and expert companies in our country and abroad. The thesis has the title: Survey of continuity of care for cardiac patients in the Czech Republic with focus on nursing care. In total five goals, seven research questions and four hypotheses were stated. We surveyed the cardiology nurses´ attitude to lifelong learning, if they are building their own specific image, and if they ensure the continuity of care. Our objective was also to identify the role of nurses in education of cardiac patients and the level of cardiac patients´ knowledge. The research section is elaborated on the basis of a qualitative and quantitative investigation. The qualitative part was carried out by semi-structured interviews with cardiology nurses working in comprehensive cardiovascular centers. The quantitative part of the survey was conducted with patients of comprehensive cardiovascular centers. Seventy domestic and foreign sources of literature devoted not only to the issueof cardiovascular diseases were quoted. The research results are supposed to serve as a basis for coordinated efforts of all participating nurses and institutions to build a well-functioning and technically and economically efficient system of nursing care for cardiac patients in CR.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching vocational subjects depending on physical activity before schooling.
Janošíková, Martina ; Hanušová, Marie (advisor)
The period of transition to secondary school brings substantial changes in the requirements for study obligations, autonomy, communication, expression, or separated from their families in the form of staying at the dormitory. Students enrolled in sport centers, in addition to these changes, still struggling with the responsibilities associated with sport. Because they are students first through fourth grades of secondary schools and secondary vocational schools, an age when image self-I am, what I believe in, arises in interactions with the outside world and their own experience, plays a very important role to influence the environment, educators, teachers and trainers, with which students spend most of their time in practice. This study looks at students comprehensively in terms of personal development as a multifactorial biopsychosocial unit, in terms of cognitive and motivational processes, states and properties from the perspective of social psychology dealing with the interactions, relationships and communication, psychology of individuals within the social group and its importance for the development of the individual . It monitors conditions and educational outcomes in terms of educational psychology, dealing with forming properties, opinions, attitudes and value orientation from the perspective of educational psychology.