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Změny v rozsahu a struktuře zemědělství v ČR po vstupu do EU
Srbecká, Eva
SRBECKÁ E. Changes in the structure and extent of agriculture in the Czech Republic after entry to the EU. Bachelor thesis. Brno, 2014. The aim of this bachelor thesis is comparison of extent and structure of agriculture in Czech Republic in period before and after entry to the EU. The theoretical part is focused on the theoretical and methodological bases and the factors that influence changes in agriculture. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the development of agriculture through analyses of selected commodities in mentioned period and deals with changes of the structure by using basic agriculture indicators.
Transformace primárního sektoru v mikroregionu Židlochovic
Schönová, Terezie
The bachelor thesis Transformation of the Private Sector in the Microregion of Židlochovice deals with the changes that took place after 1990 in agricultural and forestry businesses in the microregion of Židlochovice. The first part of the thesis defines the basic terminology* and evaluates the literature that is related to the chosen topic. Furthermore, it defines the microregion of Židlochovice with special regard to the location, structure of settlement and natural preconditions for primary production. It also deals with the changes in specific businesses in the microregion. The result of the thesis is a generalisation of the transformation process in the environment of Moravian microregion with fertile soil and which is close to a large city. The thesis also mentions possible dangers linked to climate changes that are associated mainly with the increase of average annual temperatures and the decrease of the total rainfall.
Pozice a možnosti rozvoje zemědělského podniku v rámci komoditní vertikály mléka
Kazatel, Josef
This diploma thesis characterizes the changes in the business environment of agricultural producers of the cow´s milk commodity vertical in the Olbramkostel Agricultural Enterprise. The first part of the thesis is devoted to defining the basic principles that relate to changes in the business environment of agribusiness and the description of the commodity vertical of milk in the Czech republic, where all factors related to dairy production are analyzed. The analytical part deals with a specific agricultural company, where the basic theoretical resource is verified, the choice, economic context and effects of structural changes within the commodity vertical of cow´s milk in the business environment are evaluated. After processing selected analyzes of plant and animal production, including the economic situation of the company, it was concluded that the transformation in the business environment were transferred to the company´s decision-making. It was primaly a change in the selection of crops and the growing influece of dairy production at the expense of pig farming.
Urbanistický vývoj zemědělského areálu v obci Záblatí ve vztahu k hospodaření zemědělského podniku
Lišková, Martina
This thesis analyses development of agricultural complex Agro Záblatí a.s. following the development of economy in the course of time. It focuses on agricultural buildings and their importance in an integral part of livestock production and crop production. Moreover the work desribes the original development and current characteristics of the company. In addition it also mentions impact management with regard to agricultural buildings and deals with the basic natural conditions in which the company manages. The necessary research has been done and informatin has been gathered.
Přímé platby v podpoře rozvoje českého zemědělství
Hertel, Roman
The thesis deals with the issue of direct payments in the model of the common agricultural policy of the European Union and their specific implementation in the conditions of the Czech agriculture. In the framework of theoretical solutions are describes elementary national interventions in agricultural sector, decisive changes in approaches to support the development of agriculture in current conditions of agribusiness and the definition of the role direct payments in this concept. Next section is devoted to the specific characteristic and main differences in the implementation of direct payments in the context of their development in reformed strategies in common agriculture policy and differences in their application in the origional and new member countries, with a focus on the application of this aid in the conditions of the Czech agriculture. The assumptions and benefits of the application the direct payments in nowadays conditions of the Czech agriculture are authenticated on the example of a specific agricultural holding.
Vývoj produkce a struktury podniků v komoditní vertikále řepky v ČR
Vacková-Veselá, Lenka
This diploma thesis defines the evolution and changes of canola commodity chain in Czech Republic focusing on primary production and processing stage. Through literature review, based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of agribusiness, canola commodity chain, its determinants, and biological charac-teristics of the commodity are defined. Through analysis of secondary data is captured supply formation and evolution of oilseed rape production in the Czech Republic. Also there are identified changes in the structure of agricultural holdings in given commodity vertical.
Zemědělský podnik jako aktivní subjekt agrobyznysu
Petr, Zdeněk
The diploma thesis "Agricultural enterprise as an active subject of agribusiness" deals with the development and structural changes of the Czech agrarian sector in the concept of agribusiness on the example of a specific agricultural enterprise created by privatization. The theoretical part characterizes the basic factors and features of the development of the business environment, including the context and changes in the development of links of agribusiness and the assumptions of the success of agricultural business. Part of the work is also devoted to the historical development of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Communities and a brief history of agriculture in the Czech Republic in the 20th century. The practical part of the work concerns a specific agricultural enterprise in which the overall research and analysis was performed and verified. The work examines its origin, the development of the environment, the links, the structure of production and performance in comparison with the entire agrarian sector of the Czech Republic, formulating conclusions and recommendations.
Bioplynová stanice jako forma diverzifikace činnosti zemědělského podniku
Kopřivová, Jana
This bachelor thesis deals with potential benefits and risks of the company, which operate biogas stations, with the aim to improve their financial situation. It also analyzes the activities of agricultural enterprises such as agricultural production. The farm uses all the resources and resources provided by the European Union to maintain its position on the agricultural commodities market. The work specifically concerns the construction and operation of biogas plants as a new form of diversification of activity. The literature review focuses more on defining the agrarian sector and defines the agricultural enterprise and the markets in which it operates. Furthermore, the concepts of biomass, biogas and biogas plant are discussed. In the part of my work is characterized by a specific company, which within the support of the state and the European Union in the form of subsidies, used the possibility of obtaining financial support for the construction of a new biogas station.
Adaptace zemědělské prvovýroby na environmentální změnu
BRUHA, Jaroslav
The bachelor thesis deals with the socio-economic analysis of a selected agricultural entity with emphasis on management and production. The selected agricultural enterprise Příkosická zemědělská, a. s. manages 3 300 ha of agricultural land in the Pilsen region (Rokycany district) in the potato-growing area in the manner of conventional agriculture. It is one of the largest farms in the region in terms of acreage and also one of the largest breeding farms of Czech spotted cattle in the Czech Republic with an annual production of 10 million litres of milk. The socio-economic analysis focuses on the management of the farm. The analysis includes an in-depth structured interview with Ing. Pavel Baxa, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Příkosická zemědělské, a. s. The results of the research are evaluated in the context of the Czech agricultural sector. The aim is to highlight the changes in management and to assess the situation in the agricultural enterprise Příkosická zemědělská, a. s. in the context of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, political and environmental impacts on agriculture and the direction of Czech agriculture.

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