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History of the Monastery Kladruby
Lexová, Alena ; Veverková, Kamila (advisor) ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (referee)
The significant, cultural heritage, Kladruby's monastery lies n Tachovon in the Western part of the Czech republic. It lies between Pilsen and Tachov, specifically, Thirty kilometres west from Pilsen and five kilometres south from Stříbro. The history of the township and monastery is closely bound. The middle ages brought prosperity and rise to both of them.To this rise of Kladruby contributed it's great place by the Norimberská stezka and the discovery of silver ore nearby. Thanks to this, in 1230, it was raised by Václav I. to township. With this Kladruby gained the rights of a town ( e.g. The right to organize markets,the right to perform Criminal Law and the right to brew) as one of the first seven town in the Czech republic. Because of the wealth from silver mining, a mining settlement Stříbro was establishes, in the late twelfth century. The Benedictine monastery was established, by Vladislav I. of Přemyslid dynasty, in 1115. He himself is buried there as one of few Czech princes, who are not buried in Prague. Between the 12. And 13. Century, the monastery became one of the most important church centres of the whole kingdom. During the tragedy of Jan Nepomucký, the monastery has a major role. Václav IV considered, establishing a bishopric in Kladruby, to circumscribe the power of Prague...
Hosts and transmission of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci
Svoboda, Jiří
The crayfish plague pathogen, the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, has been decimating populations of European crayfish species for more than 150 years, and is therefore considered one of the 100 worst world's invasive species. A. astaci is highly specialised for a parasitic life, but it can be isolated from moribund crayfish and grown on synthetic media, as it is the case also for several other oomycetes (chapter 7). The life of A. astaci includes three basic forms: mycelium in host's tissues, and the infective units occurring in water, zoospores and cysts. All North American crayfish species tested so far have shown some resistance to A. astaci, i.e., they could carry the infection for long, serving as vectors of the pathogen. Massive sporulation from infected North American crayfish starts when the host is moulting, stressed, or dying (chapter 4). However, I could show in my experiments that some sporulation occurs even from apparently healthy and non-moulting American crayfish hosting A. astaci, so infected North American crayfish must be considered a permanent source of the infection (chapter 4). Five genotype groups of A. astaci have already been distinguished. Strains from a particular genotype group probably share the same original host crayfish species of North American origin. Nevertheless, they can...
Disputes Between States and Federation in the USA: A Case Study of Cannabis Legalization
Pohořská, Barbora ; Kozák, Kryštof (advisor) ; Calda, Miloš (referee)
Bakalářská práce Spory mezi státy a federací v USA: Případová studie legalizace konopí Barbora Pohořská Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce This bachelor thesis focuses on relationships between the federal government and the state governments in the United States. The paper tries to find out how the conflicts between the two players in the case of marijuana legislation are resolved. Marijuana is considered to be illegal under the U. S. federal law. Some states, however, the use, possession, and cultivation of limited amount of the drug under different conditions allow. Because of that, a conflict of federal and state laws occurs. This paper tries to determine how such conflicts are resolved; whether the federal legislature prevails the state one or vice versa, or whether the parties approach some mutual compromise. The paper characterizes federal and state marijuana legislation, and deals with the attitudes and reactions of the federal authorities and the courts to state laws. It also recognizes recent change in attitude of the federal authorities, which tends to confirm the assumption that the states and the federation coexist together in a certain way.
Succession disputes
Švihlíková, Kristina ; Macková, Alena (advisor) ; Frintová, Dita (referee)
Succession disputes and the solutions thereto are interesting topic that affects succesion law and which is joined with the death of an individual and with the succesion to his or her property. The aim of this work is to outline the possible disputes not only in probate proceedings, but outside of it and the regulation of protection of legitimate heirs from my point of view as an employee of the notary (public).
Leptosporangiate ferns from the Carboniferous basins of Bohemia, selected taxa
Frojdová, Jana ; Opluštil, Stanislav (advisor) ; Kvaček, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis revises ten selected species of sphenopterid ferns of Carboniferous age deposited in the National Museum in Prague, the West-Bohemian Museum in Pilsen and the British Geological Survey in Keyworth, England. Sphenopterid ferns were studied based on reproductive organs aquired by maceration of coalified plant remains preserved as compressions. Sporangia and their annulus are important diagnostic features for individual genera and species of sphenopterid ferns and for selected species have not been described yet. Following species were studied: Boweria schatzlarensis, Myriotheca anglica, Renaultia crépini, Sturia amoena, Oligocarpia gutbiery, Zeilleria hymenophylloides, Zeilleria avoldensis, Discopteris sp. ("doubravensis"), Scolecopteris elegans a Waldenburgia corynepteroides. With the exception of Waldenburgia corynepteroides, Scolecopteris elegans, Zeilleria hymenophylloides and Zeilleria avoldensis species type material was studied. Maceration of sporangia of Boweria schatzlarensis showed presence of lateral annulus while in case of Myriotheca anglica the annulus is lateral or more likely of a special type, placed on both sides of the sporangia. Annulus type determination of Renaultia crépini also made possible to assign this species within the range of the genus Tenchovia and...
Hosts and transmission of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci
Svoboda, Jiří ; Petrusek, Adam (advisor) ; Maguire, Ivana (referee) ; Jussila, Japo (referee)
The crayfish plague pathogen, the oomycete Aphanomyces astaci, has been decimating populations of European crayfish species for more than 150 years, and is therefore considered one of the 100 worst world's invasive species. A. astaci is highly specialised for a parasitic life, but it can be isolated from moribund crayfish and grown on synthetic media, as it is the case also for several other oomycetes (chapter 7). The life of A. astaci includes three basic forms: mycelium in host's tissues, and the infective units occurring in water, zoospores and cysts. All North American crayfish species tested so far have shown some resistance to A. astaci, i.e., they could carry the infection for long, serving as vectors of the pathogen. Massive sporulation from infected North American crayfish starts when the host is moulting, stressed, or dying (chapter 4). However, I could show in my experiments that some sporulation occurs even from apparently healthy and non-moulting American crayfish hosting A. astaci, so infected North American crayfish must be considered a permanent source of the infection (chapter 4). Five genotype groups of A. astaci have already been distinguished. Strains from a particular genotype group probably share the same original host crayfish species of North American origin. Nevertheless, they can...
Methodology for defining antifungal activity of vapours of essential oils and their components against mould spores on various substrates
Volejníková, A. ; Neuvirt, Jiří, ; Nováková, J.
Metodika má za cíl umožnit kvantitativní vyhodnocení dezinfekčního účinku par esenciálních olejů na spory plísní ukotvených na různých druzích substrátů. Knihy ve sbírkách jsou složeny z řady různých materiálů, které ovlivňují účinnost dezinfekčních prostředků, proto nestačí vykonat jednoduché testy na agaru nebo skle.
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The disputes among burghers of Dačice in second half 16. and early 17.century
The aim of this master thesis is to introduce disputes among burghers of Dačice, which were happening in the second half of 16th century, throughout 17th century. The thesis is divided into several main chapters. There is also a short introduction of historical development of Dačice town for a better context. We have a quick look at the self-government in 16th and 17th century as well. The core of our work is the analysis of an extant city data book where each disputes were written, evidence of witnesses and settlement among Dačice burghers from 15611614. The last chapter is about several interesting cases. The thesis is followed by the list of sources and bibliography.
The disputes among burghers of Lhenice in 18. century
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to show the disputes among burghers of Lhenice during the 18th century. The historical development of this small town in the Early Modern Period and the form of the local administration in 18th century is briefly outlined in order to know the context. The analysis of one of the local extant books became the basis of this bachelor thesis. This book contains different reconciliations among neighbours of Lhenice during 1733-1775 as well.
Medieval Disputes between soul and body and their form in the Baroque period
The present bachelor thesis presents the poetic ?Disputes between soul and body?, written in the Czech language in the 14th and the 17th century. These are: the First, the Second and the Third dispute between soul and body, two baroque translations of a Latin poem Visio Philiberti (called respectively Dialogus, that is a lamentable and tearful dispute of a damned soul with its body and Dispute of a damned soul with its body in front of a pilgrim) and finally the Internal War between Soul and Body, a song by Adam Michna of Otradovice. The main object of the thesis is an analysis of these literary works with respect to the literary context of their period, and their comparison. The thesis contains also a short discussion on eschatology and how the death was perceived in these two periods. A complete copy of all six discussed (medieval and baroque) literary works is attached.

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